What Do I Say When I Call Ups The Day After The Walk Through Need Answers Asap


okay. i do not need anyone to tell me i am fat. i am about to be 14, i am 5'4" and i weigh 185 lbs. i know this is fat and i believe i a getting fatter. i really need anyone's advice but please be serious and not sarcastic and rude. please describe in detail how i can lose weight and how long it will take. i am thinking about becoming anorexic or belimic over this. my family always nags me about it, i get embarrased, and my friends dont say anything but they are all skinny and they know what i think about myself. i mean i am sick of my family telling me this. do they think ii wan to be fat or i enjoy it? everytime i go swimming, i wear board shorts and a t shirt while everyone else wears bikins and i never eat around my friends. i am just embarrased all around. i have tried a lot of stuff but let me tell you, i am a sucker for sweets. i have been overweight all my life but it is getting worse and i am grtting stretch marks on my thighs,hips,the bend in my leg right above my calfs.HELP

5 hours till school... Stay awake or sleep? PLEASE ANSWER ASAP?

jusst rest, and dont worry about sleep too much. The more you worry the more you stay awake. Even a couple of hours a sleep will be better than staying up all night. You are young and still growing, your body needs a lot of rest at 13.

you will probably feel bad after just four or five hours sleep but as the day goes on you will be more alert and will get better. Tonight when you go to bed, wind down slowly, read a book, watch a bit of TV, have a warm bath and then drop into bed, I suspect that you will drop off really quickly!

Important question. I need some answers please. Thank you very much.?

A patient calls at 11:15 a.m. on a Tuesday morning to say she has slipped on the ice while going out to get her mail and may have fractured her wrist. There is a good deal of pain and swelling. Her son is available to drive her to the office. You check today's schedule and find that it is full. What is the best way to respond to the patient?

Why can’t the Marine Corps release my son ASAP if he is unable to adapt to military life? Why does it take weeks to send him home if he is released from the marine boot camp training?

Why can’t the Marine Corps release my son ASAP if he is unable to adapt to military life? Why does it take weeks to send him home if he is released from the marine boot camp training?The release processing is deliberately longer than it needs to be…. For several reasons that you may not like.THE USMC is trying to make Marines…. They are less inclined to give much consideration to misfits - which literally means “people who don’t fit”.The USMC is hoping the recruit will recognize the error of quitting (for any reason) and rescind their request. (See 1 above).The USMC recognizes that almost every recruit at some point wants to quit and necessarily for their future in life as a grown up and in combat need to know, really know, how to function when that panic, fear, worry overwhelms them because on some hill in some future war it will overwhelm them (See 1 above).The USMC has for over two centuries successfully created Marines and Officers that can over come any obstacle, challenge, adversary - so they can tell the difference between a salvageable and non-salvageable misfit. (See 1 above).The USMC knows the regret and shame that comes with surrendering to those doubts will plague the recruit for a lifetime and create a member of society who is less than they can be (See 1 above).The Military Life is not a square hole that only square pegs fit into. It is a square hole that you hammer the ill-fitting peg into! Shaving off the pieces that are irrelevant or useless to adapt the recruit to the new paradigm. Specifically, they will, at some point, be ready to make decisions that have life and death in the balance and not freeze up.In the end it’s up to your son to decide what his future will be. He took a promising first step my signing up. There really are very, very few unredeemable recruits. Just as there are very, very few people who on the other side of their service regret it. It instills a confidence, a tenacity, a esprit de Corps that no other job can give you. He, if he goes forward, will be forever different.My question is what do you want for your son?

When do you set up your child's annual check up? Before or after their birthday?

So today I brought my sons into their new pediatricians office for a check up that I set up a week ago. My son's 6th birthday is in 3 days and I needed some forms filled out for school asap. Well I get there, wait around a half hour and then they call me to the desk for more paperwork. It says 2 year check up so I explain that my 2 year old doesn't need a checkup, I only had a quick question for the doctor. (I had set up 2 appointments, one for the 6 yr old, one for the 2 yr old) I said I needed my older son to have a 6 year check up. They are like, don't you mean a 5 year old check up. I'm like, no he's turning 6 in 3 days, I need a 6 year old check up. They then go on to tell me that he can not have a 6 year old check up until after he turns 6. Now we have moved a lot and my son has had 5 different pediatricians before this and I have never had to wait until after he had turned an age to get a check up. What is up with this? They seriously said I had to set up a new appointment after his birthday and I wasted all that time for nothing. I ended up walking out without having my younger child seen (it was nothing big anyway). So do your pediatricians make you wait until the child's actual birthday has passed or can you set it up a few days before?

What can I do to go from being able to do 0 push ups to 50 asap?

Hey,First let me say that you need to make sure you don’t compromise with your form.[1] This is important both from performance and health perspectives.How do you start.If you cannot do even a single push-up you need to take a step backwards and do easier variations. Starting from the regular push-ups and going to the easier variations that would be:Push-ups.Knee push-ups.Decline push-ups.Wall-push-ups.What you want to be achieving is Progressive overload. That means that you aim to do a little bit more each week. This doesn't necessarily mean you need to do more reps only. There are different ways you can go about it. I wrote more about that topic here.You would want to make sure you straighten not just the main muscles that are being used but also the ones that are performing a stabilizing functions like your abs, lower back, and legs.Additionally some techniques that you can use to further strengthen your muscles are:Isometric holds.[2]Negatives.Different ladder types of training like “greasing the groove” which is an amazing way to build more strength and achieve higher reps.Don’t go too crazy on how often you train. Training 3 times a week is more than enough for most of the people.[3] You need to make sure you are resting enough and providing your body with enough time to recover from working out. [4] Of course you don’t want to overdo the resting time too.Make sure you eat enough! Taking enough calories and protein so that your body can recover better and faster.Happy Training!MiroFootnotes[1] Miro Steman's answer to How do I do a push up properly?[2] Miro Steman's answer to Can isometric push ups increase the number of push ups I do?[3] Miro Steman's answer to How many times should you exercise in a week?[4] How to Improve Your Muscle Recovery Time

He doesn't want to talk to me after an argument. What do I do now?

The more you chase him , the more he will run away. To be honest this chasing and running is a very thrilling game to play, but it is nothing close to an actual relationship.And sweet words spoken under intoxication are good to hear, but meaningless once sober. Take him accountable for what he is saying to you in a sane mind.Here’s my advice to you,You have already apologized, if you meant it you have done your part. Don’t repeat.Let him know that you are open to a rational conversation and you sincerely want to work this out. But prepare yourself in case it doesn’t.He is confused which is why he is sending mixed signals. But there is nothing you can do about it, he has to make up his own mind and act accordingly. You can and I believe you already have tried to make him understand what you want from him. Now, the more you try to convince him, the more he will slip away.Facebook relationship status has zero impact on your real life relationship. Removing it was done to punish you. Your reaction is not needed here.And last and the most important one, don’t ignore the little signs if you have seen any. Often these indicate a bigger problem but we choose to overlook them.Try judging from a neutral perspective, if it is worth your time going through this struggle. If it works good, if it doesn’t still good. But if you don’t know where you stand, you are in trouble. Try your best to get out of the loop of uncertainty as soon as you can.Sometimes we are so determined to make things work that we find comfort in the hope of a mere possibility and deny the reality. It only prolongs our sufferings.If he is determined that he doesn’t want to be with you, accept and proceed.Easier said than done. But the sooner you accept the reality, the sooner your pain and misery will go away.

Is it normal to text adult children and have them barely answer back?

To me it is! I have two sons, though. ;) As I've heard, daughters are more prone to answer asap. Please don't throw comments of sexism because of this.If I'm really in need of an answer in a couple of hours, or three, I have to call them. To be honest, I think my sons prefer that. They think the back and forth messaging is less effective than taking a call and “be done with it”. And they’re right. The problem is, though, that I’m prone to forget information that I can’t go back to SMS to check. Please give me time, date and other things important to you in a message. For our both’s sanity. There was a time when I was the one that kept it all on track. Not any more… ;-)A solution to the missing response issue could be to involve my son's partners, but that's unfair. Sexist or not, women are prone to take too much responsibility for both their own and their partner's social interactions, both with family and friends. Don't take for granted that your child’s partner is willing to take responsibility for your grown up child.But then, if you start to teach your grown up children a lesson, they will most possible learn. Invite them to dinner. When they respond three hours later, you say; “Oh, since you didn't answer, I invited someone else. Sadly I don't have enough food for you as well".If you have spare tickets for a show, you send a SMS offering the tickets to them. When they call you one hour before the show starts, you tell them that because they didn't respond, you gave the tickets to someone else.Guess you got the message by now? You have to teach them that their habit of not answering their parent's messages, or calls, will give unwanted consequences.Then they will answer.Just for the record, I know that everyone, now and then, have good reasons for why they doesn’t answer a message. If they, for any reason, aren’t in position to answer when they read the SMS, it’s easy to forget to do it later.I don't always follow my own advice, either. But you should!:)