What Does It Mean If You Lose Weight Right After A Binge

Does purging after meals make you gain weight or lose weight?

The reason that people say purging after meals can make you gain weght is this-

Often people who purge (bulimics) will binge first- they say when purging you can only get rid of about 50% of the calories you consumed as the purging motion/contractions also pushes food down- so if say you binge on 5000 calories you will probably still digest 2500 calories- thus, if that is on top of your normal meals you will gain weight.

If howvere, you only eat 2000 calories in the day and you purge each time you will probably only digest about 1000, thus losing weight.

The other problem with purging is that if you eat, say 3000 calories and DON't purge it, you will probably feel very full and stop there for the day. If you eat 3000 calories and purge, your perpetuate the binge/purge cycle- you will feel empty after purging (despite having consumed at least 1500 calories) and probably end up eating and/or binging again... it goes on and on and on.

I've had bulimia for over 12 years now- because my binges have been extreme I have always gained weight (up until about a year ago) as a result of my eating disorder (despite purging sometimes 15 times a day).

Hope this helps :)

How did you avoid binge eating after you lost weight?

Hello,This is a commonly asked question and the answer is: willpower. I understand that when losing weight, many people eat less than they usually do and that causes them to crave more food after they have finished with their diet.It is useful to reflect on your progress and ask yourself, are you willing to throw it all away for a moment’s pleasure? If the answer is no, occupy yourself with something else. Anything will do, anything you enjoy.Connect with like-minded people who have similar dieting issues, the support is invaluable.Thank you.

Can i lose weight from binge eating?

For a week i ate about 1000 calories a day, some days were less, and i had 30 minutes of exercise 6 days of that week. Just yesterday (the end of the week) i binged about an extra 1000 calories, (on accident) BUT when i weighed myself this morning,i DIDNT gain a thing, i actually did a #2 and i feel so much lighter and skinnier. So i was thinking, If i eat 1000 calories for a week and one day of that week i eat about 500 more calories (the 500 calories is like the binge eating but more controlled) will i lose weight? Im saying will this cause my body to raise my metabolism and get out of starvation mode if i am in it?
10 points best answer!!! NO SPAM or RUDE comments please!
Thank you! xxx

Weight LOSS after a binge? HUH?!?

Ok so I've had a rough couple of weeks where I haven't been very good on my diet and cheated a lot.
This past week, I was on track, and ate 1500 calories every day. My weight hovered at right around 133-136. Yesterday morning, I weighed 132.8. Then, the worst possible thing happened again- I binged. It wasnt as bad as my other binges, but I reached at least 3300 calories. Afterwards, my weight shot up to 137.2. I was so frustrated, so I just drink a lot of Pepsi Max (0 cal.) and went to bed.
This morning, I had to pee... A LOT. Lol. But I reluctantly hopped on the scale and WHAAATTTT?!!!! 129.0 lbs. Um. How is that possible if I just binged over my maintenence? Did I break a plateau or something, or is this loss just temporary? Or is it just water weight? I don't understand... How is that possible? I mean I'm happy, considering I've had such a bad couple of weeks, but I don't know if I should be happy or not because this might just be temporary, right? Anybody know?

Can I lose weight by throwing up?

No.Just no.It doesn't make you skinny; it makes you ill. Firstly, the vast majority of calories from food are absorbed very early. Nutrients are absorbed later. By throwing up, you keep the calories but not the protein, vitamins, nutrients and so forth. This puts your body into starvation mode. This means the calories you eat are turned straight into fat, because your body feels like it's starving. It also increases your appetite, making you eat more; it make you tired and lethargic; it kills your willpower; it weakens your immune system; and it makes you loose muscle, which means that even after you leave 'starvation mode', you'll gain weight faster.As for safe? No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Erica Challis explained the physical effects well, but I'll elaborate.What is throwing up?It's forcing your stomach muscles to convulse, suddenly and unnaturally. This causes muscle tears, strains and cramps. It can literally rip holes in your abdominal muscles.Vomiting forces your stomach walls to move in ways it shouldn't, bruising organs near it.Vomiting forces stomach acids - which can dissolve flesh and bone - into your intestines and gullet, where it can permanently damage membranes and cause internal bleeding. This is nearly impossible to treat.It pushes this stomach acid  into your mouth and over your teeth.Remember, stomach acic can dissolve flesh and bone. It dissolves the enamel on your teeth, leaving them blackened and with holes, and painful and open to infection.It also destroys your taste buds. So if you're throwing up so that you can eat whatever you like, that's not going to work. It means you literally cannot eat, because your teeth are raw nerves, your intestines are shredded, and your stomach  is dying.Please, god, don't. Speak to a doctor if you want to loose weight. Exercise moderately. Eat fewer carbs, more protein and more vegetables. Stop drinking fizzy drinks. Cut down on alcohol.But please, don't kill yourself by throwing up.

How do you lose weight fast after binging on junk food?

Honestly, its better you consult a specialist to find out what's best for you. I really want to help but I don't think I can give better answers than specialist do. Sorry.

good luck

Love is omnipresence, Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

How much would a binge affect your weight if you went back to "normal" (maintenance calories) eating immediately after?

Chances are not much. Because your body is used to only a certain amount food, it will just question the extra influx of food and work harder to digest it. If you only binge once in a bluemoon, you will be absolutely fine. Just work off the extra cals. However, it binging is a coomon episode, then your body will start storing those extra calories in your fat reserves to be used as later as fuel when needed. That will result in noticeable weight gain. However, for now, don’t stress. Minimal impact will occur on your weight. You may feel heavy and bloated for a while, but that is more mental. Drink lots of water, and exercise a little later on in the day. You may also want to go through a brief recovery diet. Low carb, high protein sort of thing. Everyone has a cheat day once in a while, your metabolism will take care of it I promise :) Don’t make it a common episode.All the best

Will taking a laxative after a big binge prevent the weight gain?!?!?

Unless your binge is 3,500 calories MORE than you burn in a day (which is probably 1,500 to 2,000 -- thereby making your "binge" a 5,000+ calorie one), you're not going to gain any weight. What you're doing is causing water retention with the extra sodium. Your weight gain shows up only temporarily, and if you drink a lot of water, goes down a lot faster.

So rather than do something to cause health problems, just drink water and don't weigh yourself because the weight gain isn't real. Once the excess sodium has been flushed from your system, you'll return to your normal weight.

Remember, to gain (or lose) a pound, it's 3,500 calories beyond what your body burns at rest. (Google BMR to find out what that amount is.) It is really, really hard to consume 5,000 calories a day, assuming your BMR is 1,500. I used to eat HORRIBLY and I doubt I ever ate 5,000 calories a day - unless I was eating out at a restaurant for 3 meals and just gorging myself.