What Do You Find To Be The Most Offensive Things About Feminism

What are some offensive things said by feminists?

There is quite a bunch:Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience.  -- Catherine Comins, Vassar College, Assistant Dean of Student Life in Time, June 3, 1991, p. 52Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their  husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat. Women often have to flee  from the only homes they have ever known. Women are often the refugees  from conflict and sometimes, more frequently in today’s warfare,  victims. Women are often left with the responsibility, alone, of raising  the children.  -- Hillary Clinton, Conference on domestic violence in San Salvador, El Salvador (17 November 1998)I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion  which a man structurally does not have, does not have it because he  cannot have it. He's just incapable of it.  -- Former Congresswoman Barbara JordanTo call a man an animal is to flatter him; he’s a machine, a walking dildo.  -- Valerie SolanasThe more famous and powerful I get the more power I have to hurt men.  -- Sharon StoneThe proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.  -- Sally Miller Gearhart

Do feminists find the song "California Girls" by Katy Perry offensive?

I mean, it does seem to objectify women.

Anyways, I hate that song myself, but whenever a song is ponified, I love that version. Ponies make everything better:
Plus that version isn't objectifying. It doesn't have any sexual themes to it like California Girls

What are some things that some people find very offensive that are definitely not offensive?

Hating gay people for being gay: used to be seen as hating on perverts and mentally ill people. Now it’s seen as irrational hatred of someone just living their life (and we’re getting closer to this with trans people as well, with some more work to go).Hating people of different races for being of a different race: used to be seen as asserting place and “speaking the truth” but now it is seen as irrational hatred of someone just living their life.Hating Irish people…..basically the same as above, as back in those days there was a different idea of whiteness than there is today. (In the US at least. Not sure about other countries).Being sexist in the workplace: sexism used to be rampant in corporate America. Now corporations seek to stamp out as much sexism as possible, though success has varied.Basically, hating on someone or acting like they are lesser than you for simply existing has, historically, fallen out of fashion with the times, and will hopefully continue to do so. But alas, there will always be people clinging to the old ways, the days when they had that extra something to hold and display power over others that they in no way had to work for, as it is nothing more than an inborn trait (gender, orientation, race)

Why are feminists offended by everything?

Well, you really shouldn’t lump all feminists into one group. That’s something people do with all groups, and it’s always inaccurate.Now, to answer your question.Some feminists do get offended quite often. You can find these types on the more radical end of the spectrum. They see sexism and misogyny in many things that are actually harmless in reality. For the sake of argument, one can call these feminists self-deluded.However, they cannot be offended at everything. That’s impossible. What about a toaster offends them? What about a piece of paper offends them? What about radical feminism itself offends them?As I have demonstrated, radical feminists, and people in general, cannot be offended by everything.But, they are offended by a great many things that are, to be frank, rather stupid.Yes, I know what you actually meant by “everything.” Just mentioning it for the sake of argument.

Why are most men against feminism?

I'm not very familiar with the feminist movement as it is now. The movement started as something to get women equal rights - women's suffrage, the right to own land, and the means to be independent in general. Many of these things were achieved, but some women still feel oppressed like in the workforce. There are still practices that are sexist against women, but some men feel that feminism is being sexist against men.

I believe the feminist movement has gotten much more extreme, as in women using stereotypes and the like against men. But they feel like they're being stereotyped as well. So it's a difficult situation.

Most men I know aren't really against feminism per say, but they enjoy making jokes at women's expense with stereotypes. I know they're kidding, but sometimes it's still offensive. And I'm sure some very extremists in feminism do this same thing to men. It really depends.

Do you consider yourself a feminist? I don't, because I barely even know what the movement is about. In the line of work I'm going into, women are more likely to get jobs than men now because innovation in engineering requires a wider variety of employees and a lot of companies are looking for women. So I have no problems. Maybe men feel threatened by things like this, but honestly, though the man to women hiring ratio is still skewed, it's not like they're not going to hire a decently qualified man over a highly qualified woman.

Now I'm just rambling. I don't even know if I answered your question as you wanted it. I don't see anything wrong with the movement, except those women who are using it to simply be against the male population, which isn't what feminism is about.

Do you find the expression "grow some balls" offensive?

I think the bottom line is you are making the same mistake lots of feminists make; you're pretending that their is NO difference between men and women. At the end of the day on average, men do have more upper body strength, we do end up bigger and stronger, we are more aggressive and balls will always be associated with stereotypical male traits. That's not to say women can't be brave, they definitely can, but when feminists pretend that there is no difference between men and women all they do is undermine their own arguments. I truly don't have time to listen to someone who's opinions are based on denying biological fact. That being said, I'm actually a feminist, I believe that even though we are different we are very much equals, we are equally important, equally useful to society, and equally responsible for where it ends up. When you pretend we are identical, you only denigrate the things that make being a woman special.

What is the most offensive thing you can say to a Christian? Original intended meaning linked.

Italics: Offensive commentary.Bold: My immediate in-my-brain response to said offensive commentary.“Your god isn't real”*Gasp* He isn't? I must immediately convert to whatever belief system you trust in because I don't have a spine or my own reasons to believe what I believe.“You're going to hell”Says who? You? Haha okay call me when you're Jesus and then I'll give a fuck about what you have to say on whether or not I go to hell.“All Christians….”If you're not ignorant as hell.“Why don't Christians, Jews, and Muslims all know that they worship the same god?”Careful. It's not offensive to me but some people’s heads would explode after reading that question.“If you're a Christian, why don't you go to church?”I like to worship by myself.I don't like getting an earful of what I should believe.I like sleeping in late.“Christianity is one of the most anti-feminist religions…”Tell you what, give me the Bible verse you interpreted anti-feminist themes from and I'll give you a bible verse to argue against those anti-feminist themes. If you give me Ephesians 5:22, all I'm gonna tell you is to read the rest of the chapter (it's not that long) and to read Ephesians 5:21.“Aren’t women supposed to be submissive to their husbands?”AGAIN, read the rest of Ephesians 5 if you even read it at all. And don't skip over 5:21.Aaaaaaaaannnnnddd that is all for right now.

What are some things that feminists do wrong?

Victim mentality : Anything that they feel hurt by personally, they project it as injustice to “all women”.Trying to have it all : They believe they can have it all. They want to party with “bad boys” , enjoy their freedom till late 20s or early 30s and they expect to get married to a nice, loving guy after spending away their youth. Not happening.Projecting thy beliefs : “Did he say something offensive to you? Did he touch you inappropriately? You know you deserve safe space? We are with you.We will charge him with ‘rape'”. Even when the subjected woman didn't feel offended they will try insinuate her.Encourages Single motherhood : Marriage takes sacrifice, both parties have to adjust. But feminist have fabricated “adjustment” as “oppression”. Hence a lot of marriages don't last because the wife felt she was being suppressed, because of feminist indoctrination. On the other hand no shame being associated with single motherhood even when there is enough data to show children in single parenthood don't do quite well.Herd mentality: Suppresses individuality of women, if a woman disagrees with some points of feminism, she gets roasted.Projecting fat as beautiful: Or being body positive. Being fat is fat, not beautiful neither healthy.