What Foods To Eat After A Tonsillectomy

What foods should I eat after tonsillectomy?

wow apparently "slim" and "zena" haven't had a tonsillectomy or if they did it was a LONG LONG time ago. (ice cream and yogurt are BIG NO-NO'S)

you are not supposed to have any dairy. i know so many people say "you can eat all the ice cream you want" but thats not true. back in the day drs used to recommend ice cream cuz its soft and cold but they do not recommend it any more cuz dairy creates a lot of mucous which will cause a lot of congestion and you'll have to cough hard to try to get in out and coughing will highly irritate your throat. plus the congestion causes you to loose your voice.
(i did not have any dairy during my recovery and i could talk just fine and i was not congested at all)

things to drink are:
-tons of cold water
-apple juice
-passion fruit juice
-peach juice
for the first 3 days the only things you are supposed to "eat" are things like jello, popsicles, and soup broth. (thats why you need to have a wide variety of drinks so you don't get extremely bored with your diet)
after the first 3 days you can start eating things like:
-mashed potatoes
-mac n cheese
-apple sauce
-baked beans. (my ENT was in shock when i said i loved eating baked beans during my recovery but that was cuz he usually deals with little kids like under 10yrs old and knows many kids don't like them lol)

What foods should i eat after tonsillectomy?

I got mine out at 17! I ate:

cold jello and pudding (I bought those cups from the store and put it in the back of the fridge so they get really cold, it feels good on your throat)
mashed potatoes and gravy
soup (tomato and campbell's chicken noodle)
baby food (sounds gross, but the fruit jars are really yummy, esp. the blueberry)

I know it sucks, but I haven't had a sore throat since!

Foods I can eat after a tonsillectomy?

well you should have a post op check up set up for 10 days after the tonsillectomy so when you see the dr you will be told when you can start eating those foods again. until the check up you are not supposed to eat any of those.
this is TYPICALLY when you can eat those foods though just for your peace of mind...
Fried Chicken (10 days post op as long as you are healing well)
Pizza (10 days post op as long as you are healing well)
Chips (21 days post op cuz they are rough and sharp and your throat needs to be healed more than it does for most other foods)
Soda (10 days post op as long as you are healing well)
Toast (10 days post op as long as you are healing well)
Peanut Butter (10 days post op as long as you are healing well)
Fries (10 days post op as long as you are healing well)
Fish (10 days post op as long as you are healing well)
Cake (10 days post op as long as you are healing well)

Eating after tonsillectomy?

after your 10 day post op check up is when you can start eating pretty much normally as long as the dr says its all healing well. (i know right now you still don't feel like you'll be able to eat normally in a couple days but honestly you will)

you'll be able to eat pretty much everything beside popcorn, pretzels, and chips. your dr will want you to wait another 11 days to start eating that kind of stuff.

um i basically just told you when you'll be able to eat like before the tonsillectomy. right after you leave the dr for your 10 day post op visit you can eat just about normally and shouldn't be in too much pain any more and then by 21 days post op you can eat EVERYTHING.

After a tonsillectomy what food can I eat???

"-Start with a clear liquid diet on the day of surgery. If these liquids are tolerated well and no vomiting occurs, you may advance to a soft food diet.

-Source of liquids: Jello, popsicles, ice chips, water, pop, broth, sports drinks, non citrus juices, kool-aid, milk, ice cream, sherbet, instant breakfast, tea.

- Soft Food Diet: Yogurt, pudding, custard, tapioca, cottage cheese, pasta, rice, canned fruit, cooked vegetables, applesauce, bananas, oatmeal, cook hot cereals, cold cereals with milk, mashed potatoes, soft or poached eggs, French toast, pancakes, macaroni and cheese, based casseroles.

- RESTRICTIONS: Some scratchy foods may knock off the clot. Do not eat pretzels, potato chips, bacon, toast, popcorn, pizza, crackers, dry cereal, raw fruit and vegetables for two weeks. Do not eat spicy foods. Do not drink citrus juices or eat citrus fruit such as oranges, lemons, pineapple and grapefruit, because these may irritate the throat. Milk products tend to make the phlegm thick, so be aware of this fact if you have a lot of ice cream or malts."

When can I eat regular foods after tonsillectomy?

Ughh I remember that, for me the 3rd and 4th were by far the worst, but when 5 and 6 come around it got a lot better. I think it was day 11 I began eating regular food as my scabs had nearly completely vanished, day 5 and 6 was when i managed noodle soup, and 7 was the first day I tried bread (after dipping it in the soup). But i must warn you rushing food can be pretty dangerous, on day 7 after dinner i felt like a swallowed 3 massive gulps of water, it was blood, i had a complication and my left scab came off to early. It trickled out my mouth into the sink pretty quickly and i fainted, which ironically stopped the bleeding as the blood drained from my upper body (I would NOT recommend rushing solids or spicy if you are a hemophiliac or have some other complication with blood clotting). I wouldn't eat spicy food till day 25. After 2 weeks there barley and pain and you can eat most foods, after3 weeks your about fully recovered. Make sure you drink a lot of water and try to manage soup, i didn't eat anything till about day 5 b/c it hurt, but according to my doctor the only way to make it hurt less was to drink A LOT, i lost about 15 pounds in the first week :/
I'm not trying to scare you btw, also remember that all the scary stories you read on the internet are rare, very few people who make it out fine post their stories, but if something happens theres a better chance they'll post it.

When can you eat regular foods after a tonsillectomy?

well do you have a post op check up scheduled? cuz typically they are scheduled for about 10 days after the surgery and thats when the dr tells you that you are good to eat pretty much normal foods. if you don't have one scheduled then i would stick to the bland diet for the rest of today and call the dr asap in the morning and ask them when you can eat normal foods again. if you DO have a check up scheduled then you should wait until then to ask about real food.

TYPICALLY though you can eat most real foods as of 10 days post op. for example the instant i left the dr's office i headed straight to mcdonalds and got a cheese burger and fries and a coke. the things you should avoid still are using straws (using a straw can cause dry sockets and infection)and easting things likepotatoe chips, pop corn, and pretzels cuz they are rough. you should be able to use straws and eat those things about 21 days post op.