What Does This Color Mean To You

What does the color purple mean?

Shades matter, as does where on the body it presents, or whether you are attracted to it, etc. In general as an aura question, it means knowing what is best for you, doing what you think is right.If grey is present or it is slightly muddied it can represent being autonomous at the expense of listening to advice, or reasoned argument, experience opinion etc.If bright pink is present and it is at the solar plexus it can mean pride, the sort that cometh before a fall.If deep red is present, it can mean suppressed anger, feel righteouswhere dark or greyish blue is present it can indicate denial, feelings of inadequacy, or peevishness, blaming.I could go on,. but there is a rough guide

What does the color or texture of your poop mean?

What does lime green mean? I just got finish, and noticed for the 1st time, that mine was green. I've not too long ago had some green herbal tea. Does the color and texture represent something?

What does the term "mute colors" mean?

Generally, it’s the opposite of “loud colors”.Muted colors are generally low in “saturation” and “brightness” - often darker colors - tending towards the muddy browns, beiges and mid-grey tones.

What do all the mood ring colors mean?

Here’s what the colors mean:The colors change because of Liquid crystal.It just measures your skin temperature.They come in different colors. It’s usually a standard color-scheme for mood rings.

What does the color Blue mean to you? What does it signify?

Peace, calm and relaxation.

Rasta colors...what do they mean?

The black is for Africa. The red is for the blood of all living things in the world. The gold is for all of the treasures in the world that people cherish. The green is for the earth that people walk on, to which Rastas feel a special connection. These colours represent the Rastafari way of life. They were often proudly displayed by Bob Marley, one of the leading people in the rastafarian movement.

What do the colors mean in a stoplight?

I presume you are asking about traffic light colors. The green light means to proceed, if it is safe to do so.The yellow light provides warning that the signal will be changing from green to red. Stop if it is safe to do so, or go through the intersection if safe to do so.A flashing yellow is a warning signal.A flashing red is treated as a stop sign.