What Does This Saying Mean

What does this saying mean?

it's about not getting hung up in doesn't matter how many you make (how many times you get down), but it matters whether or not you learn from them all and get yourself back on track (how many times you get back up)

What does this saying mean?

It mean that hell does not even behold the fury of and angered woman.
It's basically saying that there is nothing worse, etiher on earth or in hell, than a woman who is pissed off.

What does this saying mean to you?

its saying that as people get older they begin to feel younger whilst on the other end of the spectrum they just become bitter. also, in and out of life people come and go.

but to look at the bigger picture, he saying it isnt nessacary to become bitter and that u need to learn to have a bit of fun as u grow up.

What does this saying mean to you?

It sounds like a rant from some natural foods enthusiast who shuns oils, sugars and dairy.  An oil free vegan, perhaps?It is written as if from a religious tract.It reminds me of the old joke:"How do you know if someone is a Vegan?""They'll tell you."

What does this saying, "I've had it", mean?

This could mean several things.You are extremely annoyed or angry wuth something/ someone. I’ve had it with James. I’ve had it with American politics!You are in serious trouble. If my mother knows that I’m going out with you, I’ve had it.You cannot tolerate something or someone anymore. Okay. I’ve had it. Get out of my house this instant!You are bored or tired of what you are doing so you decide to stop it. I’ve had it for today. Let’s go home.

What does this saying mean in english!!!!!?

Here's where all the Puerto Rican women know karate
They cook using tomato sauce
They moisten the rice with a bit of avocado.
In order to obtain 14 karat buttocks.

I know it doesn't make sense. But something tells me this is reggaeton, so it doesn't surprise me.

What does the saying "it goes both ways" mean?

A great example of this expression is pertaining to friendship.A great friendship needs to be reciprocal. It can't be one-sided. You need to have one another's backs.A one-sided friendship is, in my opinion, a form of abuse. When that “friend” needs you, you are there, but when you need them, they're nowhere to be found. “It goes both ways” means that not only should you be there for them, but they should also be there for you.Aside from friendship, here are a few more uses:“You can dish the shots, so you should take it as well.” - if you punch someone, you would normally expect to be punched right back. It goes both ways.“If you need my help, you must be receptive to it.” - You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. You ask for my help, and I will help you, but you need to be committed to trying to solve the problem. It goes both ways.To end off my answer, a quote about friendship:“I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.” ~ Robert BraultA true friendship goes both ways. The friend who, for me, does not consult his calendar, deserves that I do the same for him.Hope this helps!Kobus

What does this saying mean: if you don't know what hate is, you don't know what love is?

The saying means that love and hate co-exist as equal but opposite emotions and that to feel love deeply, one must be able to feel hate deeply.But I don't think that is true.  The saying makes the supposition that love is the opposite of hate. That is an incorrect supposition.  The opposite of love is not hate.  The opposite of love is apathy.In order to hate something or someone, you have to care about it or them.  You have to muster some level of understanding and make an active effort to hate something. That's why therapists are always telling patients to let go of negative feelings and forgive people who have wronged them.  Hating somebody takes effort.  It takes a draining toll on one's body and mind.Loving someone or something takes effort also, but of a very different sort.  Loving someone; caring about their welfare, feeds the soul and expands the mind. Love is a conduit for positive energy.  It prolongs youth and makes a person feel good about themselves and the world around them.I don't have to understand hate in order to understand love. Those two states of being are completely dissimilar.Apathy, on the other hand, is the absence of feeling or regard.  One would need to know apathy to understand love. Once a person understands the absence of love, the feeling of not caring, then that person is much more able to appreciate the emotion of love.So I would say that it would be closer to the truth to say that in order to understand love, one must understand apathy.I would add that it would also be true that in order to understand hate, one must understand apathy, although in the case of hate, moving to the state of apathy could in certain instances be a positive move.

What does it mean to say "so what?"

Let’s analyze the phrase.“So” is a way to describe the consequences or effects of something: “I worked a lot today, so I’m tired” means that my tiredness is caused by my having worked a lot.“What” is a question word that takes the place of the thing you’re asking about: “What did you work on today?”, for example, might be answered by “I worked on fixing the sink”.Combine those two: when you say “so what”, you’re saying that something was an effect of something else, and you’re asking what the effect is. For example, A: “I worked a lot today.” B: “So what?” A: “So I’m tired, and I don’t think I can join you for drinks tonight.”So that’s the literal meaning of “so what”, but most of the time it’s used, it’s being used as a certain rhetorical technique. Namely, it’s asking about something with the implication that that something doesn’t exist. For example, A: “I’m tired, I don’t want to work today.” B: “So what?” (Implication: you have to work whether you want to or not.)Hope this helps,