What Do You Think Of My Artwork

What do you think of my artwork?

Although some of the changes to themes (link with a pistol) are very imaginative, the themes themselves need to be more original. try writing an outline of the adventures of a character that you make up and then illustrate scenes in the outline. as far as the actual drawing is concerned, it is good now, but practice a lot and it will become much wetter

What do you think when you see artwork?

It depends what I’m looking at, of course.When perusing art, I try to consider everything that went into that particular piece. Take Van Gogh, for example. He lived a tormented and troubled life (to say the least), but managed to turn his torment into such ecstatic beauty, I cannot help but consider his feelings when looking at, say, Starry Night Over The Rhone.Or when I look at Michelangelo’s David, I cannot help but remember that Michelangelo himself considered it his god-given duty to sculpt. He believed that his sculptures — those unparalleled sculptures — already existed in the marble; it was merely his job to uncover them.Some people think that this takes away from the aesthetic appreciation of the art, but I disagree. Whilst my tastes may not be as refined as that of an artist, I like to think I can appreciate the obvious beauty in a work by Botticelli. But to me, appreciating the history, the story, the inspiration behind a piece of art only adds to the awe.I don’t see how it subtracts.

How can I sell my artwork?

I’m a nameless student who never engaged in art society, but I’m pretty confident with my art works and I’m hoping to make some money out of them. Where can I sell my work online? How should I price them?

What do you think about my art?

I like the ones that remind one of the pre-raphaelite movement, not so keen on the regular portraits but that is just my opinion.

What do you think art is for?

It is not merely about "expressing you feelings" because a I can write a letter about a pair of sob stories from my personal life and that won't be art. Even lyrical poetry is not simply a mawkish expression of things because lyrical poets do not simply communicate or express a feeling, they represent that feeling. They take something common to all the human race and rise it to the level of art. Bear in mind that art deals not merely with expression but also with representation and interpretation that is why a piece f art is symbolic and art is as well a thought provoking activity. It is not easy to make an elocuent literary analysis or being a paintor and avoid at the same time to be clichéd. Art helps us to be free thinkers, something that in front of all the publicity and instant satisfaction that gives us TV is rather valuable

What do you think of my pixel art?

heard the lyric “A punk rock song won’t ever change the world but I can tell you about a couple that changed me” from the song **** **** Up by Wingnut Dishwashers Union and envisioned it embroidered on a piece of cloth. Instead I turned it into my second piece of pixel art.

I’m not sure where the trans themes got mixed in. I suspect it has to do with the part of the lyric “that changed me” and having the idea while waiting for electrolysis. I was always into punk, but it’s definitely not responsible for me transitioning.

P.S. Thanks anonymous for reminding me to post more art :) I'm currently building a program to make art - so it might be a while before I upload more.