What Do You Think Of High School Dropouts Who Own Businesses

If you owned a business would you hire a high school dropout?

As the others said, some jobs do not require a high school education.

However, it is also true that the reason(s) for dropping out of high school could have an effect on a person's suitability as an employee. Do they have a problem with authority? Did they get into fights with classmates, and if so would they get into fights with co-workers? Were they lazy? Is there a learning disability that could affect the ability to do a particular job? (For example, janitors these days must be able to read, understand and comply with warning labels on a variety of cleaning products.) The mere fact of not having completed high school would not tell me any of these things, but it would be one more piece of data to add to any other "vibe" I might be getting. Never would dropping out put a "plus" sign in an applicant's column; at best it would be something I might decide was not a problem in a specific case. Anyone who is considering dropping out should consider whether there is any way to stick it out to avoid these issues with prospective employers.

That said, the longer ago the person dropped out, the less of an issue it would probably be. I would be more interested in what they have done with their life since then.

Hope that helps!

I want to drop out of high school and start my own business. Where do I start?

As you can see, there is just too low information about you to be able to receive a good advice that might be best for you.But, as long as:You just can't see yourself having a boss, working for someone elseYou know that having your own business might put you in a lot of financial problems in the first years (isn't that easy to learn the game, more than often requires many years and few failures) You understand the basic economics: entrepreneurship is about providing a product or service at a certain price and quality to some people in the marketplace that need that product or service and pay you accordingly to the quality provided. You don't start your business just because is so cool to hear about success stories and you earn a social stigma in your social circleYou don't start it only for the money. You need a bigger purpose, or there are high chances to get lost on he way, in the hard timesYou are flexible and open minded so you can learn new things at a fast rateYou understand that some parts of the business need to be filled by other peoples skills, and you have to know how to communicate accordinglyYou have a passion into building things and helping othersYou have a big dream that need it's own journey before it gets advice is simply this: quit school today. Start a business. Whatever you know to do that other people are willing to pay for it. The rest you'll figure it out on the way.I took the other way. Interested how I started? This is how I prepared for my entrepreneurial journey

Can I drop out of high school and start a Web business?

Technically yes you can. But it will depend on the laws of your state (if you're in the US) and your parents whether it's possible.It depends on what age mandatory school attendance ends in your state. Before that age you'll need your parents' permission to drop out.As far as I'm aware, the legal age to sign contracts is 18 everywhere in the US. You can't own a domain or sign any documents until you're 18. You'd need your parents to sign with you I believe.It depends on your parents. Will you have their support? Will they continue to support you at home while you try this venture? If your goal is to be independent, they may treat you as independent. Will they ask for rent? Will they ask for money for food and other expenses? How will you pay for those?If they won't support you, where will you live? You can't sign a contract on an apartment until you're 18. (And for apartments it may even be 21 some places.) Landlords want to see proof of stable employment before they'll rent. If somehow you do get a place to stay, how will you pay for food for you and electricity and WiFi for your computer?It would be much more sensible to begin your business now while you continue to go to school. Then when you're 16, you'll have a better plan to sell to your parents. You could also sell them on the idea of homeschooling (particularly unschooling.) Research becoming an autodidact (one who sets his own course of learning). You'll need to know what your parents concerns are about schooling and how you can meet those in order to sell an idea like that.Yes, being an introvert in school sucks. But there's a whole lot of issues that need dealt with between the blissful cavelike existence you imagine and the reality of making it work.In the meantime you could ask on Quora what strategies introverts found for coping with school.

Can a highschool dropout still have a successful life?

Yeah, but the odds will be against you some more. Jim Carrey doesn't have a GED or a high school diploma.

Can a teen high school dropout get a job?

I am in need of a job, I'd like to help my family with living expenses and groceries. It's the most I could do for my family right now. I dropped out of school in 9th grade, which was quite some time ago since I'm 17 now. I am planning on getting a GED or do a program to get a high school diploma. Until then, I am seeking a job. Where can I look? Who will hire me? I also have a certificate for taking a babysitting and CPR class. Should I try babysitting first? I do love children, and I wouldn't mind taking care of them. But I live in a small town and it seems it'd be more difficult to find somebody who needs it rather than finding a job. Thank you for taking your time to read this.

Why do people hate on High school dropouts?

I am 18 now and i dropped out of High School the beggining of my junior year. i was almost 17 and had got my ged a couple months later. I am married and have a Baby now. But the main thing is people say o you wont get a good job and all this. Well guess what I am in charge of High School graduates now! I tell 30 and 40 year old people what to do when to do it and how to do it. I am also a Home Health Aide for a very respected company in the DFW area. so all you people who read these statistics and stuff those people are most likely on drugs or something. Because i also have a friend who dropped out his sophmore year and he now owns a Club in Albuquerque NM and most likely makes more than most of you people talking all this stuff! So tell me why you belive eveything you hear and or read????

Why are a lot of rich people high school dropouts?

"A lot" is an exaggeration.

Most rich people are high school graduates and many are college graduates. However, it is a mistake to confuse achievement in the academic world with achievement in the real world. There is a relationship in many cases, but not all and some of the exceptions are particularly intriguing.

Most of the rich people who do not have a HS diploma fall into three categories: (1) they established themselves before HS and college degrees became mandatory for success in the developed world (2) They came from cultures or countries that do not have HS or college degrees as mandatory for success, or (3) they excelled in fields that do not currently require much education for success.