What Did I Do Wrong Or Why My Mouth Hurts

The roof of my mouth hurts after eating?

i get this occasionally, i don't know what it is, the roof of my mouth just suddenly goes really tendor an if feels kind of raw when i run my tongue over it an its a kind of sharp pain an when you eat anything hard, it fels like someone is sticking pins into your gums behind your teeth an then it spreads accros the roof of your mouth an fades again, especally if its something hot. check an see if its all red on the inside.
i find that drinking milk helps soothe it an it normaly goes away after 3 or 4 days. i cant remember what triggers it as its been a while since i had it but it does go away. stick to soft, luke warm foods for another day or two. if it still hasen't gone away, go an see your dentist.

hope this helps =)

What can stop my mouth from hurting?

Figure out what's causing the pain and then treating that underlying cause.

What's wrong with my mouth?

You should see a doctor. While Quora may be one place to seek general health or medical information, Quora is not a good place to seek specific medical advice. See my answer to Why shouldn't I ask for specific medical advice on the Internet?See also:Is Quora an appropriate forum in which to seek medical advice? Why or why not?Can I get an assessment from a trained doctor on Quora?

My jaw hurts when I open my mouth. What should I do?

You might have TMJ (temporomandibular joint). Just don't open your mouth too often, not wide anyway. It needs to relax into place because your jaw is rubbing against another joint; it's out of place. A dentist can explain it further.

My mouth swells when I eat bacon... what is wrong?

probably allergic to the bacon (pork or turkey) or an ingredient that they use in the bacon, I would consult your Dr and have them test you for food allergies....

For Example, I use to eat cranberries all the time, recently I have become allergic to them and am starting to develop a food allergy to shell fish which i use to eat all the time until recently.....Your body is constantly changing and in a blink of an eye you can be allergic to nothing and all of a sudden be allergic to everything under the sun....

It would be best to consult a Dr, they can run a test and check for food allergies and others as well...

Why does the roof of my mouth hurt after eating acidic fruit like pineapple or kiwi?

Thanks for the answer request.There are substances called protease enzymes found in kiwifruit, pineapple and also papya. Protese enzymes are able to break down protein, which is why your mouth hurts after eating such fruits. It is a very common, but unpleasant reaction.In Kiwifruit the enzyme is named Actinidin, in pineapple the enzyme is called Bromelain and in papya the enzyme is called Papain.More fun facts:Since these enzymes break down protein, it means you can use the juice of such fruits as a marinade to tenderise meat.However on the other hand it means you cannot mix the aforementioned fruit or its juice in gelatine based jelly. Gelatine is a protein and if it breaks down, the jelly won't set no matter what!Further Reading:The Flesh-Eating PineappleFruit enzyme uses

Why does the roof of my mouth hurt after reading out loud?

Strictly speaking from experience, I think that it's because you are talking for a longer period of time than you usually would. Do you experience the same thing when you are telling someone a long story? If you do, then you are experiencing the same thing. The two are basically synonymous with the exception that reading from a book has text involved in the passing of information.

Why does the roof of my mouth hurt when I'm sick?

Nowadays, a common complaint that doctors hear from patients is that their roof ofmouth hurts. If you are one of these people, this article will tell you about the common causes of pain in your roof of mouth, the respective treatments and even preventative measures you can take at home.If you use your tongue to feel the top of your mouth, you will undoubtedly feel a difference in texture between the front side and the back. There is a horizontal bony plate in the front part of the roof of your mouth called the hard palate, which you will have felt to be hard. Behind that however, you will feel ticklish if you poke your tongue further back as the latter part of the roof of your mouth is made of soft tissue and is known as the soft palate. Hard palate pain is much less common than soft palate pain as the latter is more sensitiveCancer Specialist In Pune | Dr. Jaipalreddy Pogal

Does getting a shot in the mouth hurt?

hun i had the same problem but i overcame my fear and everything worked fine!
what they do first is that they give you this numbing gel that they smear on your gums so you dont feel the needle!
but remember to have your eyes closed the whole time so you dont see it comming!

be sure to ASK them for the topical numbing gel because some places dont automatically give it to you.

good luck with your teeth!
p.s. your mouth may be sore a few hours after so take some tylenol like 2 hours after you get work done :)

Why does the roof of my mouth hurt when I eat certain foods?

It could be allergies or a sensitivity or intolerance. That'd be my guess, too, although I can explain the eating them separately thing, as well as the sub vs. the canned tuna.

When you get this problem with one brand of something and not another, that's a good sign that you are reacting to something that is not the main ingredient.

Tuna is probably fine, for example. But something in the bumblebee tuna is causing a problem. It could be something listed on the label of the can - a seasoning, a preservative, an oil. Or it could be something unlisted, like something in the can to help keep things fresh, or something that the fish is sprayed with on the boat to preserve it.

And unfortunately, many reactions - including intolerances or sensitivities - are quantity based. You wouldn't react until you. None of these individually has enough of what you react to that it's an issue. But if they ALL have what you react to, then when you have them together it adds up and becomes a high enough dose of allergen X that you have a reaction.

If you wish to check it out, a food journal is usually your best bet. Keep track of what you eat and how you react - and I'd include amounts and brand names, based on how you are reacting now. Also based on the foods you mention, you might like to go check out something called sulfites, or sulphites. This is both a preservative that can be added and is also naturally occurring in some foods.

It can be found in wine in large amounts, as well as certain dried fruits. Apricots are a common one that contains added sulfites. But it can also be found in some brands of: fish (like tuna), peanut products, jellies and jams, breads, flours, syrups, and pork. So...every food you listed, essentially.

It does not always have to be listed on a label, depending on how it was introduced into the food. But it's a weird, funky sorta-allergy sorta-not-allergy that, well, as you said: it doesn't make sense. It's hard to track. But might be worth checking out.

And seriously, even if you don't have this, checking out sulfite allergies will make you feel much better about everything you can eat that sulfite sensitive people can't. ;-)