What Do You Make Of This Woman No Need To Be Politically Correct - Truth Only

Misuse of the term, "Politically correct"?

Some might be overdoing it by using "politically correct" in the insulting manner you describe.

It's not necessarily wrong to believe the "PC" point of view on something if you truly feel that's best, but no one is obligated to feel that way, regardless of how "sensitive" you might be perceived to be for doing so.

I answered a slightly similar question a couple of weeks ago:

I'm sick of being politically correct it isn't based on truth?

i hear ya. they are as bad as women. everyone knows women are stupid and inferior. why don't they stay where they belong in the kitchen. i think women hate themselves and they want to make life miserable for every male too when guys are just trying to live a normal life.. it's a fact.

Are politically correct guys attractive to women?

Definitely not.I don’t want to be with someone I have to dance on eggshells around, because words like “crazy” and “stupid” offend him. (See also: This Everyday Feminism Article Convinced Me The "R-Word" Is Okay.)I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t have a sense of humor.I don’t want to be with someone who mindlessly obeys far left indoctrination, rather than critically examining claims and issues. (For example, people love to talk about how harmful “microaggressions” are — but there’s literally no evidence to support that. See also: "Microaggressions Scholar" Gets OWNED By "Factual Feminist" Christina Hoff Sommers.)I don’t want to be with someone who only thinks emotionally, rather than rationally. (For example, people who think it’s “respectful” to participate in rape culture when you’re traveling. See also: Sorry, But No. Not Every Part of Every Culture Deserves My Respect.)I don’t want to be with someone who thinks things like knowledge and truth are “dangerous.” (For example, people who want to ban geneticists from studying the relationship between race and intelligence; people who think it’s automatically “Islamophobic” to criticize any aspect of Islam; etc. See also: If You Care About Women’s Rights, Stop Saying that Islam is a Religion of Peace.)I don’t want to be with someone who can’t make an argument without saying “Hitler” or “slavery.” (Or, really, any lazy social justice jargon. I want to know that you’ve thought about something — not that you’re capable of regurgitating other people’s thoughts.)Similarly, I don’t want to be with someone who needs a hug after an intellectual debate. (If you need a hug after you have a value or intellectual difference with someone else, you’re doing it wrong.)I don’t want to be with someone who actively participates in and perpetuates benevolent racism and sexism. (See also: Is Everyday Feminism... Secretly Anti-Feminist?)I don’t want to be with someone who cares about feelings more than facts.So, no. I don’t want to be with someone who’s politically correct. I want to be with someone who’s empirically correct.

What's something that's not politically correct that you strongly believe?

I believe that a country has the right to decide who can and cannot visit or stay, and how they decide to do that is no one else’s business but the country itself.It sickens me some in the so-called (US) media run out to find opinions from other countries about internal US immigration policy. Honest reporting is one thing - creating anti-american propaganda is another.A guest in a given country is in fact a guest, and that guest does not have the same rights as its citizens. If a guest in your home overstays their welcome, they are asked to leave. If they refuse to leave, they are trespassing. If I choose to close the door of my own home to prevent anyone who feels like it to come in does not make me a racist, even a heartless person. It means I wish to protect my own family, as much as citizens in other countries wish to protect theirs.Choosing to protect one’s culture by ensuring immigration is at a level that will ensure new immigrants assimilate into that culture does not make me a racist. We are not a “salad bowl,” we are a melting pot. To be one country, we have one culture - in this example, American. That does not mean it does not change or evolve. It means there is one culture. This has nothing to do with race, it is about culture and only culture.I strongly believe there are political forces who know all of this and yet seek to undermine it, and twist words to their own perverted political ends. Recognize them. They are the enemy.

Does saying that something is politically correct mean that it is factually a lie (no ad)?

Yes and NoNo, since saying that something is politically correct can also be a factual lie, in the sense that you could be wrong about something being political correct.Yes, if used correctly, because something is political correct if it refers to a faulty view on facts, history and so forth based on ideology.For example, saying that criticizing Islam makes someone’s racist is political correct. It is not based on facts but based on Marxist-based thinking.Believing the pay gap exists is political correct, since the pay gap has been disproven into ground at this point and is now only radical feminist dogma.That minorities can’t be racist towards white people is being political correct. Of course you can be racist to white people. But Cultural Marxist Prejudice + Power thinking believes it is not possible.Believing government must issue quota’s for women on company boards is political correct thinking. Again based on radical feminist dogma while the facts show this is bad for companies, discriminates towards men, forces women into positions they may not want and takes away choice from companies.Believing that there are more then 2 genders is being political correct. The 2 genders are Weberian Idealtypes derived from the 2 sexes to analyse the evolution in behavioral patterns and societal trends of the 2 genders, separate from the biological and physical sex.And so on and so forth…

Why are black people so politically correct except when it comes to rap music?

Did you know that not all black people listen to, write or perform rap music? Kind of like not all white people like Kenny Chesney (yuck).

That is such a ridiculous statement, no wonder you're sitting there wondering the answer...