What Does This Mean If Somebody Is Going To Buy Pepper Spray

What would you do if someone pepper sprayed your dog?

This is my little fur ball, Khan. We named him after the Khan from “The Wrath of Khan” (a Star Trek film), though oftentimes I refer to Genghis as well when it’s clear someone isn’t into science fiction. Runner-up names included “Goliath” and “Sampson”.Khan is a Pekingese, they’re known as being stubborn couch potatoes that aren’t particularly social; two out of three apply to our little guy. He loves everyone and assumes all people and dogs are as playful, social, and happy as he is.  When he was a puppy he would playfully bite our hands, my husband and I would both say “ouch” and stop playing immediately; he figured out that biting wasn’t acceptable. Today the vet can stick her fingers in his mouth and poke about, or even take his temperature, without fear of being bitten (though he can get pretty squirmy). If he feels threatened, he retreats to the safe space behind the legs of my husband or I, and barks from a safe distance to prove how brave he is. This mostly happens if another dog tries to mount him, which, thankfully, isn’t very often. If he’s afraid of an aggressive dog, he’ll paw at me, and I pick him up until the threat is gone. Khan is a lover, not a fighter.Let’s say someone approached my little guy, all six kilos of him. They’d be met with a pair of giant eyes, an excited wagging tail, he would probably crouch or roll onto his side when their hand extended, eagerly anticipating the attention and affection.If the heartless monster pepper sprayed him, things wouldn’t end well for them. Unlike my dog, I’m not a small, defenseless innocent. Assuming they were stupid enough to remain within reach, I would tackle them to the ground, pinning them with my full body weight (and I’m not a small woman). I would then empty whatever remained in the pepper spray can into their eyes. Male or female, I’d finish off my reaction with a kick to their nether regions for good measure - and if I’m in the park, I might just be wearing heavy boots.Then I’d get my dog to the vet immediately, and pray no lasting damage was done.

What does mace/pepper spray do to a person?

It is legal most places, but it is usually less than a complete deterrent.
Pepper spray is extremely irritating to the eyes and nasal passages, causing pain and watering.
An agitated attacker, or one who is under the influence of some narcotics, will be further enraged by pepper spray. Also, it has to be accurately delivered to the eyes to be of much use at all.
Shooting someone with pepper spray is somewhat less effective than hitting them with a brick. Better to carry a brick for self defense, and leave the pepper for your omelet.

When a man buys pepper spray for you but?

I have a guy friend who bought me pepper spray he's 25 and i'm 21. We've been friends for about 8 months and about once a month he will invite me to hiss house and only once have he taken me out to hang out and shoot his guns. I think he only did this because i told him that I liked guns and that another one of my friends took me out to shoot. So I think this iss why he was prompted to take me to shoot guns.

Now, he kind of just flirts with me over the phone. He invited me over to his house twice to watch movies. He texted me last week and its been almost two months since ive seen him. He said that if the movie sucks we could just go to plan b. Plan b is we make out and have sex. Then he got really cheesy with his flirting.

I dont know if I see him that way now. Its funny because i'm five foot ten and he's five foot five. He likes me but i dont know if I want to be used for sex. Im not sure if he likes me or wants to use me im a virgin and i dont see sex as something casual. I have another guy who wants to date me and i wanted to ask my guy friend if he cared or not if i would date someone else.

I like him a lot but im not prepared to be used or heart broken by a man, btw i think he acts this way because his mother abandoned him and the lady that worked with him told me that he hates women.

do you think he's trrying to use me or he's just weird and really does like me?

What happens if you pepper spray someone wearing glasses?

Spraying for center mass on the chest will get the spray in the eyes as the particles hit clothing/skin and rise. Sealed goggles would keep the eyes clearer, but the spray gets to the face regardless.Part of the problem with OC is that there is a generalized area of effect that includes the sprayer. Every time I've trained against a resisting opponent, I get almost as much on me as him. Distance is the problem, as is the actual amount of diminishment against a determined attacker.We have videos of how quickly an attacker can get OC out of your hand. ReadyMan has a video of one of their guys taking bear spray to the face and STILL making consistent bullseyes with his handgun.  With bear spray at 20 feet it's better due to the power of the stream and greater distance. I really wish that more women with keychain cannisters had bought 2 and trained with 1, and knew what the real affect of the spray is.

Can you pepper spray someone tor sexually harassing you?

You are better off telling them to knock it off, or you will be making a 3 digit phone call. You can press charges, but using pepper spray is more likely going to get you in trouble. Your boss should not be letting the customers do that. I worked in a not so good part of town, with a street of bars 2 blocks down. Trust me more then one of them got hit for trying to touch me. After awhile they knew better.

If you put pepper spray in someone's drink and get caught for attempt murder how long will you go to jail?

Attempted murder??? Pepper spray is a non-toxic oil mixture made from cayenne peppers. It is edible. I think you have received false information about the actual charge. In my law enforcement career, I saw people shoot someone and not get an attempted murder charge. I suspect he may have been charged with battery or something like that, not attempted murder. In any case, the time in jail will be determined by the seriousness of the conviction, the kid's criminal background, and what the judge decides is the appropriate punishment.

If someone pepper sprays someone without any good reason, will they go to jail?

Maybe.It's an assault using a weapon, so look up your state’s criminal law for assaults if in the US or your national or territorial law elsewhere as applicable. If they live to get arrested and charged, it will likely be a more serious charge than a “simple" assault that is carried out using the bare hands.. Prison time will be longer. If the victim has an unfortunate reaction that is more severe than the average person because they have asthma or another medical condition, they could require a lengthy hospitalization, permanent care or die. The idiot who sprayed them could be sued by the victim or the victim's family in civil court in top of any criminal charges.If spray is used against someone who has a concealed carry permit for a firearm or a law enforcement officer who is armed, the idiot using pepper spray will be providing justification for increased force to be used on them. Basically, at that point they will have brought pepper spray to a gunfight. It could very well be their last mistake.Criminal charges and prison time are not the most serious possible outcome from assaulting someone with pepper spray. The most serious consequence could be the death of the idiot who sprayed someone who had a gun. In that scenario, they won't go to jail. Their body will go from on the ground, to on a slab in the morgue, to beneath the ground.

If you pepper spray someone who is yelling and threatening you can you get in trouble?

I ask because I wanted to carry a knife for protection but my dad told me that if I use a knife on someone that's trying to hurt me or threaten me I'll be the one who gets in jail... So I got pepper spray instead. If what dad said is true I don't think that very fair, but it is what it is so I'm just trying to educate myself on how I can make sure to stay safe when being threatened AND do so without getting in trouble.

Can I get in legal trouble for using pepper spray?

if you used it in self defense for example someone tried to hurt you and you turned round and sprayed them to defend yourself then that's not illegal it's like some one coming at you with a knife and you disarm them but if you used it against them just out of the blue for example for no reason or for bullying then you cud gt into trouble.

Where can I buy pepper spray in Pattaya, Thailand?

My wife and I love to walk at night around Pattaya, Thailand, and around our house in Pattaya Tai. But, these damn stray dogs really turn into monsters after dark, and I think we will get bitten soon if we don't do anything about it to protect ourselves. I have thought about getting a BB gun, but I think pepper spray is the better option. Does anyone know where in Pattaya, maybe on Beach Road or Road 2 or 3, where I can buy some pepper spray for personal protection?