What comes to your mind when I say Martin Van Buren?

U.S. President of Martin Van Buren?

Please help me !!
1. least 4things named for Martin Van Buren-include info and pictures.

2.find or create a chart of the popular and electoral vote for Martin Van Buren election.

3.Describe 2 negative things(problems ,scandals , disasters) he had to deal with while in office

4.what did the president do after leaving office ?(this won't apply to those who died in office or to our current president.

5.What hobbies sports or other entertainment did the president enjoy?

6.anything else you think is interesting about this president.


Coin value Martin van buren medallion?

I really need to see both sides so I can compare it with resource material that's available on some of the numerous sets of presidential medals/medallions that have been issued over the years. Look for any sort of markings along the edge and pass that along too. Most 'common' presidents have limited value by themselves unless one happens to fill a hole in someone's set. But some sets were issued in either sterling or .999 fine silver, and those are worth the silver.

Which Whig candidate defeated Martin Van Buren for president by depicting himself as a man of the people?

A. Andrew Jackson

What is something important or significant about Martin Van buren's presidency?

He was the first president to be born an American citizen and is also the only president not to have spoken English as a first language, having grown up speaking Dutch.

He oversaw the "Trail of Tears", which involved the expulsion of the Cherokee tribe in 1838 from Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and South Carolina to the Oklahoma territory.

Who is grandmother and great grand mother of Martin Van Buren?

Martin Van Buren's mother's name was Maria Hoes. His father's name was Abraham Van Buren.
His paternal grandmother's name was Dirckje Van Alstyne.
His paternal grandfather's name was Martin Van Buren.
His maternal grandmother's name was Janette Van Schaack
His paternal grandfather's name was Johannes Hoes

Discontent among the voters during Martin Van Buren's adminstration?

a) was brought on largely by an economic depression, which began in 1837
b) cost him the nomination of his party in 1810
c) started when the Bank of the United States went bankrupt in 1837
d) all of the above

What were famous supreme court cases during the terms of Martin Van Buren and John Tyler?

Martin Van Buren’s term of office was from March 4, 1837 to March 3, 1841

During these years the court was comprised of the following justices:
Chief Justice Roger B. Taney from 1836 to 1864
Justice Smith Thompson from 1823 to 1843
Justice Joseph Story from 1811 to 1845
Justice Henry Baldwin from 1830 to 1844
Justice Gabriel Duval from 1811 to 1835
Justice Philip P. Barbour from 1836 to 1841
Justice Peter V. Daniel from 1841 to 1860
Justice William Johnson from 1804 to 1834
Justice James M. Wayne from 1835 to 1867
Justice John Mclean from 1829 to 1861
Justice John Catron from 1837 to 1865
Justice John McKinley 1837 to 1852

John Tyler’s term of office was from April 6, 1841 to March 3, 1845

During these years the court was comprised of the following Justices:
Chief Justice Roger B. Taney from 1836 to 1864
Justice Smith Thompson from 1823 to 1843
Justice Joseph Story from 1811 to 1845
Justice Henry Baldwin from 1830 to 1844
Justice Philip P. Barbour from 1836 to 1841
Justice Peter V. Daniel from 1841 to 1860
Justice James M. Wayne from 1835 to 1867
Justice John Mclean from 1829 to 1861
Justice John Catron from 1837 to 1865
Justice John McKinley from 1837 to 1852
Justice Samuel Nelson from 1845 to 1872

During these years were the following cases:
Kendall v. United States 37 U.S. 524 (1838)
Barron v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore 32 U.S. 243 (1833)
Proprietors of Charles River Bridge v. Proprietors of Warren Bridge 36 U.S. 420 (1837)
Proprietors of Charles River Bridge v. Proprietors of Warren Bridge 36 U.S. 420 (1837)
United States v. Libellants and Claimants of the Schooner Amistad 40 U.S. 518 (1841)
Swift v. Tyson 41 U.S. 1 (1842)
Proprietors of Charles River Bridge v. Proprietors of Warren Bridge 36 U.S. 420 (1837)
Kendall v. United States 37 U.S. 524 (1838)
Proprietors of Charles River Bridge v. Proprietors of Warren Bridge 36 U.S. 420 (1837)
Kendall v. United States 37 U.S. 524 (1838)

What is the first word that comes to your head when you hear the word "Trump"?

If I had a word, I would say “Sulla”.Sulla was a Roman general, who in 82BC was appointed sole dictatorship over Rome. He took many duties of government onto himself and ruthlessly purged his enemies while in power. Sulla’s rule heralded the beginning of the end of the Roman Republic and the legal and democratic traditions therein. Upon his resignation, the Republic continued for a while, but it was never really the same. With a generation, Rome was a dictatorship, and the niceties of law came a poor second to the will of the Emperors.In his desire for absolute control, Trump reminds me of Sulla, but that in itself would not make him much different to the legions of tawdry, corrupt autocrats that litter the pages of history. It’s more about what the Trump presidency signifies. Even if he is deposed, or loses after the first term, or ends his days in jail (we can only hope), his legacy will be the damage that he has done to the American Republic. Unless there is an effort to bolster democratic traditions, reflect on the circumstances that brought him into power, and implement real reforms, a more cunning and dangerous individual might get elected in the near future. I worry, not so much about Trump, but about who might be coming next.