What Does He Really Want

Why does he really want to eat me out?

First of all, look at my name. It has nothing to do with vegetables. Just vag's. A woman's scent and taste is one of God's own little delights. So don't think that a guy doesn't want to do that, or that it's going to be nasty. The decision you have to make is are you going to let him enjoy giving you oral while you enjoy receiving oral? Just make it perfectly clear up front that it is NOT going to lead to intercourse if you are not ready for that. And if you do decide to try it, may I suggest that you get into it. Giving is always a lot more fun when the girl gets into it. Maybe put your hands on his head and talk to him. Feel free to tell him what feels good and what you like. We're not psychic, and all girls have different buttons. A little guidance is always appreciated and well received!

What does the joker really want?

​​​​Here's one.​​​This is actually a matter of complex psychological analysis, the motives of the clown, but the only sensible one I know about isTo get the attention of Batman.​​And boy is he hardworking and unrelenting towards that.It isn't about anything. He thinks since Batman is Yin, there needs to be a Yang.Other than that, he himself puts it as​An agent of Chaos.Hope this answers your question. Though it is a complex one, tell you.

Is Qyburn really loyal to Cersi? What does he really want?

#726It's an interesting question.Who is ——- (take any one) loyal to?The answer, generally, is he himself/she herself. For everyone. Everyone is out there with his or her own motives, and those motives rarely include actual loyalty. Even when there is loyalty displayed, that loyalty comes from somewhere. Jon Snow, is he loyal to the Watch? Sure he was, but that's because he considers loyalty to be honorable, and he wants to be honorable. Not everyone does. Similarly, I don't think Varys is loyal to the Targaryens; he simply thinks that they would be the better choice.Now, Qyburn who is he loyal to? Well, he was working for the Boltons, who were generally OK with his creepiness. He got a chance to join the Small Council as Master of Whisperers, well, that's a huge promotion, isn't it? He doesn't really need a secret agenda. Qyburn is getting funding, protection and permission to do his experiments on corpses, and was given back his Maester's chain. I think he'll stick around till shit gets real and then get the fuck out of there the first chance he gets, if he isn't killed in King's Landing.It may seem like I'm just shooting the question down, but think about it: it's one of the major themes of ASOIAF. A knight stands before a king, a high septon, and a very rich merchant; each tells him to kill the other two. Whom does the knight follow? No answer was really given. In the show, Cersei has this explanation: power is power. But GRRM sets it up differently: anyone can “serve” anyone if the price is right.Kettleblacks, paid by Cersei, paid more by Littlefinger.Janos Slynt, paid by Ned, paid more by Littlefinger.Bronn, paid by Tyrion, paid more by Cersei.Nobody really has loyalties. Everyone's just out there for themselves.Madhav Matle

What does this guy that I'm talking to want exactly? Is he really in or just talking?

We do talk, text mostly which he initiates now. But we never meet. Never. I think I don't know what he is in person, and whenever I say anything, he comes up with things like what do you want and that he can't change what it is. But I've given him enough space and time that he should put in some effort as well or else I should stop investing so much into this. He always says things come up although I see him in the campus all the time. And the last thing he said was that he knows what's better for him and his life so I stopped saying anything at all. But then he says no you should tell me, and that he's falling for me. But he is never clear. What I want is a little confirmation that he's here for the long term but what he thinks is that I want to get physical. What should I do? I don't think he can be that stubborn or stupid to not know what to do exactly.

When a guy says call me sometime does he really want you to?

i know what you mean; it's such a fine line between showing an interest and being desperate. Maybe his brother just forgot to tell him? My brother does that to me, a lot...
He seems enthusiastic about getting to know you though, so you can't go wrong by talking to him more. Try calling again, you said you have a lot in common so it should be easy enough to just talk for fun without sounding desperate.

He probably said 'call me sometime' because he wasn't sure how you felt towards him - he didn't want to pressure you into calling him incase that would freak you by saying 'sometime', it makes it all casual. If he tells you to call him sometime, wait a day or two, and then call him...which shows that you're interested in him, but not that you're TOO interested in him :)

What does Littlefinger really want, and what is his motive?

Revenge.Littlefinger has a massive chip on his shoulder. He perceives himself as having been screwed by the entire system of power in Westeros (and maybe he's right, to an extent). He wants revenge against it, and more specifically the three houses he thinks have wronged him. These are House Stark, House Tully, and House Arryn.Petyr Baelish is from a small house sworn to the Arryns, of little notability. The Arryns are the liegelords who never respected him, the Tullys are the women who were too good to marry him, and the Starks are the men who decided to make him look small.So Petyr has made it his mission to usurp all three as the rulers of their realms. As of the end of ADwD, he has been made Lord Paramount of the Riverlands (check), he has a tenuous grasp on the Vale through his regency over Robert Arryn (half-check) and has a plan to marry Sansa Stark to Harry "the Heir" Hardyng, which will, after Sweetrobin's untimely demise, make Harrold and Sansa the Lord of the Vale and the Lady of Winterfell. As he believes Sansa is totally under his control, this cements his power (misplaced double-check).It is unclear whether he has ambitions beyond these three realms. It is possible that he intends to take more power, but these are his primary goals.

When a guy say "let's be friends" does he really want to stay friends with you or does he want you to walk away?

Oh, I got this!He says, “Let’s be friends.”He means, “Let’s be friends.”Incredible, right?There's a couple things at play here that will not leave you satisfied with any answers on Quora. First, generalization never works. The question is asking about one particular man, but phrases the question as all men. All men don't act the same.Second, it is impossible for any random stranger on the internet to know exactly what that guy in your life meant when he said something. That one guy knows what he meant, so why are you asking us instead of him?Ask him. You can ask to meet for coffee or do something friends would usually do. Or you could communicate your worries and ask “Do you really want to stay friends with me or was that to soften the blow?” Regardless, you're barking up the wrong tree on Quora. Ask the one person who knows what he meant, not random strangers on the internet.

Does he really want to be friends with me? why am I having trouble with this?

There is an attractive man that I never yet met in person from online that seems like he is genuinely interested in being friends with me. I am a female. He never flirts with me but calls me just to talk and wants to hang out with me. He even did this when he had a girlfriend..but like I said, he does not flirt but just likes to talk to me. Why does this feel so unusual to me? does it sound like he really truly likes me as a friend? I dont think i ever experienced a man wanting to be my friend like this. why is this strange to me? can anybody relate?

What does a guy really want when he asks a girl to watch football with him on telly?

I like this guy. But I don't know whether the feeling's mutual. His fave football team was playing on tv and asked me whether I could keep him company throughout the match. He knew that I don't know a thing about football but still insists. Did he run out of guy friends to watch with? Was it a buddy-buddy thing or did he really want me as someone he would like to spend time with?