What Effective Methods Have You Tried For Losing Weight

How effective is the elliptical trainer for losing weight?

There are so many good answer here, but allow me to share my humble opinion in this subject. I believed this question deserve an answer but it would be 2 part.Lets look into:1. How effective is Elliptical machine for losing weight 2. Why am I not losing anymore weight1st one: How effective is Elliptical machine for losing weightHonestly it is quite effective. Before I started Muay Thai boxing, I used to use this machine as my choice of cardio. It really help me burns off some fat as i move almost more part of my body especially the legs when doing the exercise.A good read is How to Use the Elliptical for Fat Loss. I think most equipment in the gym has its own place and time. So I don’t think the problem here is with the equipment2nd: Why am I not losing anymore weightI know how you feel and I was once dishearten by the result I am getting as well. I would spend hours on the gym and hit it hard every time on both weight and cardio (and I was slightly injure too from pushing too hard), but I am just not losing more weight. What going on here?This is when I start to realized what I did wrong. I was working too hard, and I diet too long. I didn’t even get a break. And that’s what you need to do. What? A break? Yes that’s right, what you need is a break from all this. Just take a short break like a week of doing nothing. No going to gym and pushing too hard, and no diet that makes you miserable. Once you have your break, then only come back with a fresh mind and body, and start all over again. Or you can deload your workout for a week before pushing hard the next. See this: Deloading 101: What Is a Deload and How Do You Do It?Things you need to remember about losing weightDiet is 80% of your success. Instead of diet too hard and expect seeing fast result, maybe its time to see diet as a long term goal. This way you won’t be miserable. Make it as a lifestyle and you will have fun. Don’t go diet feeling miserable because honestly, that’s the worst and you won’t last long with it.See this: How do you quickly and effectively lose weight in a healthy way?Last advice is be patience and enjoy the process instead of forcing it through. No point doing pushing hard only to give up half way through.

What are some tried-and-true methods for losing weight?

Focus on plant foods and you’ll be the thinnest of your friends. “The more green, the more lean,” as Joel Furhman, M.D. likes to say. The weight will stay off, as long as you don’t add oil or sugar, but use nuts as your fat and fruit for your sweet.The calories in nuts aren’t as high as they appear because they aren’t all absorbed. But above all, fruits, veggies, beans, nuts and whole grains have lots of fiber. They stay with you so well, you’ll find your hunger going way down.For instance, you might have oatmeal with raisins and cinnamon for breakfast and an orange. For lunch a big salad with a nut-based dressing, bean soup and some other fruit. For dinner, two steamed or microwaved veggies, plus a sweet potato, and another bean dish with fruit for dessert such as banana “nice cream,” frozen chunks blended with a splash of vanilla and plant-based milk, plus cocoa if you want.If you have acid reflux, remember it isn’t caused by foods like lemon, which have an alkaline effect on your body even if they are acidic themselves. Eventually you won’t have any problem with any plant food.Avoid most packaged foods, especially cakes, cookies, chips, sweetened dairy and fried foods. If in doubt for a snack, reach for a piece of fruit or a chunk of cabbage or some other veggie, and/or a handful of nuts.Also keep in mind that you may experience what Dr. Furhman calls “toxic hunger” when you are first starting out. That’s a feeling of withdrawal from junk food and isn’t true hunger, so it’s best to ignore it. Once you are mostly a plant-based eater, you will find your hunger goes way down, even though the volume of food goes way up.

What are some methods of losing weight effectively?

You need to first change your attitude towards weight loss. Stop thinking about the result. Instead, start thinking about what you can do differently. It's okay if you have failed several times. Continue trying. Don't give up.Think of your body as something that will give you 110% if you give it 100%. Start loving yourself the way you are before you decide to change. A lot of times, people forget to tell you how important it is to mentally stay in the game. If you will it, then it can happen. So tell yourself everyday that you are going to lose weight.Start small. Don't go crazy with diets. If you like to eat in the night, that's fine. But try replacing junk with something healthier like a fruit. Also, force yourself to wake early so that you can sleep earlier. This way you'll eliminate the midnight munchies.Follow fitness channels on YouTube. Try jump rope. It's great for workout. Doing something that you relate with helps you enjoy your workout.Every day add a little more and keep pushing yourself. And remember to track your progress but don't obsess over the result.Slowly, but steadily you will get there.Hope this helps. :)

What are some effective methods to lose weight from your thighs and hips?

Sadly, without the intervention of physical fat removal a.k.a. Liposuction, there is no remedy for spot-reduction fat loss.You were best way to reduce fat in your hips and thighs would be total overall fat loss, which comes from a caloric deficit.The Clore deficit is when you eat less calories in your body needs to maintain its current weight. This can be done through three main strategies:Reducing energy intake, aka eating less calories.Increasing energy expenditure, aka exercising.A combination of the two above.Option three is the easiest to maintain due to the fact that causing a typical 500 cal per day deficit solely from less food is hard for a lot of people, and a 500 cal per day increase in energy is even harder. A good goal to shoot for would be 300 cal less per day intake, and 200 cal and more per day output. But, there are many calculator is available online to do this for you.So, short answer long, you cannot spot reduce fat loss only from your thighs and hips, it will come off your body all at the same time. The easiest way to do this is with a caloric deficit and increased exercise.As a sidenote, increasing lean mass a.k.a. muscle tissue in the hips and thighs and glutes will give you a firmer and rounder appearance, and will make you look fitter, or firmer, than without.

Anyone try losing weight using laxatives?

Please, don't. I have been struggling with all sorts of eating disorders for years, trust me, DO NOT! The laxatives are super unhealthy, they screw up your electrolites, and body! If you abuse laxatives, then your bowels won't be able to function on their own, and you'll have to take 3x the amount of laxatives you did before because your nody is used to it. not to mention, they make you VERY bloated, and have gas, and horrible cramps.........please, don't. It's just water weight you lose.

What are examples of most effective methods to quickly, inexpensively, and safely lose weight?

Start counting calories!Look up a BMR ( Basal Metabolic Rate) Calculator, which there are many available online, and find out how many calories you burn without performing any activities.Next find a calorie counting App that will keep track of everything you eat and log into it.From there add up all the calories burned from your daily activities and workouts you burn each day and aim for a deficit ( a negative amount) of 500 calories a day!That’s the safest and most effective way to lose weight for your body effectively and consistently!You’ll basically be eating a little less at each meal than you would normally eat and will help you save money because you’ll be eating less as well.Simple tracking like this will keep you honest and on the right track towards your weight loss goal!

Metformin purely for weight loss?

Metformin helps in PCOS in several ways. First, as previously mentioned, PCOS is associated with insulin resistance. Metformin suppresses hepatic gluconeogenesis (glucose production) and helps to control blood glucose levels. Second; Metfromin does indeed help with weight loss, albeit quite modestly. Patients on Metfromin lose on average only 5-7 pounds. Third, Metformin when used with Clomiphene helps induce ovulation to help restore normal menstrual cycles and increase fertility.

So, to answer your question more directly, it is unlikely your doctor prescribed the Metformin only for weight loss. There are more effective methods for weight loss than Metformin. However, Metformin will help to reduce many of the symptoms of PCOS (including modest weight loss).

I weigh 340 pounds. I have been trying to lose weight for a while. Can someone give me tips on doing so?

The most healthy and effective way to lose weight and keep it off is to burn more calories than you consume.

Avoid eating high caloric and high fat foods.

Also, skip junk foods and fast foods.

Pay attention to what you eat, when you eat and why you eat.

Some people eat when they are bored. Don't.

Some people eat when they are sad, angry or depressed. Don't.

Some people eat simply because they are not full any more. Don't.

Eat two or three times a day. Eat foods that have plenty of diferent colors to them. (Green, yellow orange vegetables, etc. Avoid brown foods like processed meats, fried meats, burgers, etc.)

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. If you need a snack, take a vegetable (not a potato chip) that is high in fiber (carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.)

Avoid midnight snacks. You burn more calories awake than you do asleep.

Also, start an exercise regimen. Start slowly at first.

Walk half a mile for a few days. Build up to a mile and more.

Don't take the elevator. Take the stairs. Give yourself a few extra minutes to climb them.

The questions that you have to ask yourself are how healthy do I really want to be?

How well do I really want to feel?

How long would I really like to live?