What Does This Image Symbolise And What Is The Point It

What does the eagle represent in the Nazi German symbol?

The Reichsadler (or “Imperial Eagle") was a German symbol, just like the bald eagle is an American symbol, but it wasn't a Nazi symbol at all…The Imperial Eagle was an ornamental standard that was carried and displayed by the Roman legions going as far back as the Roman Republic, even before it became the Roman Empire.After the fall of the Roman Empire (the western half of it anyway), the Germanic/Frankish warlords who established and perpetuated the “Holy Roman Empire” (the Carolingian Dynasty, the Merovingian Dynasty, Charles “The Hammer" Martel, Clovis, Charlemagne, etc.) Continued to use the symbol.Frederick the Great used the symbol to represent the Kingdom of Prussia, as did all of his successors.When Kaiser Otto Von Bismarck founded the German Empire (the “Second Reich”) and became both the Emperor of Germany and the King of Prussia, he used the eagle symbol universally. The German Empire continued to use the symbol until the end of World War I, when the German Empire fell, and the resignation of Wilhelm, II.The German “Weimar Republic” continued to use the eagle standard until the rise of the National Socialist German Worker's Party (“Nazi” for short) and the death of German President Paul Von Hindenburg.Upon taking power, Hitler and the Nazis continued to use the Eagle standard to represent the Third Reich, thereby tying themselves historically to a tradition that went back thousands of years.Even today, the Eagle standard is featured prominently in the coats of arms of many prominent and influential German families. The eagle is still the official national animal of Germany to this day, and still appears in the center of the German National Coat of Arms.So, yes, the Nazis used the eagle symbol. But, no, it wasn't a “Nazi symbol". It was just a symbol that was coopted and (some would definitely say) corrupted by the Nazis.Also, the swastika wasn't a “Nazi symbol” either. It’s an ancient Hindu symbol representing well-being and life's forward progress. The Nazi's simply adopted the symbol, stylized it and kinda ruined it for everyone (except that people in the Hindu faith still use the original version today to represent what it always represented to them).The Nazi's also ruined other symbols, like the “iron cross", the toothbrush mustache and the name Adolf.

What does the image above symbolize? (1868)?

conflict between the Republicans and the President
conflict between the Democrats and the President
Southern anger over Reconstruction policies
Northern anger over Republican Party policies

What does a star in the middle of a circle symbolize?

The symbol of a star inside a circle has many different meanings, depending on the religion involved and the type of star.A significant source of this image is a drawing by Leonardo Da Vinci called the Vitruvian man. For him, the significance was geometrical and architectural, not religious. It was about the ideal proportions found in the human body according to the Renaissance architect Vitruvius.The image implies a circle and can be seen to have either a square, or a five-pointed, or a six-pointed star. The five-pointed star is precisely inscribed, like this:Image from Number 72 and the Code of the Ancients. The equilateral pentagon has 5 angles, each 72 degrees, hence the significance of the number 72.In Christian imagery, the pentagle upright inside the 5-pointed start symbolizes the ideal man made in the image of God.In Wicca, the 5 points represent Spirit (at the top), fire and air (upper arms), water and earth (lower arms), thus the Divine in all of nature and the harmony of the elements and the seasons. (Thanks to Aston Night in comments for some of these details.)The inverted pentacle in a circle is the Satanic pentagram, the symbol used to perform black magic or to call up demons. This is found much more often in art and fantasy than in life.The equilateral six-pointed star has been a symbol in Judaism for many centuries. It is called the Shield of David (Mogen David in Hebrew). It often, but not always, is circumscribed with a circle, like this:Image from Star of David in a circular floral frame. Vector illustration.This symbol arose centuries ago and has many meanings, some of them described here (Star of David - Wikipedia). The term mogen, translated shield, also carries the more general meaning of protector or defender. Thus one epithet for God is the Mogen David, the protector of the house of the King of Israel. In ancient or medieval was used in magical amulets believed to protect people from illness or harm, as well. There are additional mystical meanings in the tradition of Jewish mysticism called the Kabbalah. In more recent centuries, it became a political symbol and was placed on the flag of the state of Israel:

What are some images that represent fear?

The Grudge Oh God =[

blood dripping
crossed eyes
black or blank eyes
someone buring in fire
skelaton hand
dark grave yard
choking victim
jack the ripper
slit throat
grim reaper
