What Happens If The Dog Got Permanent 3 Times Already

Does blowing pot smoke into a dog's ear cause permanent brain-damage?

My pot-head friend told me that the other day,
and it seems kinda believable,
because unfortunately, I had another friend who would do that often

and his dog was kinda special.
Was it the side-effects of his owners cruel behavior??
or is it simply the dogs normal behavior?

I want to get a puppy but I'm a full time student?

Best to wait. Aside from the issue of time, almost all students are on a limited budget, so something like an emergency vet visit may well be beyond your means, and it's likely you're not in a stable permanent housing situation. Owning a dog is going to make it more difficult for you to find rental housing when you have to move, and give you less flexibility in your plans when you graduate. For example, what if you decided you wanted to spend a couple years in the peace corps or americorps after graduation? A dog could not accompany you. As much as I would have liked a dog earlier in life, I knew it was not a responsible decision to make at that point in my life and waited until I owned my home and had a stable, permanent career first. Also, few shelters or halfway-responsible breeders would consider allowing a student to adopt or purchase.

How many times a year can a dog have pups?

The answer is once or less(only every 18 months to 2 years is the norm, and I assume you are talking female). Physically, if well fed, they go into heat every 6 months(most breeds). With 3+ months gestation, at least 7–8 weeks nursing, they go into heat sometimes less than one month after weaning. But they give birth to many pups in a litter at once which stretches their uterus like pantyhose. They have to regrow parts of their uterus, and the muscle used to push out puppies to have another litter. They require proper healing, and while their pups are nursing and around are not conducive to healing. So it is recommended you never breed more than once a year if you care about the dog, for the dog’s health. Wild dogs and wolves only cycle once a year for this and other reasons. If she has quite a few pups, or they are big, she may have sustained permanent damage, and it might be better to never breed her again, or you may lose her. The risk is reduced with extended healing, and getting the female back in prime physical condition(exercise and diet), and it reduces Vet bills. The norm is 18 months to 2 years for many breeders so they have a healthy female dog, and a female dog they can show or compete with(they lose fur, muscle tone, when they birth/nurse). Even female dogs that are the winningest don’t usually have more that 3–4 litters in their lifetime. You can’t sell puppies without having titles on your dog, and you can’t get titles if she had a litter in the last 6 months to a year.So if you are one of these wingdings trying to make money off breeding your dog as often as you can, shame on you.

What happens if you leave toe dislocated?

I stubbed my toe the other night and now believe it may be broken or dislocated. I am going to the doctor today and am terrified of it being dislocated, a break I can handle but I am scared to death of having a dislocated toe and what the doctor will do....any way around popping it back in to place?? Are the symptoms different of a broken or dislocated toe?

I have a german shepherd puppy, he is 6.5 months old. He eats less then what i thought he is suppose to eat?

I give him royal canin german shepherd puppy food. I follow the instructions of the weight and age for my puppy and feed him 3 times accordingly. According to the food feeding chart on the bag, he does not eat 1/3rd of his food per day. I leave the food for him, he eats very slowly. whole serving he eats in around 4 to 5 hours and some times he does not finish.

He is doing healthy, and very playful and active. i find him little tin but nothing close to worrisome. His weight is 55 pounds at 6.5 month, which is perfect for a male german shepherd. But please let me know if i have to worry about him not eating all of his dog food?

everyday i give him some beef in dinner.

How long does a rabies vaccine grant immunity for?

Vaccine provide life long immunity and as per latest WHO guidelines a repeat two dose schedule of anti rabies vaccine is advised after 3 months of last dose; in case of another bite/exposure to boost the antibodies level.Earlier effective immunity was considered to be lasting one year.So better take 2 doses of vaccines at 3 day interval as soon as possible. Medical science has a way to prevent Rabies but not yet to cure it.But Immunnoglobins are not needed for rest of the life.

How effective is anti rabies vaccination in dogs?

Get a tetanus shot first.When was the last time your dog got a rabies shot?After being vaccinated for the first time, (which is between 4 and 6 moths of age) a booster shot is required one year from that date. After that, the vaccination plan is once every three years. This is the general rule. Some veterinarians tend to differ on this time period and suggest a shot every year, sighting efficacy concerns of the vaccine. And some places have rules that mandate this timeline.One important thing to always remember is that no vaccine produces protection in 100% of the population to which it is given.There are cases of vaccine failure, where a vaccinated animal contracts a disease against which it was vaccinated. In the vast majority of cases, there is nothing wrong with the vaccine - it did not fail. Instead, there was something wrong with the body's response to the vaccine. Some vaccines are effective in almost all animals; others are not.If you have followed the above, then everything should be fine. Ideally you should observe your dog for a few days and look out for signs for rabid behaviour. If the dog is aggressive, you need to quarantine and observe.Look for the following symptoms:Fever.Seizures.Paralysis.Hydrophobia.Dropped jaw.Inability to swallow.Change in tone of bark.Muscular lack of coordination.Unusual shyness or aggression.Excessive excitability.Constant irritability/changes in attitude and behavior..Paralysis in the lower jaw and larynx.Excessive salivation (hypersalivation), or frothy saliva.These all symptoms suggest rabies.If the dog's condition worsens, you should get in touch with a doctor and get yourself anti-rabies shots, even if the dog had been vaccinated previously.Since you have been bitten:Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water under a running tap.Use an antiseptic or alcohol to clean the wound.Leave the wound open.Consult a doctor and explain you have been bitten.Also read:Ritwik Joshi's answer to What can cause aggressive behavior in a dog after it has accidentally bitten his owner?Ritwik Joshi's answer to I was just bitten by a Chihuahua and part of my right foot is bleeding, should I go to the hospital to get vaccinated for rabies?