What Did Christopher Hitchens Mean .

What did Christopher Hitchens mean with "we are created sick and commanded to be well"?

I think he was referring to the doctrine of Original Sin. Which is perhaps the most morally toxic aspect in all of Christianity.This is the notion that every single human being on the planet, is responsible for a sin committed by Adam and Eve. Each newborn baby is not innocent but is actually guilty of a crime so severe that they deserve to endure an infinite amount of burning torment. Each of us is created with this “sickness”.And that torment will only be spared if the individual changes his ways and repents and goes against this sinful nature. (Even if no actual sin has been committed) We are commanded to repent under the duress of promised torture.It’s a bit like some Mafia boss, systematically kneecapping all the grandchildren of some ancestor for a slight which happened back in the old country. (Unless those children come to the Don and offer their apology)

What did Christopher Hitchens get wrong about Islam?

I say : “Nothing so far.”From here and here, I quote :“Islam makes very large claims for itself. In its art, there is a prejudice against representing the human form at all. The prohibition on picturing the prophet – who was only another male mammal – is apparently absolute. So is the prohibition on pork or alcohol or, in some Muslim societies, music or dancing. Very well then, let a good Muslim abstain rigorously from all these. But if he claims the right to make me abstain as well, he offers the clearest possible warning and proof of an aggressive intent.”I kind of agree with this. Why could muslim impose their belief on mine while I can’t impose my belief on them? What made them special so the whole world must agree with them?It is no wonder that Hitchens calls Islam “the most depraved” of religions.

If Christopher Hitchens disliked Christianity, why did he have a name meaning carrier of Christ?

Because the omniscient, omnipotent being we refer to as ”god” apparently didn’t have the foresight to realise this irony and/or made a mistake. Or baby Hitchens thought he was clever when he picked out his name after fully settling in his philosophical stances, the little bugger!Also, most people don’t name their kids with any or at least great attention to what they mean. Case in point: I’m not a great ruler by any means. As far as I’ve gathered, I’m merely a servant to my cats, who in turn have rather silly names!

Does anyone else think it's ironic that Christopher Hitchens is name CHRISTopher?

while his brother who is a christian is peter instead, it would have been more appropriate the other way round but it is interesting despite being brotheres how far apart there views are