What Does It Mean If I Have A Dream About Dying Young

Had a dream my young son died what does this mean?

Hello, To set your mind at ease, death in dreams has to do with being asked to make a change. RARELY premonition type dreams of death occur (actually happen later on). The ones I've had gently warn & there's been a sense of calm & peacefulness afterward. Dreams definitely DO have meaning IF we choose to listen to them. Thank you for asking.

Your dream is trying to show you that: There is something you love dearly, near & dear/ close to your heart that you have great hopes for, means the world to you. A part of you that you see has great potential that you want to develop. However your beliefs, lifestyle, & ambitions are are clashing with someone elses. In daily wheeling & dealing a conflict my come to a head( crash) & your pride may take a blow in the process. Your hopes & dreams come to an abrupt halt/ crash & that will kill you inwardly, your spirit unless you head it off, make a change.

There is gossip In the air, all about! (pigeons). Step or tread carefully, as you'll take the blame (be the fall person/pigeon) for SOMEONE ELSE's actions. The pigeons are a msg to you from your subconscious mind that there will be (crying) regrets if not heeded. Release any negative emotions that stem from a waking daily life situation. Your dream is asking you to change this, find a healthy outlet, regain emotional balance & express or let out your fears and frustrations. Be that exercise, taking a walk, being in nature to regroup, meditation, painting, or whatever works for you.

(PS - Doves are a sign of peace, however pigeons are a different story).

Hope that helps

I had a dream about my little brother dying. What does it mean?

Usually to dream of a death is symbolic of the end of something (in your life or the brother's life.) It could be loss of a job, a friend, a home, quit smoking, a major change of views, became a christian, or any number of things. If you are very close to your brother, the dream is probably about something ending/beginning in his life. If you are not close, the dream is about you ending something.

It could also be a death wish, depending on your relationship with him. Are you fighting?

If you are prone to ESP, it could be a prophesy or health warning.

What does it mean to dream that my dog died?

To see a dog in your dream, indicate a skill that you have ignored or forgotten, but needs to be activated. Alternatively, dogs may symbolize intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. Your own values and intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and succeed. If the dog is dead or dying, then it indicates a loss of a good friend. Alternatively, it represents a deterioration of your instincts.

I had a dream about my son dying...what does it mean?

I was walking on a bridge with my daughter (13) and my son (9). At first the bridge seemed to have a guard around it, but I was still hesitant to go. My kids seemed fine and were walking ahead like normal.

All of a sudden the guards were gone and I couldn't breath or move - I kept trying to motion to my son to come here before he gets hurt and then he fell down. And it happened in slow motion when he was falling and he was looking up at me and I couldn't do nothing about it. My dauther looked at me for my reaction and I started screaming then I woke up.

It shook me up so bad that I woke up crying with real tears and my heart hurt so bad, I could not calm down. I had to get up and check on him and it made me feel so sad to see him laying even though he was asleep.

What could this mean? I can't stop thinking about it.

What does it mean when you die in your dream?

Firstly, dreaming of your own death doesn’t mean your death is imminent. It only means that there are some changes or transformations that are going to take place. So, relax and read on :)Dreaming of your own death symbolizes inner changes, transformation, self-discovery and positive development that is happening within you or your life. You are undergoing a transitional phase and are becoming more enlightened or spiritual. Big changes are ahead for you where you are making a new start and leaving the past behind. If you are getting married or divorce, being promoted to a new position, moving to a new country, you may experience dreams of your own death.he frightening and alarming nature of death can in itself be a wake- up call for something. It is your mind's way of trying to grab your attention to something dire in your waking life where you need to take action. Consider how you felt in your dream and think about a situation in your waking life where you felt the same way.To dream that you die may also mean that you are desperately trying to escape from the demands of your daily life. This may be some major stressor, obligation, responsibility or perhaps you want out of a painful relationship.SOURCE : Common Dreams: Death

What does it mean when you had a dream of seeing your daughter die?

Without any details it’s difficult to say. Dying in dreams doesn’t always mean actual physical death or wish fulfillment, for example.Depending on your daughter’s age, your dream could be reflective of the changes in her body and her self as she grows. She’s no longer your “little girl”. That child has “died” and you now have a beautiful young woman in her place.Or you may be feeling anxiety about your daughter’s safety and your dreams are exaggerating this— giving you a worst case scenario, because that’s simply what’s on your mind.You could be angry at your daughter and having a truly dandy rage dream— which doesn’t mean you wish death on her at all. Your subconscious is venting. :)Your daughter in the dream could be a surrogate for you— you see certain of your own qualities in her, and your subconscious is struggling with understanding and change.Like many dream we have, this particular dream could also just be a mishmash of images and scraps of memory, clumsily put together by your subconscious, and signifying nothing at all.What the dream does not mean includes a foretelling of the future or a message from a spirit world. All nonsensical and not to be worried about.

What does it mean if you have a dream that someone told you that you were going to die?

Dreams are not magic. However, sometimes your mind does construct dreams to alert you to bodily concerns you may not realize. I doubt that you really do have a severe heart condition, but it is also possible that your brain is telling you to be mindful of your health. If you have an unhealthy lifestyle, that is probably just your subconscious acknowledging that, and asking you to improve it. If you don't, then it could just be some old paranoia or even a simple nightmare. For the most part don't read into it!

I've had some vivid dreams in my time, dreams that colored my outlook on the world for weeks. Don't let that happen. If the dream is really stressing you out, go to your doctor and talk to him or her about it, and ask your doctor to assess your cardiac health. I wouldn't exactly suggest you spend thousands on unneeded testing, but just ask your doctor for a basic checkup.

What does it mean if someone in a dream tells you ‘you’re gonna die die soon’?

Typically, death and dying are symbolic of ending some (emotional) relationship. It is not possible to answer with any confidence without knowing your actual life situation.If you are for some reason worried about your health, your dream could mean just that. Else, you were going to be “finished off” in the metaphorical sense (if that someone was a stranger or a just a voice). If that someone is known to you, you have to view the dream in relation to your actual connection with them.That getting finished off could be some relation like career/job/family etc. Again, you have to see the dream in the context of your life situation. Also, if it was a one-off dream, you can safely ignore it.