What Famously Known People Lived During The 1700

What famous people lived in the 1700s in Georgia?

Those are all from the original 13 colonies. You can try to find info by going to the province of......

Can anyone list some famous people between 5,000 B.C. to 1700 AD? ?

One huge list of people (with country and field):

Mohamed (Middle East; prophet)
Jesus (Middle East; prophet)
Homer (Greece; writer)
Virgil (Rome; writer)
Cicero (Rome; statesman)
Julius Caesar (Rome; general/statesman)
Octavius (Rome; emperor)
Cleopatra (Egypt/Rome; queen)
Aristotle (Greece; philosopher)
Plato (Greece; philosopher)
Herodotus (Greece; philosopher)
Hero (Greece; engineer)
Ovid (Rome; writer)
Alexander the Great (Greece; ruler)
Constantine (Rome; emperor)
Justinian (Rome/Byzantium; emperor)
Charlemagne (Holy Roman Empire aka France/Germany; emperor)
Chaucer (England; writer)
Shakespeare (England; writer)
Christopher Marlowe (England; writer)
Ivan the Terrible (Russia; czar)
Michelangelo (Italy; artist)
Leonardo DaVinci (Italy; artist/scientist)
Raphael (Italy; artist)
Donatello (Italy; artist)
Cosimo I de Medici (Italy; duke)
Julius II (Italy; pope)
Clement VII (Italy; pope)
Johann Sebastian Bach (Germany; musician/composer)
Antonio Vivaldi (Italy; musician/composer/priest)
Martin Luther (Germany; religious rebel)
Johannes Gutenberg (Germany; inventor of the printing press)
Macbeth (Scotland; high king)
Brian Boru (Ireland; high king)
Louis XIV (France; king...his reign ends after 1700, though)
Richard I Lion-heart (England; king)
William Wallace (Scotland; rebel)
Robert the Bruce (Scotland; rebel)
Edward I the Confessor (England; king)
John Lackland (England; king)
Henry Bolingbroke (England; king)
Richard III (England; king...didn't really have a hunchback)
Henry VII Tudor (England; king)
Henry VIII (Engalnd; king/bringer of Protestantism)
Mary (England; queen)
Elizabeth I (England; queen)
Shane O'Neil (Ireland; rebel)
James I (Scotland/England; king/writer)
Christopher Colombus (Italy, though he sailed for Spain; explorer)
Vasco da Gama (Portugal; explorer_
John Smith (England; explorer)
Pochahontas (Powhattan tribe, America; princess/diplomat)
Rebeccah Nurse (Massachusetts colonoy, America; accused witch)

List of famous people from about the 1700s to now?

Albert Einstien
Robert Clive
Winston Churchil
Adolf Hitler
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Lord Mountbatten
Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Bennito Mussalino
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Jimmy Carter
Megan Fox
Brad Pitt
David Bekham
etc etc...

Are there any people who lived from the 18th century to the 20th? If so, how many?

There were definitely some: you only need to live 101 years.  But without comprehensive record keeping, there would be few confirmed.  But I found a report on-line that indicated several hundred just in Ireland in 1901.  (San Francisco Call 20 January 1903.)There were quite a number of people born in the 19th century and died in the 21st.  See Oldest people at the Wiki for some exampples.Also two still alive, Susannah Mushatt Jones and Emma Morano - two more if you count the year 1900 as part of the 19th century.I found a report from Age UK ( ) that indicated several hundred centinarians alive in 2001 just in the UK.   They might be the best people to put your question to for a fuller answer.  (And if you get it, please post it here, since people are interested.)

Name historical famous people born between 1600-1920?

Henry IV Famous French King. Lived around 1600

Louis XVI ( French king ) lived during the 1700

Jacques Rousseau ( philosopher around 1700_

Julius Verne ( writer 1800 )

Levi Strauss ( famous manufacturer Levis jeans 1800)

Frank Loyd Wright ( famous architect 1900- 1910 )

Charles Chaplin ( famous actor 1920 )

Pablo Picasso ( painter 1920)

Teddy Roosevelt ( President )

Who were influencil people in europe during the 1700's?

There were a bunch of people.

Louis XV of France
Louis XVI of France
Catherine the Great(Russia, though)
Frederick William I of Prussia
Frederick the Great of Prussia
Maria Theresa of Austria

Art and Letters:

Hargreaves (the spinning jenny)
Arkwright (the water frame)
Watt (steam engine)
Jenner (smallpox vaccine)

Jacques Rousseau (The Social Contract)
baron de Montesquieu (The Spirit of Laws)

Adam Smith (The Wealth of Nations)
Thomas Malthus (Essay of the Principle Population)

Have fun with that.. :]
Hope i helped. sorry i didn't give much info about each person though. mine is so condensed..

Are there any published diaries of people living between the 16th to 18th century?

Samuel Sewall, one of the judges in the Salem witch trials, kept a diary from 1674-1700, published free on line: Diary of Samuel Sewall: 1674-1700.  It mentions several episodes in the trials in detail.Ann Putnam, one of the witnesses in the trials, kept a diary, but I'm not sure if the whole diary has been published.The diary of Cotton Mather briefly mentions the Salem witch trials, in which he played a minor role.  It is published and available on line here: Diary of Cotton Mather, 1681-1724 : Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive An 18th century colonial diary was written by William Byrd II , a Virginia planter and slave owner, who kept a diary from 1709 to 1712.

Did people in the 13 colonies during the 1700s have British accents?

Not quite. In the 1600s it would be more so - there had not been enough time for accents to diverge, as the first functioning colonies had only been set up at the beginning of that century. A century later however and we see differences beginning to emerge. See Phonological history of English - After American–British split for lots of detail.Some of the most important changes include:Non-rhotic accents (in which R ceased to be pronounced if it was not before a vowel) developing in England, which would later spread to Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Altho continued migration to the American colonies would mean a few American accents, such as Boston, AAVE and old Southern, would become non-rhotic, most North American accents would remain rhotic, as would Irish, Scottish and some English and Welsh ones. Rhoticity in English - HistorySome short A vowels in southern England changed to long back As as in palm, father. Hence laugh, path, grass became pronounced as ‘lahf’, ‘pahth’, ‘grahss’. This change occurred across class boundaries (so included both ‘posh’ and Cockney for instance) and was also exported to the Southern Hemisphere colonies, but failed to catch on in northern England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland never mind North America. TRAP–BATH splitNorth American accents generally changed the pronunciation of short O vowels so they were very much like a back A vowel. Thus lot became pronounced as ‘laht’. See Unrounded LOT. There are three other related changes to O vowels around this time in which North American accents led the way: the LOT–CLOTH split, the FATHER–BOTHER merger, and the COT–CAUGHT merger. Of those the last one perhaps did not start in the 1700s, and its effects are still changing American English now; also some non-North-American accents also have some of those changes.

Significant people Who lived between 1600-1800 AD?

George washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Voltaire, Mozart, Thomas Paine, Adam Smith, William Shakespeare, John Locke, Louis XV of france, catherine the great, peter the great, captain cook, Really there are tons of people. Just read a book

Important people during the American Revolution in 1770?