What Happens If A Parent Signs Over Their Rights To Their Child

If a parent signs their rights away, do you still owe child support?

Yes, you still owe child support, unless your ex has remarried & the new spouse agrees to adopt your child(ren). Courts in all fifty states will not allow fathers to terminate parental rights to avoid child support UNLESS there is a stepfather who wants to legally adopt his wife’s children. The income of significant others or even stepfathers is not counted, at least not in most states. (I was a case manager for welfare & my best friend was a support enforcement officer.) Child support is based on the income of both parents, so if the state determines the child’s share of housing, utilities, food, clothes, medical, entertainment, transportation, school supplies, day care, etc. is, to use a round number, $1500, and the mother earns $2,000 a month & the father earns $4,000 a month, the mother’s share of supporting the child is $500 & the father’s share is $1000 in child support. That $1,000 child support, added to the mother’s take-home pay of about $1,700 gives her $2,700 to pay $3,000 in bills, which means she either gets a second job or most commonly robs Peter to pay Paul & gets next to nothing for herself while raising this child. She’ll learn to make hearty soups, buy clothes for both of them from thrift stores, never buy fast foods or ready made foods from the grocery stores, baking her own cookies & cupcakes, growing her own simple things like green onions & celery from left-over pieces. It is really ridiculous to hear absent fathers complain that she gets her nails done (usually paid for by her mother, a sister, a friend, or a boyfriend) when the child support he sends doesn’t even cover the entire cost of daycare while the mother works & supports the child in everything else herself.

If a father gives up his parental rights, do he still have to pay child support?

No he doesn't pay child support. Signing over your rights means you are no longer legally tied to the child. They can't make you pay child support for a child that you have no rights to. My twins biological father signed over his rights and that was the end of child support.

The only child support they will still have to pay is any amount that was overdue. If they owed $1,000. at the time they sign over their rights they still have to pay that money owed but they don't have to pay from the moment their rights are terminated.

EDIT: when you sign over your rights, you are NOT still the parent of the child, not in the eyes of the law, maybe by blood but that's it. Why do you think once someone signs over their rights then another man is able the adopt the child?

Men cannot sign over their rights just to get out of support. A man cannot just decide he wants to sign over his rights. The mother would have to agree with it. I've never heard of such a thing where a person can decide to give up parental rights by their own will if the other parent doesn't agree. Who in their right mind would sign over their rights to make any decisions or see the child but still pay child support?

In michigan if you sign off rights to child do you still pay child support?

As noted above me, child support is mandatory in all 50 states. If you decide to sign off parental rights, it means you have no right to visitation nor to have any say in how they are raised.

Two points I would also like to add here. Even if you file bankruptcy, you are not allowed to file against any monies due from child support, nor can bankruptcy discharge child support payments.

The second point is that the only way you can legally discharge child support is with the cooperation of the custodial parent. If he ( or she ) is willing to allow you to sign off parental rights and waive all child support, MOST states will allow this with proper legal documents. The one proviso that excludes this is if the custodial parent goes on public assistance ( welfare) because the state has a legal right to help reduce the public burden by making the non custodial parent pay for part of the welfare assistance.

One particular point of child support that I do NOT agree with is that all child support payments are NOT allowed as a tax deduction. Alimony is allowed and various assorted payments can be declared, but child support is specifically disallowed. Dont know why, but I tried fighting that clause for several years.

Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you

In NY state, if a person signs off their rights to their child, are they still obligated to pay child support?

Rights and duties are different things. You can sign away your rights to be part of your child’s life. That does not absolve you of the legal duty to support your own child. The only exception to this would be adoption, where another adult is taking over the duties and rights of a parent.

If you sign over your parental rights, do you have to keep paying child support?

If your parental rights are terminated by a court, then you would no longer have a parental relationship or responsibilities unless the court determines otherwise. However, you can’t simply “sign over” your parental rights to another person in the sense that you can sign over something that you own.

If my baby's dad signs off his parental rights, does that mean he doesn't have to pay child support?

SO. We live in Ohio.. he is going to court to sign off his rights soon (since paternity was just established).. Our baby girl is 2 months. If he signs off his rights successfully-does this mean that I can no longer recieve (the much needed) child support? Later in life, will I be able to go to court to get it? Does he need my permission to sign off all rights since it means not having to pay anything? We're both minors, so if both our parents agree to do it that way-when I'm an adult, can I go back and undo it (or at least find a way to receive child support)? It would be helpful.. Thanks!