What Does It Mean That I Am Always Happy Around Animals

What do you think of people who put animal heads on their walls?

I think it's creepy. To put the head--a body part you have on your wall is discusting. I don't know how people don't feel creeped out watching it's eyes stare at you and if they feel guilty thinking about the innocent animal killed against it's will for your sick twisted desiers and repulsive decor. It also reminds me of an Ed gein movie or some kind of horror movie. I don't know why it's found pleasent. Please tell if you are vegetarian,vegan or omnivore and shair your opinion.
Happy new year.

Do animals have happier lives than humans?

With every evolutionary advantage there is a drawback. For humans, it’s our brains. Our blessing is also our curse. Having brains so large and advanced that we can think in abstracts and have self-awareness has certainly lead to our success and survival as a species…but it has also lead to great deal of suffering from that knowledge. We’re really quite mad as a species.Animals are blessedly free of that. They can simply reside in the moment and be content. It’s something we envy them greatly for. Even the most adept yogis and gurus and saints of our history cannot match the even serenity that most non-human animals have.I would not say animals are almost living without any disease generally…there’s plenty of illness, injury, death, and gruesomeness in the wild. What’s striking about it that it doesn’t bother animals as much as it does us. If we lose a leg it’s a catastrophe — we will mourn that loss and adjustment will be long and difficult. If a dog loses a leg, they will want to get up and go back to business as usual a few hours after surgery as if nothing ever happened. Remarkable.We need them to remind us there is a world outside our heads and doing that keeps us balanced. I think our salvation as a species and as a sibling to the rest of the world lies with the animals.

What's my spirit animal?

So my art class is doing this project where we have to find our spirit animal and then do an art piece blah blah blah. My problem is that I CANNOT figure out what my spirit animal is.
Most people in my class are just doing an animal they look like, and kind of act like.
I'm pretty energetic, can't be mean or angry to save my life, and for the most part happy all the time.
Here's an (old) picture of me.


Do animals have feelings like humans?

After having a German Shepherd for 2 years, hell yes I believe it.

Why do animals come up to me or follow me?

It must be because you have a gentle, nonthreatening soul.
Animals are always attracted to people that have no fear against them, people that are peaceful and gentle. So, you must be one of those special people with that tremendous gift, and that you should keep and continue developing throughout your life.
Many people with the same gift dedicate their lives to professions involving animals. Something to think about, right?

I am wonderful with animals and love them very much, but my gift is with children. I don't know, but they get calm and happy when they're with me. My friends and family always give me their kids when they're nervous or crying their eyes out, and just a little bit with me and all is cured.
I hope to have lots and lots of children, where I can have a huuuuge table and all of us eat together. That's one of my greatest dreams in life...

Why do dogs always want to eat what you are having instead of eating their own food? Is dog food really that bad?

It's not that the dog food is bad, it is that dogs are social animals and they want to do whatever you are doing.    Pack members share their food, even if it isn't very good food, they all eat it together. I have a friend who brings her dog over to my house.  One evening we were eating matzoh (a plain unsalted cracker) while we were waiting for dinner to finish cooking.  I gave the dog a piece of matzoh and she put it on the ground and didn't even think it was food.  So I made a big show of eating my matzoh, and her owner made a show of eating her matzoh, and then the dog ate her matzoh.  She didn't really like it but since we were eating it she went along with us.

Are you an animal lover or a hater ?

O.K......I do all that with my dog.I have had animals my whole life growing up and I am now 27, I have had my dog now for 2 years since he was 5 weeks old and he is the only animal that I have felt this strongly about! I just have some attatchment to him....I have no clue as to how you are going to compare an animal to a person being killed in Iraq! :)
