What Do You Do When You Wanted Too Long To Talk To Him

He doesn't want to talk to me after an argument. What do I do now?

The more you chase him , the more he will run away. To be honest this chasing and running is a very thrilling game to play, but it is nothing close to an actual relationship.And sweet words spoken under intoxication are good to hear, but meaningless once sober. Take him accountable for what he is saying to you in a sane mind.Here’s my advice to you,You have already apologized, if you meant it you have done your part. Don’t repeat.Let him know that you are open to a rational conversation and you sincerely want to work this out. But prepare yourself in case it doesn’t.He is confused which is why he is sending mixed signals. But there is nothing you can do about it, he has to make up his own mind and act accordingly. You can and I believe you already have tried to make him understand what you want from him. Now, the more you try to convince him, the more he will slip away.Facebook relationship status has zero impact on your real life relationship. Removing it was done to punish you. Your reaction is not needed here.And last and the most important one, don’t ignore the little signs if you have seen any. Often these indicate a bigger problem but we choose to overlook them.Try judging from a neutral perspective, if it is worth your time going through this struggle. If it works good, if it doesn’t still good. But if you don’t know where you stand, you are in trouble. Try your best to get out of the loop of uncertainty as soon as you can.Sometimes we are so determined to make things work that we find comfort in the hope of a mere possibility and deny the reality. It only prolongs our sufferings.If he is determined that he doesn’t want to be with you, accept and proceed.Easier said than done. But the sooner you accept the reality, the sooner your pain and misery will go away.

MY ex bf wont talk to me. why?

its been 3 mos since we broke up. we had a bad falling out when we broke up. he dumped me. I didnt cheat on him. but it was still bad. i love him and i didn't want him to leave me.

well long story short is we had issues about facebook. he had me blocked from the very beginning even before i knew he had one (this was when we were together) etc.

just a lot of issues. I began to play stalk him to piss him off. he blocked me. told his siblings to block me. then when we broke up he blocked me from all forms of communication such as aim, msn, skype etc. said he doesnt want to talk to me again.

neways. i dont really call him and ever since we've broken up ive contacted him very few times. i called him the other day and he didnt pick up. so i left him a message telling him i hoped he was well.

dont u think its a little too long for him to be harboring such negative sentiments. isn't it about time he get over it? he's being so cruel. and although it doesnt hurt me like it used to, i think he's being a little much. If he's moved on, he shouldn't have a problem being cordial with me.

he's treating me like an enemy and we were together for two years and we almost had a baby together.

So my boyfriend wants to take it slow he says. . . . how long will it take him to hold hands, kiss, etc.?

Just kiss him. See how he takes it. Tell him that it has to be an equal exchange, and that you're not happy with how it's going so far. Tell him that you NEED contact. All girls do! We're very touchy-feely people. Just tell him that unless he warms up to you, you're not sure how long it can last. Dont give him an ultimatim, but just warn him that you may start to draw away from him if he's really SO opposed to kissing you.

Or, you could take this route. Have one of your friends talk to him about it. Like "Hey, I've never seen you guys kiss or hug or anything, I guess you're not into PDA much?" and see where it goes from there. When I need to tell my boyfriend something that might be kind of rude if it comes from MY lips, I have my best friend chat with him about it. It usually works, and he shapes up his act on whatever it is that bugs me.

If he truly cares for you, he wont want to let you slip away. Let him know what you want in the relationship, and if he really wants to be with you, he'll do what he can to make you happy.

Is it a bad sign when a guy talks about past relationships?

Run! Its bad enough to have to listen to the same person drone on for 2 hours, but then to have to hear all about his past relationships. Who cares!
Give it one more date and turn the tables on him. I bet he has the attention span of a mosquito when you try to talk about your past relationships.
He sounds very self-absorbed, yuck.

How long should I give my ex space before I contact him again?

I wish I knew who did the breaking up here in order to give my answer.My ex broke up with me last November. The date was the 20th , a Monday morning, around 8;30 am. But who’s counting. To my understanding and her proclamation I had done nothing wrong. She just said she needed space.I was hurt. But I will never shove myself down the throat of someone who no longer wants me. So I said Ok.I waited for about two weeks hoping that she would change her mind. Still reeling in pain. But nope she did not.I wrote her a hearty message and sent it off and that was my good bye.I cut off all contact, social media, text and DMs of all kinds I completely disengaged.Every now and then I felt the need to contact her but I always stopped myself. We fell in love around this time last year so these days are extra hard. I am thinking about her a lot. But I just cannot bring myself into contacting her for any reason whatsoever.She did the breaking up. If she wants to contact me she will. But I do not have do nothing.I have my reasons for that. I maybe thinking of her but who says she is thinking of me? I’m Not about to invade myself into someone’s mind when they are probably thinking about someone else.The point is. There is no ideal situation to contact your ex for anything especially if they are the one that broke up with you.You just let them be.A psychologist said that your ex will contact you once they feel that they can no longer live with your silence. When they realize that they cannot live without what you meant to them then they will contact you.If they do not contact you then they have no need for you. It hurts to know and or think trust me I’m living through it. But it will hurt more to try to convince someone that you should matter to them.I hope you can find your answer someone in there.