What Does It Make You If You Don

What does it mean if I drink a lot, but don't pee that much?

I'll drink like, three large cups of tea, and an hour or two later, I barely have to let out one. Normally I digest this quite quickly. Lately though, it's caused a bloated feeling.

I come home from school, have two cups of plain tea, then maybe soup and hour later. Then at dinner I'm just as full but my parents make me eat. So then I'm MEGGA stuffed and I get worried that I'm stretching out my stomach.

Does it make you racist if?

No, You are a racist if you date based on a person's colour and race. The fact you do is simply a manifestation of racism as opposed to its cause, it. does not make you a racist, the reasons you do it. may do though.

It is an odd situation. You could for example say "I would not marry a French man" due to cultural differences which could lead to problems and that would be OK.... Say what you said and you are a going to be classed racist.

Look at Asians, they can quite properly refuse to marry Catholics yet it. is not considered religious bias??? Just depends how you phrase the issue..

Lots of people claim not to be racist and in fact are … and lots think they may be and are not.

To refuse to accept difference is in itself racist. Black people for example are a different colour to white people, this is not a bad thing, it is a fact but already some reading this will be outraged. Some other Facts, Black Africans tend to be very good at sprinting and long distance running. This is a physiological fact. Black Africans are not good swimmers (when has one ever won a medal … ever). Black Africans can suffer from Sickle Cell Anaemia and white people cannot.

I am simply trying to show we do have differences… All races do. This does not make us better or worse than each other. But all the PC brigade, many of whom are closet racists, will be outraged.

The fact you are thinking about this and are being honest and do not appear to harbour blind prejudice suggests to me you are not a racist.

Does money make you happy?

It depends upon the definition of happiness . Some consider money is everything in life , so money can make them happy . Some consider money is just a medium of getting essential things , so money can’t make them happy .Being practical , money can and can’t make a man happy .HOW -Money can buy bed , but not sleep .Money can buy food , but not hunger .Money can make many girlfriends , but not love .Money can buy pleasure , but not happiness .e .g. 1 - I have an aunt who is suffering from hypertension , diabetes and she takes various kinds of pills to face the same . She also takes medicine to have sound sleep . She takes variety of medicines to keep herself fit and healthy . Her family is doing well and she is also doing good , but unfortunately she forgot how to smile . She has everything except smile on her face . Doctor said she needs an psychiatric . She has huge amount of property , but ………. . So, here my point is, money is worthless if your health is not good . Someone has rightly pointed out HEALTH IS WEALTH . Money can’t make her happy .e.g . 2 - A poor mother was begging on the busy street of mumbai with her 4 year old child . Her child was crying out of hunger . The mother was helpless and couldn’t do anything . Her eyes were filled up with tears as she couldn’t do anything for her child who was crying like hell to have some food . Suddenly a man’s hand came out of a window of a car and gave Rs 20 . The mother purchased a packet of biscuit and fed her child . After some time the child stopped crying and started smiling and that smile made her mother happy . She also started smiling . It is not the money that fed her child but that money solely helped to fed. Money played the role of everything to made her and her child happy . Money made them happy .As situation changes , the role of money also changes . It differs from situation to situation . Money can create problems and money can solve problems .

What does Adderall do to you if you dont really need it for ADD and are just taking it for a "high"?

You will become extremely concetrated on things and want to accomplish everything.It will give you a high feeling almost like speed. BUT it can also and does a lot make you feel extremely nervous, self concious and shaky. You will feel your heart pounding everywhere in your body. Also it can make you become extremely paranoid and go into pyschosis. It depends on your frame of mind.

What does it mean to get someone "wet"?

If you have been struggling to fall pregnant, there are some useful tips that may help to increase your chances of conceiving and prevent miscarriages. Read here

Follow a healthy, balanced diet by eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as foods that are rich in iron, calcium and folate, essential for reproductive health
Maintain a healthy weight as being overweight or underweight can affect the body’s hormone levels which in turn makes conception difficult
Healthy weight loss can increase chances of getting pregnant; however, too much weight loss can affect a healthy pregnancy
Regular exercise such as walking, swimming or cycling will help keep you fit and active before and during your pregnancy. It will also help get you back into shape after the pregnancy
Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine as this can make you less fertile

Does real magic exist? Don’t answer if you come here with B.S.?

It's not magic, it's illusion. You can become an illusionist with practice.

As for real magic, as in sorcery, necromancy and the like, it does exist, but not in the way you may think. There is a supernatural world out there, just beyond our ability as humans to perceive it. But there are things going on out there, a war, you might even say, a war between good and evil. And we humans are stuck in the middle of it. The good guys (unfallen angels, Christ and God Almighty) want us to be on their side, and are willing to rescue us f we will cooperate and give our allegiance to them. On the other hand, there is Satan and his fallen angels, which amounts to a third of the "host of heaven". That's a lot of angels. They are powerful, and they are unwilling to play be the rules of honest warfare. They are hindered in their ability to make war with God directly (since they were cast out of heaven - See Revelation 12), so they go after God's creation and destroy it, and trick humans into giving their allegiance to Satan. they do it by encouraging humans to think they (humans) have personal power and can get more power through manipulating the supernatural. Consider Genesis 3, how Satan tricked gullible Eve into doubting God's goodness and choosing to believe Satan's lie that God was denying them something that was good for them, that would make them like God. In eating the fruit, Eve, and then Adam, swore their allegiance to Satan. Satan likes to act behind the scenes, to trick gullible humans, like with the talking snake, and false religions like necromancy and sorcery and witchcraft. When you choose to dabble in the occult, you are stepping upon Stan's ground, and making yourself vulnerable to Satanic attack. I recommend you read the book A Trip into the Supernatural by Roger Morneau for an eye-opening look at what Satan does behind the scenes and what humans are willing to trade for fame, fortune, power, etc.

What does it mean when you can't make eye contact with someone?

There are several reasons for not making eye contact with someone. It is often said that eyes are the window to a person’s soul. This saying has many elements of truth to it, and you might be afraid of making eye contact with someone because a) you are afraid of the emotions you might see there, b) you are afraid of what you might reveal, or c) you have a lack of self confidence.Out of the three I have mentioned, c) is the most common one, but I will be elaborating on a) and b) first.a). There are many people, myself included, that are afraid of raw emotion from the other party I am interacting with. As someone that is often unable to react appropriately, I often find staring into the distance way easier as compared to looking into the person’s eyes and seeing the emotions there. Looking into a person’s eyes can take some courage, especially if you know that the person is feeling an emotion in the extreme. When you look into the person’s eyes, you are acknowledging their emotions, and more often than not, they might expect you to act on it. So when you can’t make eye contact with someone, it might be because you are not equipped to face what they might want you to see.b). Eyes, “being the window to one’s soul”, are the most difficult to mask. When I don’t want to look into a person’s eyes, I could be afraid, because I’m feeling vulnerable, and I don’t want them to see my tears, or my untruth. It could vary.c). Finally, you might find it difficult to meet a person’s eyes because we use our eyes to judge people. When you are afraid of being judged, you could be hesitant to meet their eyes, because of the judgement that might occur.Of course, there are a variety of other reasons, such as behavioural instincts, or certain things like ADHD (which I believe were mentioned in other answers._I hope this answers your question.

Does Your Eyesight Get Worse If You Dont Wear Your Glasses?

Research has proven that wearing glasses and contacts will destroy your vision over time. You will realized when year after year you simply to buy thicker, stronger glasses and contact lenses. You can try to apply Dr. Bates Method first before looking to wear glass and contact lenses. In the 1880′s. Dr Bates was the first ophthalmologist to discover that this patients could not only improve their vision and eyesight problems naturally but in almost all cases restore perfect vision regardless of age or vision problem through a series of eye exercises performed daily. Dr. Bates treated thousands of patients and help them restore perfect vision which resulted in him being shunned by his peers who were making a very healthy living prescribing correct lenses instead of naturally curing vision problems through his teachings. You can get the solution at source link provided

What do you do if someone likes you, but you don't like them back?

Try to avoid places that person might attend so that you limit contact with that person. They might, if you are for some innocent reason providing positive vibes in their life, start to see more into it than your act of kindness. Explain to the person that you do not see them in the same light as they do you. The best is to be honest as soon as possible. Remember to be kind but effective when you are explaining that you dont share the same feelings. Do not leave the person thinking that there could be a possibility in the future. That is hurtful.