What Food To Start With If A Person Vomits Every Thing Eaten Help

Why am I vomiting every time after I eat?

There are so many reasons ..1.If you forcibly eat food even though you have eaten sufficient amount of food ,then your stomach will try to vomit the extra food you have eaten .So, this you will get vomiting sensation .2.If you drink more water after completing your satisfactory meal.3.If you are trying to eat the food even though you won’t like it then will experience vomiting sensation.4.This reason based on surroundings where you eat , if the surroundings were not clean and produces foul odour (smell ) .5.May the quality of food you are eating is poor.6.Lack of sleep may also give you vomiting sensation whenever you eat on that day.7.If all the above reasons were not the reasons for your vomiting sensation then Consult a doctor immediately .. you may experiencing some digestive system functioning problem.Murali :-)

Vomiting everything i eat and drink- help?

Keep off food for 24 hours. try to break this horrible cycle of drink/vomit eat/vomit . I know you are very thirsty but for just a while keep your mouth moistened, take in water at room temperature and spit it out. Can you sleep, even for an hour ? That may rest your poor tummy. When you wake up or after a little rest take tiny sips of water, can someone get you some Dioralyte ? it's a special solution that helps replace what the body loses.
I assume you have no other symptoms such as diarrhoea ? This does not seem to be food poisoning but you have certainly picked something nasty up. have you access to a Healthcare Helpline ?
If you get worse you may need medical help.
If things improve and you can keep down water, lay off food for 24 hours, then have a banana and dry toast, nothing milky as this could make you ill again.

When you vomit do you lose everything?

Thats a gross question, but I'm just gonna answer it unlike these other people just saying how gross it is:

When you throw up, it depends if you are sick or if you just ate too much or if you get grossed out. If you are sick, all of it comes out because you have a stomach bug and the body wants to clear EVERYTHING out. If you ate too much, just a little may come out so your stomach doesn't explode. If you get grossed out, you may gag or puke a tiny bit but not much because there is nothing inside your body to trigger it.

Is it better to induce vomiting after eating really unhealthy food or keep that food down?

I think, and hope, everyone misunderstood your question and you’re only asking if you should induce vomiting when a meal makes you sick; nauseous, dizzy and just overall feel like crap. This can happen for a number of completely normal reasons to anyone, without it being an indicator of bulimic/psychotic tendencies.Assuming this is your case, that you simply overate by mistake or a meal just isn’t sitting well, I’ll say: IT DEPENDS. If you accidentally swallowed a chemical, like a household cleaner, bleach, etc, DO NOT VOMIT. CALL 911 RIGHT AWAY and have someone with you at all times until you get medical assistance, to make sure that if you pass out, you have someone to help you.If you suspect it was just the food, like eating 5 day old leftovers, and you have no history of food disorders/ mental disorder or anything that would indicate your want to vomit can turn into a habit, BARF AWAY.I suffer from motion sickness and get really sick if I make the mistake of eating and then playing on my cellphone, I get horribly nauseous and won’t feel better until I barf at the side of the road; but then again, this only happens to me only once every couple of years and I don’t have a history of binging.Here’s more on the right thing to do if you’re experiencing food poisoning:Dealing with Poisoning. Information leaflet to treat poisoning | Patient

If you vomit intentionally after eating undercooked chicken can that prevent food poisoning?

Please don't ever do this unless told to by a poison control center. This can make you more sick then the possibility of getting salmonella. The possibility of getting ill is small from a very small piece. Once you swallow any food that is contaminated the chances of you ingesting it are already in the stomach and being digested. The bile or acid starts this process when you have the food in your mouth. The saliva automatically starts to break the food down to ingest it into the body. You can try the water hydration, as it will flush it through and out quickly. The only other thing you can do is just go about the day and do what you were going to do. If you are going to get ill the better to get it over with. Good luck and God Bless

What to eat after vomiting?

last night from 5 to 8 i was throwing up the tacos i had for dinner and the bial in my stomach. Today im hungry but i dont no what to eat. My mom is making me white rice plain and i dont know if thats good for your stomach. I've only had water and watered down gatorade. What should i eat/drink all day?

What is the best food to eat after throwing up?

Try something that does not smell too much like garlic, onions, or meat or fish. They used to encourage bananas, rice, apples and toast. You might enjoy potatoes, pudding, watermelon, pears, cucumbers for satisfaction and relief of dehydration and sore throat.

What happens if you throw up food right after eating?

If it happens just once, nothing. It's a sign you are sick or ate something you are allergic to.If it happens regularly, it causes s great deal of harm. The acid in the vomit damages your teeth, and leads to discolouration and decay. Your dentist will be able to see that you are vomiting regularly and may confront you about this behaviour.Regular vomiting damages the lining of your oesophagus - your food tube - and the valve that keeps food and digestive juices in your stomach. You may experience painful acid reflux - a burning sensation. You will need medication to help with this. It will be clear to your doctor that you are vomiting regularly and they will offer you help to stop the behaviour.Regular vomiting causes swollen glands in the face and neck. Your face may begin to appear swollen. This will be another obvious sign to medical professionals that you are indulging in unhealthy behaviour. Your friends and family might just think you are getting fat, but someone familiar with eating disorders would be able to see what is really going on with you.One thing that will not necessarily happen if you vomit after eating is weight loss. Many people who habitually vomit after food are a normal weight, or overweight. Self induced vomiting only removes part of the food you ate. It is not an effective way to empty your stomach.If you are considering vomiting after eating, don't. It is harmful and does not help weight loss. If you already started to vomit food, stop if you can. If it is difficult to stop, get help from your doctor. The longer it goes on, the more damage will be done.