What Do You Think Of 14 Year Olds Drinking Occasionally

How should I punish my 17 year old son for drinking beer?

There are a lot of people on here making arguments about going to war, but those are really just red herrings. Here is what you do: Find out why.Kids try new things, especially things with the veil of mystique. They want to know about these things that they see all over TV, and that all of the adults and “cool kids” are doing. It’s important to talk to them about the possible issues associated with it. What if an officer had caught them. What if they had been pulled over while driving? What if an accident had happened and someone required medical attention (a lot of fatalities occur when kids are drinking because they are too scared to call it in). What about the long term effects of alcohol consumption, especially on still developing brains.So, was it just one beer, or a case. Was he just trying it out, or is this ongoing. Did he want to try it just to know, or is it indicative of a larger problem with alcohol abuse. If your son is a closet alcoholic, you have other problems you need to worry about. If he was doing it to celebrate, you can talk to him about other, legal ways to celebrate. If he was doing it to alleviate stress, you need to find out how much stress he is under and talk about better ways to handle it. Was he, like many of my students, drinking just out of sheer boredom? Boredom plus alcohol is a fantastic recipe for disaster.Punishment tells him he needs to do a better job of hiding it next time. Talking and educating create much more lasting effects, and, as another writer pointed out, prevent it from being a problem next year, when he can legally do what he wants.If nothing else, remind him that he may need to be the responsible one who can take someone to the hospital when all of his friends are too drunk. It sucks, but that’s part of being an adult, making the less fun choice so that others can be safe. Also, that jails are full of drivers who thought that they were ok to drive (no one ever drinks and drives hoping to get pulled over or in an accident).

Is it normal for a 14 year old to be drinking and getting drunk occasionally?

ok im 14 male and i drink beer or alcohol like almost every few months with my friends if theres either a party or a celebration. the last time i drank and got drunk was on halloween night and planning to drink again on christmas and new years eve. my mom kinda knows that i drink and she doesnt get mad cause she thinks i just drink a lil bit and she doesnt know i get drunk, but my dad doesnt know. and im not doing too bad at school im not failing or anything my grades are normal not really getting in too much trouble. im just wondering if its alright to continue drinking on and on and if its ok for a 14 year old like me to be drinking cause most teenagers drink at this place where i live.

I am a 16-year-old girl. How can I stop a strong desire of drinking alcohol and using drugs?

Excessive shopping or urges to drown yourself in Liquor or idea of killing your body bit bit by doing drugs is common among people your age. It is completely normal. This is usually out of boredom, depression, rejection, failure or something of the sort. You introspect, in your case, what you are running from. They best way out of a problem is through it.Remember:Some people do drugs and others have functional brain.I have nothing against occasional drinking in moderation. But I still think it is unnecessary. But those are my personal views.On the other hand, I have waving a BIG FAT “STRICTLY PROHIBITED” signboard for you regarding Smoking and Drugs. They hamper your nervous and immune system. Not to mention CANCER, HAIR LOSS, IMPAIRED VISION, and other horrendous disease they cause. Alcohol is also associated with these illnesses from time to time.You don’t wanna be a physical nuisance to people who love you, do you?Also, as someone has already mentioned, what you are after will cost you a lot of money; both before and after drug abuse.I will also tell you something I personally don’t like about alcohol, its unpleasant taste. I, personally, would chose sizzling brownie over alcohol/drugs 100 out of 100 times.There are better things to do with your body; preserve it like a gift from a loved one unless you are really into self destruction and you want to end up broke, alone, or even worse, Dependent.I would highly suggest to get a hobby to kill these urges.Go to a music class, take painting or sketching lessons, Workout, learn a new language. I am aware, it sounds like such a trite, humdrum suggestion. But, it works like charm. Having a short and long term goal can change our life drastically. I have personally benefited by inculcating a hobby and if you follow my suggestion you will soon see.If you are still not convinced, I have only one thing to tell you,HIGH is temporary, HAIR LOSS is permanent.*DISCLAIMER- ALL VIEWS ARE PERSONAL*

How much should a 13-year-old be allowed to drink with friends?

Okay, let me get one thing straight. According to the laws in most countries: Nothing.And I kinda agree with that. I would never let a 13 year-old drink with friends.Let’s look at this story for reference: Jesse Jaun's answer to How did you celebrate your Valentine's Day?In short, I got drunk with a friend. Sound familiar?I was fucked up to the point where I couldn’t walk (according to my friend, I walked straight into a wall) and slurred my words. When I came home, my parents even asked if they had to drive me to the hospital, so I guess I must have looked pretty bad. Also, I passed out twice that evening. There were other drugs at play in my case, but it’s completely possible to reach that state by drinking only.If I had asked my parents beforehand, they would have never allowed me to drink. And I totally get where they’re coming from. As you can see, when you let teenagers drink without supervision, it can get out of hand very easily.However, part of the excessive drinking comes from the fact that adults treat alcohol like a forbidden fruit. Teenagers will always want to rebel in some way, and if they are not properly introduced to alcohol, they will try drinking in secret, not know their limits at first, and maybe get beyond the point where they “only” slur their words and walk into walls.So, realistically, a 13 year-old should never be allowed to drink without supervision, but I think having a few sips of an adult’s drink is perfectly fine. It will even teach them responsible use.Also, whatever you do, teach them one thing: Don’t. Ever. Mix. Drugs. Seriously. This is a great way to end up in the hospital, and I’m really lucky that I didn’t.

Should a 17 year old be allowed to drink alcohol?

Yes! The United States is a bit insane when it comes to alcohol. I grew up in the us but first started drinking at 13 traveling around Europe for the summer with my mom. By 17 in NYC bars were relaxed and I had a good fake ID. As a result of this and my parents being relaxed about it the following happened1 - I trusted their opinion and when they said alcohol is fine and normal for teens but drugs such as cocaine etc are really dangerous - I listened and never did drugs2 - whenever I was confronted with drunk driving (no one had cars in NYC so it was only while visiting people and then in college) I would always call a cab if I wasn't 100% sure the driver was sober3 - I never drove drunk in my life4 - I stayed home from parties by choice in high school if I had tests to study for5 - by not having some arbitrary law decide what I could do with my body I learned to listen to myself. By 17 I wouldn't touch fast food and by 18 I was all organic (aside from some drinking at parties)Overall the United States while great on many ways is batshit about alcohol. It is a bandaid solution to drunk driving (I could write another post on what I think would actually be effective solutions)Also if you do turn out to have issues with drinking such as biological predisposition to alcoholism, bad or self destructive reactions when you do drink etc it's better to know that while you are still young. You don't want to be 21 / last year of college / in an internship where you really need to make a good impression and starting out on your own when you discover this.

I'm 15, is it ok to have an occasional beer?

Honey...why would you want to drink at 15? Do you realize that starting to drink at that age leads to alcoholism? Do you not know what that does?

I guess it is like someone smoking and KNOW they are going to get cancer from it and they will risk their life for that damn puff of smoke. WHY?

It is a death wish. Not only alcoholism...but drinking causes poor judgement and driving while drinking can kill someone ...even yourself...there are many problems with it. MANY HEALTH ISSUES later on in life...because many times it doesn't stop at one drink. Your body and age are too young to expose it to that stuff.

Why not put that energy into romancing a girl and letting her know what a stand up guy you are and that you can be trusted and depended on and you are rock solid?

Look to the future honey...not your 15 year old hormones and instant gratification needs to prove you are getting independent of mom and dad....

You are a kid only once...enjoy can be an adult all your life.....and it is hard work and full of rocky roads. THAT CAN WAIT...enjoy your life now.

And to those that say it is only once a week or do not know his family history or his medical make up. You do not know that one beer will not turn into two..or three and become a regular thing.

How do you think addictions start? FULL BLOWN? NO they sneak up on why tempt it.???

These are children talking...I am an alcohol drug therapist....don't do it. Wait until you are an adult and can make those decisions and make them more wisely.

Is it ok for a 15-year-old teen to drink one beer?

I live in the UK where the age for drinking is 18. I would be rather shocked to find any 15 year old who hadn’t had a beer. It’s normal here. One beer won’t danage you. In fact a couple won’t.Alcoholism absolutely wrecks lives, but I don’t see any problem in moderate drinking and consider an occasional beer at 15 is fine.

Is it ok for a 14 year old to drink two Monster energy drinks?

If I say “not really” you will try it anyway out of a sense of teenage rebellious spirit. If I say “yeah sure” then I am liable to a civil lawsuit if you end up in hospital with heart problems.All I can tell you is follow a few basic common sense precautions.Do not alternate between energy drinks, coffee, tea and cola drinks.Drink plenty of water rather than purely rely on energy drinks. If you have a 500ml can, follow it with 200ml of water minimum every half an hour for two hours afterwards.Never exced 1500ml (over 3 US pints, or 1.5litres) of energy drinks in 24 hours.Do not attempt to drive or operate dangerous machineryDo not mix with alcohol. That almost killed me mixing vodka and energy drinks, no joke.