What Do Think About The Widening Of Muslim Jihad In North Africa

What are the causes of conflict in the Middle East?

People may give many reasons for lack of peace in Middle-East but the true reason is the rich oil resources of the region.Not just oil but this piece of land is also blessed with natural gas and other natural resources; 32% of the world’s natural gas rests in the hands of Middle-East states.So, to be very serious the war going on in Middle-East is more a result of international conspiracies than it is of sectarian violence.Middle-East is rich of oil,petroleum,gas,opium,gold and aluminium resources.Seeing these facts one must consider that ‘’Why these countries are not developing?The reason is that international powers are using these countries as nothing but their war grounds to fulfil their vested interests.All of this is a conspiracy of anti-Muslim powers.Yes, some of the middle-east states i.e. Saudi Arabia are progressing much faster than others but the reason is that not a single one of the 1.6 billion Muslims of the world would stay low if something happens to Saudi Arabia.Also that Saudi Arabia and other such nations sell petrol and natural gas to world’s powers on low rates and easy terms.You might be surprised but this is true, the human-blood is being shed for nothing but the gain of power.The UN has failed miserably in prevailing peace in Middle-East. In fact UN The United Nations is not more than a Debating Society.The so-called ambassadors of peace instead of making efforts to prevent war and save human lives give preference to their own interests.The current situation in Syria is hidden from none.Armies enter these countries ignoring their regional sovereignty, in the name of prevailing peace,fight for their own interests and once they have been fulfilled they leave. No one cares for the hundreds of thousands that have that and the ones that are being killed daily either by terrorists or the ambassadors of peace.The only thing these cowards care about is gaining control natural resources of the region at any cost of all.

Will Islam rule the world?

Will Islam rule the world? Let me rephrase that question:Will Islam launch a series of aggressive campaigns to exterminate all the other religions or to forcefully convert non-believers and gain supremacy over the world? Most likely NOT.Will Islam become the religion of the overwhelming majority of the world population in future? Most probably YES. History is testimony to the fact that cultures that keep female sexuality and behavior under control have larger, rapidly increasing population and a stronger social fabric. So, yes, Islam is destined to out breed us all and rule the world. Unless, of course, feminism burns a hole in the Islamic social fabric.Disclosure: I’m not a follower of Islam.

What are the roots of Western Islamophobia?

As indicated by Alexander Doranikov, the roots of confrontation between the Western and Muslim worlds goes back far further than 9/11. I accept that a modern insurgence of Islamophobia was triggered by 9/11, but the ‘roots’ of this go right back to the inception of Islam itself.As is seen on the map, between 635–680AD (which was less than 40 years since Muhammad first received purportedly divine revelation), the Rightly Guided Caliphate had expanded into territory of the Byzantium Empire, which included the taking of the religious centers of Christianity, including Jerusalem (637AD). The Umayyad Caliphate later expanded into the Iberian peninsula, taking over modern day Portugal and Spain. If it were not for the Franks at the Battle of Tours in 732AD, Europe may very well have been conquered by Muslims and such an event would have undoubted changed world history.Spurned by the loss of the Holy Lands and political ambition, various Popes and Kings sought to reclaim them back through crusades between the 11th to 16th centuries. Some frame these wars as rampant Islamophobia due to the loss of the Holy Lands not being a fresh crime, yet others feel the loss of such important lands would certainly anger many, even centuries later. If the examples of the Falklands and Gibraltar are used, even centuries later wars and diplomatic confrontations still occur over these less important lands.However, the Muslim expansion into European territory did not end there.This map shows the maximum territory gained by Muslims, with the green showing the advances through Spain (ending with the Battle of Tours) and the red showing the extent of the Ottoman Empire, which famously reached the ‘gates of Vienna’. The Ottoman Empire covered modern day Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary and Moldova. From a Christian perspective, it also saw the fall of Constantinople.I hope this brief answer has helped to highlight the root causes of mistrust and confrontation between the Muslim and Western worlds, especially from the European perspective which the questioner implies by asking about why Westerners may have a negative view of Islam. It goes back right to the creation of Islam and with respect to it’s ambitions of military conquest.

Do you believe in creationism? Why?

“Believe” is not the right word.There are several forms of creationism. You can find them on this Creationism-evolution continuum: The Creation/Evolution ContinuumAll forms of creationism have the commonality that things in the universe or, at least, parts of them were directly manufactured. That is, they were made in their present form and placed in the universe. Since this is creationism, the manufacturer is deity (God). There are differences on how long ago things were manufactured, what things were manufactured (the planet earth vs living organisms vs parts of organisms vs the first cell, vs DNA, etc.) But all versions of creationism has something within the universe directly manufactured.Whether things (whatever thing(s) you want to name) are manufactured are testable hypotheses. They have been tested. And falsified.Thus, all forms of creationism are falsified scientific theories. “Belief” doesn’t enter into my rejection. I reject them due to the evidence.Now, let’s draw the clear distinction between creationism and Creation. Creation is a theological statement: deity (God) created. Genesis 1 says “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” or the Nicean Creed says “I believe in God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth.” Creation is a statement of belief.Creationism, as pointed out, is a particular method of Creation. God manufactured things in the universe.There is another possible method of Creation. Every theory in science can also be viewed as a method of Creation. People can believe God created the universe by the Big Bang, created galaxies, stars, and planets by gravity, created life by chemistry, and created the diversity of life by evolution. In the language of theism, the scientific theories are “secondary causes” of deity. (This belief is known as “theistic evolution”.) Science cannot tell us whether this belief is wrong. Science equally cannot tell us if this belief is correct. Science is agnostic.So, I reject creationism because of the scientific evidence. In the language of theism, I can also say I reject creationism because the evidence God left us in His Creation tells us He did not create that way. I do not reject Creation. Speaking as a scientist, I am agnostic.