What Could Have Made My Dog Smell This Bad

What makes my dog’s farts smell so bad?

Dogs are carnivores. They don't digest starchy foods. To increase the profit margin, low-end industrial foods are stuffed with them. Hence untimely fermentations and production of foul-smelling putrefaction gas. Choose a household ration with meat, green vegetables, whole rice or pasta. Never potatoes, white beans or flour.

Why does my dog smell so bad?

Some dogs sweat more than others due to coat length and body size. I have german shepherds, and their sweat smells like the dog food they eat! I have had all different kinds of dogs, yet after about a week or so, that shampoo smell wears off. You will probably notice as it gets colder, your pup probably won't smell quite as bad because he won't be sweating as much. You might want to try one of dry shampoos for dogs. He can get a little freshening up with that if you are concerned about drying his skin out with frequent wet baths. Have fun with your pup!

Why does my dog smell bad even after a bath?

This is a question best answered by my wife. She is an experienced dog groomer and happens to be sitting right here.She said, “If a dog smells after a bath it's because the dog was not completely dried.”The place she works has a self serve dog wash. Every week she witnesses owners washing their dogs and giving them a quick wipe with a towel, maybe a minute or two of using the dryer, then off they go.Very often they are back days later to have her wash the dog. “We just can't get her as clean as you do.” they lament.She always tells them, the dog must be dried COMPLETELY after bathing. This takes a very, very long time. A golden retriever takes over an hour to dry. That's one full hour of brushing and blowing a high powered dryer on the dog, inch by inch.Dog dryers are not the same as people hair dryers. The air is much cooler and much higher velocity. Not only do these dryers dry the fur they also blow out loose undercoat. This loose undercoat can hold dirt, moisture and smell.So remember, a wet dog is a smelly dog. Drying a dog is hard work and takes a long time. So next time you pick up your fluffy, sweet smelling dog from the groomer remember to say thanks!

My male pomeranian dog smells bad...?

If its coming from his mouth his teeth may be rotting! My male Pom had horrible breath we brushed and cleansed but nothing helped. We took him to the vet and they tried to clean his teeth but most of them just fell out. (poor thing). But after that the smell is gone and he is a much happier dog. He has his four front teeth and 2 back ones left. Soft dog food from now on. Also this may be gross but he may be eating the cats poop!!!

Help! My dog smells....?

I have a basset hound and lately she smells REALLY bad. As my friend puts it.. "like stinky vagina and @$$". We give her a bath like at least once a week. Anyone know why or what to do to fix it?

How do I get my Doberman puppy to stop smelling so bad?? *_*?

Plain and simply put: My doberman pup smells bad! He is about 8 weeks old now, and everything I seem to do doesn't seem to work with him! I've tried bathing him and scrubbing him down with shampoo, and I've tried those "100% made for puppies" bath wipes from PetSmart. It usually works for about ten minutes, then he starts smelling like "dog" again!! It doesn't exactly smell like dog feces or urine, but anyone who owns a dog or a puppy knows exactly what smell I'm talking about! He reeks! I love him, and I love it when he goes on drives with me, but I can't keep having him stink up my car! Many people have commented that he smells bad! :[ What should I do?

Can worms make a dogs poop smell really bad?

i have had my chi for almost a year and dont get me wrong, poop is poop, i know. so hes had normal looking and smelling poo for all this time (he goes to the bathroom in the bathroom on a "litter box" if you will) . now i just recently added a new puppy to out family, a female chi. she has very different poo everythime she goes! Its different in color and sometimes solid sometimes runny, either way it smells REALLY BAD! AND STRONG! i knew i was going to have to change the "dog litter" more often now because there are 2 of them, but its insane now! I used to empty the entire litter out maybe 2 to 3 times a month without overwhelming oder or bugs. Now i have to pick up her poop every day because the smell is so over powering! is she sick or does everyones poo just smell different? and hers just happens to be really strong??