What Do I Do If A Friend Judges Me

What can I do if some of my friends judge me?

I don’t know what you mean by judge. People usually use that term when they mean “overly and unfairly critical.” If that’s the case, depending on how close you are with these people, you can let them know that you think they’re being unfair.Please note: this means you are critical and judgmental of them. You’re not perfect and neither are they. But it’s important that you and your friends learn how to criticize in a tolerable manner. I don’t know how old you are, but it’s common in adolescence that you become more aware of people’s faults, and it can be upsetting. Everyone continually learns and re-learns how to interact with less-than-perfect people as they go through life, so try to give your friends a break as much as you hope they will for you.If your friends always criticize you and never compliment you, or demean and insult you, that’s a problem, and if they don’t respond to an honest talking about it, then you probably need to start looking for new friends. If on the other hand they have some reasonable points from time to time that you need to hear, and you think that you should never be criticized, then you need to give up some of your arrogance and grow up a little.

Why do my friends always judge me?

My friends seem to find joy in judging me. Don't say just ditch them because they won't leave me alone.
So basically, all of my friends keep calling me emo. And I don't really care if I'm emo. But they won't let me do what I want. They keep telling me I can't dye my hair, but when I walk away, the next day they start saying how they want to dye their hair, but they still wont let me do it. Also I wear a lot of black, but I've always done that.
I've lately become a big fan of My Chemical Romance, and they tell me I can't go to Hot Topic because its an emo store.
They're all obsessed with makeup, but when I wear black eyeliner its a crime.
Also, two of them know that I'm really kind of depressed, and I guess the other get some sort of vibe that I'm not really happy.
Am I emo? Or what is my problem.
I don't know what to do.

My friend judges me for smoking weed?

I smoke weed because I have a medical marijuana card and it helps me calm down and calms my extreme anxiety. It's also fun for recreational purposes. I know people are against it, but I feel this is my life.

I love to drink wine as well, but my friend never complains when we drink wine together, because he loves drinking too, because my liver doesn't matter right?

However whenever he finds out I am smoking it's a double standard ... he insults me, he calls me weak because he says only weak people smoke weed since they need to escape reality, he tells me I am burning my brain cells, and he just makes me feel really bad about it, but I just wanna be myself around him, instead of hiding it and avoiding him when I get high like he is my father.

Is there a resolution where I can keep my friendship and still be able to do what I like?

My friend always judges what I do, what should I do?

It sounds like your friend has very low self-esteem. Actually, although it appears as though she's judging you, she's really judging herself and using you as the unfortunate barometer by which to measure her own self-worth.

People who feel good about themselves do not need to act as you have described her.

You say that other than what you've mentioned, you get along "great." I don't quite understand because real friends DO NOT humiliate you in front of people, real friends DO NOT blab confidences, and good friends don't call your life and your children horrible. Really, they don't.

She sounds very angry and unhappy with herself. Honestly, you don't need friends like this. I would have a really serious talk with her if you are adamant about salvaging this relationship or attempting to do so. But do keep in mind that people who treat you as you've described are truly not the kind of people you need in your life. They're toxic to your good health and peace of mind.

Think about it, okay. I wish you much luck.

I feel like my best friend judges me a lot. What shouldd I do :// .?

WOW...YOU SOOO JUST MADE ME HAVE SOO MANY GREAT AND HORRIBLE AT THE SAME TIM seriously dude.. like me and the best/worst AND closest friend i ever had aren't friends anymore because of **** like that. i really really really felt like ALL she wanted to do was bring me down..maybe she wanted to see me crack or hurt me because..idk but she did. our friendship ended last year. i had t o end it. I TELL YOU I HONESTLY FELT SOOO GREAT INSIDE AND OUT when this freakin hawtt guy notice me..we talked for like two days. not long afterward SHE WAS BRAGGING about how she was talking to him and how he always text her(and she pretended to not remember me TELLER AND SHOWING her him) i was a dumbass for doing that because it kinda happened alot !.. like she wanted to put it in my face most guys found her more attractive...ppl always say i'm sooo cute too X^( and plus i'm lil(short) ugh ! and she was RUDE to me to about certain things like WTF...she acting like she was soo much btter than ppl... ughh i had this song for her lol it was Outta my Head by Ashley Simpson..and i related to Downfall by Trustcompany too...

ANYWAYS YOU SHOULD TELL HER NOW AND NOT LET it stay inside til you can't take her crap n e more and explode on her one day..cuz trust me u will bring hell.. you'll keep going on about how everything she does makes you wanna bang her head into a locker...! and if she doesn't start to change..act like your not her friend for two weeks or more.. and she'll feel bad and might change. my friend got a lil better..kinda nicer in an annoying way.
&& i really do think she cares though.. she just has an UGLY way of showing it!

Why do my friends judge other people's grades?

My friends have a disgustingly rude habit of making judgments of other people's intelligence based on grades. I'm in the IB program, so my friends are extremely competitive about grades, and they stress beyond belief.

However, it sickens me when I hear my friend (we'll call him John) say things like "Anyone who has a B in psychology is stupid." I have a B in that class, so I feel insulted.

I also have another friend who stresses about every little thing about college and grades and whatnot. But he always comes to school stressing about a homework assignment he didn't do because he stayed up watching TV. I cut through the bullshit, saying that he can't complain about how stressed he is if he doesn't do anything to remove said stress.

It pisses me off when my friends judge others' grades. Like your life must be so boring that you actually have to talk bad **** about someone else's bad grades. Sickening.

Why do my friends do this? Insecurity? Are they judgmental? Do they want to divert attention from their faults? Or are they just plain boring?

Why do my married friends judge me?

I have been having this thoughts for quite a while,all of my best friends who used to celebrate my life-style, me going out to parties, meeting cute guys and such now they treat me as if I was second class!

They judge me because I'm single, or because Im still dating different guys, that Im travelling...they keep telling me that I need to settle down and stop being so inmature.

I totally respect the fact that they chose to get married and I do ask them about their lives and try to lend an ear whenever but it doesn't happen the other way.

Is it because deep inside they hated being single and now that they are married they are showing their true colours toward single lifestyle? Or is it that they are jealous because I'm doing whatever I want? Although they perfectly know I would love to be in love like many single people. I'm no different but meanwhile it doesn't hurt that I still want to have fun.

Must add, I dont sleep around, in fact Im very picky when it comes to guys. I like to get to know someone and then if I feel comfortable go for a kiss and if things progress then sleep together, I do try to meet someone I can have a relationship with. And when I go out and 'party' I go with a group of friends, we have dinner, we chat, have drinks and sometimes dance. Don't confuse me with those 'Girls gone wild'...not my thing at all.

One more thing...these are friends that I've known for about 10 years...They have settled down in different countries and I'm still travelling, I have lived in 4 countries so far and Im planning on continue traveling but this seems to bother my friends whom I only have the opportunitty to chat with. I don't have the chance to see them in person, it's been at least 8 years.

Please be truly honest, i wont get hurt by any comment

(Please, whomever asnwer, could you also specify whether you're single or married?)

Why does it hurt when my best friend judges me?

Because you care about this person, you trust this person, you give this person your time and love, and in return, you get judged.Doesn’t sound like the ideal best friend to me, don’t you think?

Would my friend judge me if I told her I liked her brother?

That really depends on the personality of your friend. It's definitely not an uncommon scenario and shouldn't be a problem unless there's missing details of the situation.