What Do Muslims Understand By The Term

Have all Muslims read Quran and understood the Quran?

I think this is a fascinating question. I am a Muslim. I profess my faith in the Prophet Muhammad and in the concept of unity of God. However, I admit I have never read the Quran from cover to cover. I have sat through study circles that focused on certain chapters. I have attended other lectures where we focus on a theme of Quranic verses. I have referenced the Quran for translations to verses I have memorized or the chapters I am trying to memorize.The fact that I have not read the Quran from cover to cover is actually something that has been weighing on my conscious for some time now. This became a prominent issue when I went from reading 12 books in a year to finishing 50, and then setting a goal to read 100 this past year. I realized, as I was going about achieving these reading goals, that if I applied myself the same way as I was to this reading goal I could easily go through the Quran. Part of why I haven't read the Quran has a lot to do with the fact that when I tried I was often told by well meaning friends that to truly understand the Quran I needed to learn Arabic. The translation of the Quran from Arabic into English is not sufficient enough since a good portion of the Quranic Arabic does not do well at translation. This aspect makes it harder for Muslims who don't know Arabic from having access to the text for studying.However, I think there is a difference here that needs to be identified- reading versus studying. One can read the Quran and get one meaning that is drastically different then what one would get if they studied the Quran. To study the Quran means not just reading the translation, but also looking at the context, studying the hadith that are associated to the verses, as well as reading the commentary that various scholars of Islam have provided. To try to glean religious rulings, however, can not happen from just reading the English text and studying the Quran the way I have described.If you want, you are welcome to follow my own journey as I read the English translation of the Arabic and study the commentary on the Quran. Also, do note that in the United States, of all the Christians who profess to believe in the Bible in a 2013 survey done by the American Bible Society, more have read the 50 Shades of Grey series from cover to cover then have read the Bible. So Muslims are not alone when it comes to studying their holy text, yet professing belief in it.

Are Muslims more unified in terms of their understanding of Islam than..Christians with Christianity?

There seems to be a lot of confusion about the nature of Christianity. A lot claims they believe in Trinity, while others do not. Some Christians believe that when we die our souls somehow sleep and waits for the judgement while others believe a soul is judged right away. Some, venerate Mary while other denominations strictly oppose to it.

Do Muslims understand Arabic?

Most don’t, because most Muslims speak other languages. The countries with the largest Muslim populations and their languages are, according to Wikipedia: Indonesia (205m, mostly Indonesian), Pakistan (178m, Urdu and Sindi), India (172m, many), Bangladesh (146m, Bengali) and Nigeria (94m, many). An Arabic-speaking country doesn’t break into the table until a tie for sixth (Egypt, Iran and Turkey are all about 75m). I’m guessing that native Arabic speakers form only about 20% of Muslims worldwide.Most Muslims memorize at least a couple of chapters (suras) of the Quran in Arabic, but that isn’t the same as understanding the language. The bits of Quran and basic religious greetings and phrases (al-salaamu alaykoom) would be all the Arabic most non-Arab Muslims would know, other than those who worked in an Arab country or studied the Quran and other religious literature seriously.

Ramadan: What do Arabs understand from the term salatul wusta?

Ashr prayer, this is the view of most of the Islamic scholars, and it is the correct and reliable view
Rationally, any of the five compulsory prayers can be stated as the middle prayer. But in the light of the sound and authentic narrations and sayings is that it is the Asr (after noon) prayer.

The Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Salat-ul-Wusta (the middle prayer) is the Asr prayer.” (Muslim 631).

Muslims, what does derka mean in English?

Stereotypical Arabic word used in lieu of actual Arabic dialogue in "Team America: World Police." Has no actual meaning in Arabic.

What do Muslims mean when they say that no one has ever written a book like the Qur'an?

For example, Quarn story of Christ is different and was kept the same since Quran was revealed but on the side of christians there many gospels, bibles interpretations that do not fit the right nature of jesus peace be upon him, thats why different branches and sects kept conflicting in last centuries abt him...
Gospel of barnabas, nd also a newly discovered old bible in turkey confirm quran is true...

Quran is in arabic, its style and structure were overwhelmingly historically new to both Arabs and Jews or Christians who used to use aramic and hebrew langs..
The Quran in term of topics is same as bible but the content is totally different and innocent. Please dont miss a moment without reading it.
I dont mean any offense, i love jesus son of mary as much aw i love mohamad and Allah.
Quran online u click on a verse nd u'd automatically get translation...