What Does This Mean And Can U Give Me Advise Or Anyone Else Have This Happen To Them

What does I couldn't ask for anyone better mean?

It means what it says, who ever said it obviously cares about you alot. My advise is that you stop reading into things to much. Alot of girls do this, it makes you paranoid.

Follow my advise and the rest will come naturally.
Best of luck,

What does this quote mean? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?

It just means that we are all OK exactly the way that we are.

We don't need anything to be good enough.

Love and blessings Don

If you see your ex again and again in your dreams, does it mean he is missing you?

I have seen what others have written and in no way am I trying to trample over what has been stated. When most people give advice it is from a place of sound logic and there is nothing wrong with that. I am going to come from another perspective on the matter. I do believe that dreams come from the spirit realm and logic can not help comprehend them much. Depending on how much you are in tune with your soul, your dreams will mean something in your waking life. Most of us are taught to disregard dreams but they have been essential to me understanding or decoding my life. I do believe that if you are not the one interested in reconnecting with your ex that a) they could miss you or b) there are unresolved issues between you two or at least on his end. On the flip side, if you have been contemplating over your ex than it is you that may need healing. In this high paced world, sometimes we forget to slow down and listen to our hearts so those feelings come through our dreams. His conscious self may not even be aware of how his soul feels. Dreaming of someone repeatedly denotes a strong connection. Now, whatever that connection may be is up to you to discover. If I were you, the next time he comes to you ask him what he wants from you. You may be surprised. Love, light and blessings to you.

HELP I NEED ADVICE!!! =(( answers?

okay, goodness no. Usually your dreams are subconscious worries. Perhaps you're worried too much about death, religion, what comes next, or any thing along those lines, but merely dreaming something does not mean it will happen

People dream they die all the time and it doesnt happen, or they dream of death, suicide, murder, babies, all kinds of things that rarely happen. Dreams are just dreams, the only way they have meaning is if you search to hard and make them connect to something else. You won't die. At least I hope not. Just calm down, chill out, and read a good book, exercise, or journal.

Keeping a dream journal is an excellent way to track your dreams and see what sort of things are on your mind. If you're really worried look around for a low-cost or free psychologist and take your dream notes with you. He or she would be able to interpret and tell you what may or may not be on your mind. Hope this helps.