What Did I Walk To The Other End Of The House For I Forgot.

How long would it take to walk from one end of NYC to the other?

Ok, I see a lot of people talking about this as if Manhattan is all there is to NYC.

You can walk around Manhattan pretty quickly, walking from North to South (or the other way obviously) isn't that far, you could probably do this in about 4 hours or so.

Walking across all of NYC, from West to East though, that's a pretty damn long walk. Depends kinda how far into Long Island you consider NYC too. If we're including the Hamptons, since it's summer still, it'd take you days :)

What should I do if I eat at a restaurant and then realize I forgot my wallet?

This happened to me once. When I was a poor college student, I had a Chinese restaurant that I went to fairly often. As it turned out, one day I had forgotten my wallet.I was terrified they'd kick me out or call the police or something. Nevertheless, I rather sheepishly explained the situation to the waiter. I told him I'd just run home and get it - I'd even leave my phone as collateral so they knew I'd be good for it. There must have been a certain pleading tone to my voice, I imagine.The waiter laughed and said it was no problem. He told me I didn't need to leave any form of collateral - they knew I was good for it. I did anyway, and I ran home, came back, and paid them over profuse apologies. I think they were amused that I was so contrite. I also left a massive tip for their trouble.Odd thing is, whenever I went back, I got treated as close to a king as a small Chinese restaurant can treat a customer. They knew I was a good customer beforehand (and I tipped well) and now they knew I was trustworthy.I've done this once or twice since then and I've always been straight with them. They've always understood and I was treated especially well after I came back and paid.Just be straight and honest with them. You might get an asshole that wants a pound of flesh, but generally they'll be good about it.

Walking with Living Feet by Dara Horn?

Please help me with my homework. I didn't do its because I was over my friends house so I forgot.

Walking with Living Feet by Dara Horn

1. When she first entered the gas chamber the writer

A: was overcome with emotion
B: felt nothing
C: could not stop crying
D: was amazed at the number of shoes on display

2. The writer's emotions were unleashed when she saw

A: the scraped white paint
B: all her friends becoming upset
C: the room full of shoes
D: the canisters of poison gas

3. The writer would most likely argue that

A: seeing Majdanek taught her more than anything else could have
B: you can learn about the Holocaust from books
C: the people of Lublin never noticed what was happening in their village
D: the museum exhibits weren't necessary beacuse the gas chambers conveyed the horror of the situation

4. Which of the following statements is a fact?

A: "Inside each of the barracks is a new horror."
B: "All of the walls in one barracks are covered with people's hats, hanging in rows."
C: "But the worst were the shoes."
D: "Gray is the color of hell."

6. Which of the following statements is an opinion?

A: There were over 850,000 pairs of shoes.
B: "People marched through Lublin from the train station..."
C: "The air inside was damp and suffocating, like a burial cave..."
D: The author saw museum exhibits with people's toothbrushes.

What happens when you walk out with both the merchant copy and the customer copy receipt?

We went to a drive thru for a quick lunch. Gave the teller my debit card. He gave it back to me and asked to pull forward, it will be taken out to us. After a few minutes he came out with our food. This was last Thursday, today is Monday. I was clearing out my purse and saw both the merchant copy receipt and the customer copy receipt. Is the restaurant still able to charge my account for the transaction? Has this ever happened to you? What did you do?

I've got back aches, nesting, lost plug, been walking and having sex, but no real contractions. Help!!?

I feel like I should be in labor already and it's driving me crazy. I've walked and done the sway dance thing for days, I've done the sex thing, cleaned my house top to bottom, and begged my little one to bear down and push! I've got an incredible amount of pelvic pressure, my back hurts, I can't sleep, nausea, diarrehea, chills, sweats, and I keep leaking all that fun gross stuff that's everything but amniotic fluid. All day I've been horribly moody without cause. When I went in for a checkup, I was 1 cm dilated and 60 % effaced and that was 4 days ago. I am literally going out of my mind trying to make myself have regular contractions. Please, any advice on either how to chill out or any more suggestions on how to kick this into a high enough gear to be able to go to the hospital, let me know. Thank you