What Happens If Brazil Can

What would happen if Brazil took the Falkland Islands from the UK?

Britain doesn’t have an aircraft carrier, neither Brazil, since the last Brazilian carrier is in process of decommissioning, but even if it had, Britain has no way to project a force to so far from its mainland. If a war broke out today, our carrier could be de-decommissioned quickly since it has not been dismantled yet.The shortest distance between Brazil and the island is less than 1200 mi, we have plenty of aircrafts with the double of that range and lots of air refueling and transport aircrafts, that is, we could go and return without any problem. From the UK to the island, it is more than 8000 miles, with no carrier, no way, unless it uses cruises to transport soldiers.With no Britain on the way, the island has only 4 Eurofighter Typhoon, just 1,350 personnel and a few other equipments, it would be a massacre.Even if the UK manages to get to the island, who guarantees that it could take it? Not to mention that it would be too late, the Brazilian by nature is vindictive, and you can be sure that as retaliation there would be no inhabitant or other living being to tell the story on the island.You can say whatever you want about Brazil’s equipment, but about our soldier… I wouldn’t dare. Brazilian soldiers individually are the strongest and most well prepared on the planet, whether physically, intellectually, etc. People die trying to pass tests to join, raise patents or even join an elite troop of the army, and not because they were not prepared or healthy enough, since neither in the physical examination they would get if they were not healthily and mentally apt for such. It is only you to take the basic requirements to join the Navy Seal and compare with one of the dozens of elite troops from any branch of the Brazilian armed forces. The requirements of the Navy Seal are like high school physical education and a kindergarten written test.EDIT==============================Since we have some smart ass guys in the comments, let us add a few things. Britain does have an aircraft carrier, but it’s not in service, it was not even built, only in 2020. But since we are hypothetically speaking about today or nowadays, there’s no logic in accounting that, because if it was so, until 2020, Brazil is planned to have a brand new nuclear submarine, 28 brand new Gripen aircraft, all troops equipped with new Imbel IA-2 rifles, 36 HA-1 FENNEC helicopters and a bunch of missile launchers, armored cars and other equipments.

What would happen if Brazil became a superpower?

A great many things. To start with a few, Brazil being a Superpower would mean:-The USA would not be a Superpower, considering American policy has always been to keep its backyard nice and suppressed. If Brazil is a Superpower, that means the USA can no longer meddle in its internal affairs and that, in fact, it wasn't capable of stoping Brazil's rise. Just that little fact already has large implications.-Brazil is not an diplomatically aggressive country by nature. It would be much more willing to work with the other potential great powers on international issues, powers like China, Russia and India.-Expect the South American economic block to become much more integrated, considering that Brazil has the objective of seeking closer relations with it's neighbours enshrined in it's Constitution.-Once again due to its non aggressive nature, expect Brazil to employ it's newly superpowered armed forces much less aggressively than the USA. No surrounding the whole planet with military bases for us.-Clean energy: A Brazil that is a Superpower is a Brazil that menages to put its house in order. The lack of political corruption will allow Brazil to realise it's energetic potential, especially when it comes to renewable resources, an area that Brazil already distinguishes itself in.World stability: Brazil maintains good relations with it's fellow BRICS, so it has much less interest in protecting distant countries of little value to itself from them. Expect China and Russia to make gains in their respective diplomatic objectives.The Middle East: The USA's lessened status could very well destabilise the region even further. Israel's position will become more precarious. Russia will more easily influence the region.Also, Taiwan will be re-annexed to the People's Republic of China. The USA is the main reason for why that hasn't happened yet.All in all, I don't expect the world to become much better or much worse. Brazillian people are the ones I can say for certain will benefit.I'll edit this if I can think of more things.

What do they do to you in Brazil if you don't vote?

It depends on the reason of absence. See bellow some situations:people with physical and mental deficiency may justify their absence or claim for abeyance of voting;if the elector is travelling in other city, he may justify his absence up to 30 days or pay a R$ 3,51 fine for each voting turn absence (some people go to neighbor town just for justify);if the elector din’t vote for any reason, he must pay a R$ 3,51 fine;The Brazilian who are abroad on election day, and are not registered to vote in the country, has up to 30 days of his return to Brazil to justify the absence in an electoral office.Omissions and Penalties:In case of absence in three election turns, the elector’s register in the Electoral Court will be canceled, forcing him to pay the fine and register again his name in the nearest Electoral Office. Otherwise some Penalties will be carried out against the refractory, as the prohibition for:apply for a public jobobtain a passport or identity cardreceive salaries, remuneration, salary or function of income or public employment, municipal or parastatal and government foundations, companies, institutes and companies of any nature, maintained or subsidized by the governmentrenew the enroll for schools or supervised by the government;obtain loans from credit institutions maintained by the government in municipalities, joint stock company, state or federal savings banks, in institutes and socialwelfare fundsperform any act by which requires discharge from military service or income tax return;obtain electoral discharge certificate;get any document of diplomatic offices that are subordinateThose who are no allowed to vote:Those who are sentenced in the criminal code, they has the suspension of political rights being prevented from voting or being voted.People not registered in the Regional Electoral CourtPeople being processedSource: My job

If an earthquake occurs in the center of Brazil, what can you infer about the geology of that area?

Different media can be inferred below the surface via seismogram's. Seismographs record seismic waves, which travel differently through different media (liquid, solid, gas, etc.), and are then recorded on a seismogram for humans to read. Also, seismogram's show contacts between different formations.

How many people in Brazil can read and write? (in percentages if possible) ?

Almost 89% of total knows writing and readind. There are still many old persons in rural areas who never frequented a school.

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