What Does Evaporation Depend On

On what factors does the evaporation depends?

temperature, surface area, ambient pressure, if air is moving over the surface

On what does the rate of evaporation depends?

The two biggest factors that play a part with respect to the rate for a particular liquid are the ambient temperature and air movement around the liquid.If your question is asking on what affects the rate of evaporation from liquid to liquid, it's similar to the factors that affect boiling point; namely intermolecular forces. The presence of surface tension plays a significant part also……

Does evaporation depend on the amount of matter?

Evaporation is a phenomena in which water molecules try be a part of the air. Thus it happens at every point of temperature.It depends upon - temperature, area of the liquid in contact with air, humidity level, speed of airThus it is independent of the volume of water.Hope u understoodThanku…Thejus… :-)

Does the rate of evaporation of water depends on the humidity?

Ofcourse! It does.Humidity= water molecules present in atmosphere mainly as vapour.So you put some water in a bowl to evaporate.If humidity high, it will evaporate then again convert to water their. That is equilibrium is attained. It's not that it is evaporating but the thing is it is at a steady state.You can google it “steady state approximation”On the other hand when humidity low, the equilibrium will shift towards the product that is no equilibrium and it will continue evaporating until the humidity of atmosphere is huge enough for it to attain the steady state.But that never happens, atmospheric volume is infinite so you can't expect it to attain equilibrium with a bowl of water.I am sure you want a scientific answer behind this easy questions and I hope I quenched your thirst. If I am right please honour this lad with an upvote.

How does the rate of evaporation depend on surface area?

I assume that you mean How is Evaporation dependent on Surface area,Evaporation can only take place in the solid/liquid and gaseous boundary of that substance. Like if you put a different liquid layer on the surface of water it can drastically reduce the evaporation of the water below that layer.So the larger that boundary (i.e. surface area) the higher the evaporation rate that can occur.There is a large number of other factors that come into working out that rate, including the temperate and pressure of the environment that it is taking place.

How does the rate of evaporation depend on the temperature?

the higher the temperature, the faster the rate of evaporation

What do you think of evaporation lines?

I took a pregnancy test yesterday and saw a faint line proably about 10 minutes late. I just read something that said if you read a test too late that line could be a evaporation line and here is the definition These are lines that shows in the result window of the test, exactly where a positive sign would be. An evaporation line develops when the urine on the test area begins to dry, leaving a faint, usually colorless line. Evaporation lines appear to show up (or not show up) as a result of the composition of the particular urine specimen - and they may appear on any test regardless of brand. Now I am nervous that this is what the line is and I am not pregnant. :(

How is evaporation dependent on temperature?

In short: evaporation means that molecules escape from the vanderwaals attraction force in the liquid phase. A molecule needs a minimum amount of kinetic energy to escape. Temperature is a measure for the average kinetic energy of the molecules. So a higher temperature means more molecules can escape.This also shows that temperature is dependent on evaporation. because the fastest molecules will escape, the average kinetic energy will deccrease, hence the temperature decreases due to evaporation