What Does It Mean If You Give Head In A Dream And When They *** They Bleed

What does it mean when you get shot in a dream and you take the bullet out?

That is a brilliant dream. You are wounded by some external force, but you remove the remnant. I would take that as great encouragement. You are capable of moving beyond how external events have affected you, and need not be a victim.

What does it mean when you dream of getting shot by a bullet and dying slowly?

I had a dream like this that just woke me.  In the past I have had dreams I call "vivid".  In these dreams I have all 5 senses and I usually wake up and remember it all.  In my dream I has in an urban area and I lived in a building with glass doors and a security system with my mother.  The people I dealt with and sold prescription pills to were wearing yellow bandanas, the other people that ended up shooting me wore blue bandanas.  A person grabbed a bottle of pills and ran with it.  I followed them outside with a shotgun and was shooting at them.  They jumped into a hummer-limo and their friends jumped out firing back with scoped automatic rifles.  One shot hit me in the heart and I felt it. I went back in and my mother seemed concerned, and appeared to call 911.   I was still handling business waiting on an ambulance and in a few minutes I asked her if one was coming and she said " I don't know."  I went outside to make my way to the freeway while calling one myself.  I remember my heart beating harder and skipping beats as I walked...The 911 number said that the emergency services were "temporary unavailable" and I started back to the building when I was surrounded with yellow bandana wearing thugs who pulled out a tube full of yellow liquid.  it was like the tubes in hospitals used in an IV.  Some of the liquid dripped on my hand and burned like acid.  They said I stole from them and I proclaimed my innocence, because I didn't.  I accused the "boss" Hispanic in origin of being the thief.  He said it wasn't him and I tried to make a truce.  They just laughed and he was forcing me at gunpoint to put the tube into the hole in my chest and drain the liquid into my heart.  I told him to drink some to prove it was safe to which he clearly "pretended" to drink some and laughed when I called him out on it.  That is the moment I woke up.  I still have a spasm in my chest from the pain of being shot in my dream.  Any suggestions would be nice.

What does it mean if my started bleeding while giving head?

EWWWW------.Sounds like you probably ruptured your esophagus vein..

I had a dream that i was bleeding from the top oof my head what does it mean?

is this a recurring dream? If this is just a one time dream, it may mean nothing - just random sparks running around in your sleeping dream.

If you do have this same dream often, it is trying to tell you something. Concerned about a head injury? Losing hair? Have headaches? And so on. . ., you will have to think about what is going on in your life that might be causing you to worry about head injuries.

On a less serious note, I once dreamed I ate a giant marshmallow. . ., when I woke up, my pillow was gone.

Don't get too worried about this.

Bad dream, woke up with a nose bleed, what's that mean? ?

A lot of people get nosebleeds in their sleep. Usually they are accompanied by bad dreams because your subconscious always knows what's going on in your body, and sends signals, sometimes in dreams, to alert you to the fact that there is something wrong. Your nightmares are probably your brain's way of trying to get you to wake up and see that your nose is bleeding. Try to use two pillows instead of one to prop your head up a bit higher, that should prevent the nosebleeds.

Bleeding ears dream?

Hi, here are the symbols that I see in this dream.

The ears are a symbol that some evil person is listening to your conversations to work you harm. Or you are hearing garbage from others.
Brother: What qualities does your brother have? Do you need to utilize those qualities in your own life?
Blood...Yuck! It's just as scary to see in a dream as it is in waking life. Blood is the fuel that keeps our motors running, so to the dreaming mind blood means energy. When you see it in a dream or nightmare it's a warning that you've been wasting or losing energy on something or someone. That someone or something is draining you of your energy.

Our bodies are our temples, the dwelling place of the soul and it's important that all aspects of our temple are functioning properly in order to make the most of this life. So when some bizarre affliction occurs in our dreams, it's time to take notice and find out what part of the self is not working in unison with the rest of the self.
So the ear could also mean that you hear to much garbage, or that you need to listen better. And do you need to listen to your brother?

Hope that helps, and good dreams to you :)