What Do Republicans Tea Partiers Plan On Replacing The Usa With After They Destroy It

Will President Trump destroy the Republican Party first, or will the Republican Party destroy President Trump first?

With the election of Ronald Reagan, the Republican Party realized all they needed was a front man, an image to project a reasoned, caring human to the public, while they could then focus on governing in his shadow. It worked beautifully … and put alternative energy exploration behind by 50 years, removed regulations prohibiting news organizations from spinning all their stories, allowed banks to become investment houses, etc. But the WORST thing they did was to blame “government’ for everything that was wrong with the country, then repeat it so often people actually came to believe it!So they stole trillions from Social Security … now claim it cannot sustain itself! They stole millions from the Post Office … then claimed it was not financially sustainable! Self fulfilling prophecies aided by deceit.The government was incompetent! Only a corporate culture could fix this! Let the rape begin!!! And the gates to hell were pried open so that a Bush could follow, with his Satan Cheney … and now Trumplestiltzkin with the devil incarnate Bannon.The Republican Party will use Trump as they did the others. This time tho … they will not denounce him until he is no longer useful, and not until there is some way to blame the Democrats for the despair inflicted by their party.In the America we envision when we recite the Pledge of Allegiance with our hands over our hearts, no respectable political party would offer up a candidate like Trump. He would have been recognized for the crazed incompetent he is and that would be that.But in the REAL America, we find ourselves struggling for our freedoms against a party that has given the keys to the very corporate culture that will steal all we have, and pollute our planet for personal gain, all the while searching for a planet like Earth that only they will have enough cash or resources to escape to when we are dust.

How do Democrats and Republicans differ in how they plan to reduce the US national debt?

Different groups in each party want to do different things. Liberal Democrats: For the most part, liberal democrats want to cut military spending, keep spending or even raise spending in other departments, and raise taxes on the wealthy to eventually create a surplus that will lower the national debt over time. Liberal Democrats don't want to cut things like education, food stamps, healthcare, etc., because it would hurt the country and why pay off national debt by making the country suffer when you can do it without making the underprivileged suffer?Well-known politicians that support this plan are democratic presidential candidate and Senator Bernie Sanders(I-Vermont) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts).Centrist(moderate) Democrats:Their plan is similar to the liberals' plan, except centrists believe that military cuts will threaten our national security, therefore they believe in tax increases on the wealthy, and no spending cuts, only increases, in all departments. Their belief is that the increase in tax revenue will take care of the debt.Politicians who support this plan are US President Barack Obama, and former secy. of state and democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.Independents: Independents have varying views on how to tackle the national debt.Moderate Republicans: These people want to cut taxes on the rich, and limit all programs except that they want to raise the military budget. Many moderates want to limit, but not abolish welfare. They believe spending cuts will get rid of the national debt. Examples include no one, because the Republican party has moved so far to the right allowing nothing to get done: Party Republicans: They also want to cut taxes on the wealthy and raise military spending. The difference between the Tea Party and the moderates is the Tea Party wants to abolish all welfare. Examples include the billionaire Koch Brothers, Senator Ted Cruz(R-Texas), and again, 90 percent of house republicans(click on above link).

Why didn't Republicans vote for the Rockefeller Clean Air Act Amendment?

It allows for the possibility of GHG regulation in the future, which conflicts with their political strategy of selling the lye that there is some doubt about the scientific consensus.

Do the Democrats have no backbone and the Republicans have no brains?

Republicans endorse a philosophy of laissez-faire capitalism that has ends in disaster for millions of people every time it's enacted.

Republicans, especially Tea Partiers are extremely clueless, but Democrats have no backbone. They continually cave in to the bullying of the Republicans.

How are we as Americans ever going to win when we elect these clowns.