What Has This World Come To Why Are We Living In Such A Sick World

Seriously, we're living in sick world...?

By reading my text you may say that it's nothing , like "so what?", but I watched a documentary film about Columbine's school shooting, what happened in 20.April.1999, it was so sick and I felt sorry of those people who died, people cant just kill (one of the reasons why I hate all politics around the world and religion ((wars))...

I've never tried to hurt anyone and I understand that I am not perfect, like one of my mistake is that I think I'm right of that people shouldn't party and drink an alcohol and 'enjoy' life.. (I've had 2 girlfriends who found new friends and then turned out to be like that, they all cheated on me, all party people who I've met are cheating), Life is serious and you can't waste it like that. (My mistake is I even don't try to understand those party people)
My question is that how can I help people? I don't know... I wanna help people and make World to a better place, but I am nobody, so I feel I can't do it, but please try to suggest me, what can I do to make this world better? Can we get rid of these sick people? ( Actually, maybe i'm the one, because I've tried to commit suicide, because of school,teachers were telling that I have no future and stuff like that for years, so I found out that I have no point to live, but I've never killed/even hit somebody else.)

*Star if you want this world to be a better place
(English isn't my first language)

How can I live in this fucked up world? It doesn't make sense to me anymore. I would like to run far far away, to a place were you can just live your life without the pressure forced by this "globalised-society".

Become self-aware. You have to understand that many beings are just full of shit and physics will help you understand how to get rid of this shit.Believe me or not, I have been through “hell” (I am not religious btw) because I have ADHD. My parents are dumb fucks. Yes, I am not afraid of saying that because they labeled me “dumb” for no reason (they told me I was mentally retarded). I told them their live is a nothing but a rat race. And I wasn’t a least bit wrong about it: they have become the modern social media addicts. I simply did not (and will not) like the stuff about socializing.Socializing seems like an organized way of controlling humans - this goes for religion as well. I wasn’t diagnosed with ADHD when I was a child. Yes, that may sound dumb but once you get officially diagnosed with ADHD you are labeled “trash” - that’s brutal honesty. My story could go on but I want to make it short:The majority of humans are entitled (intelligent) morons and self-awareless beings that aren’t trustworthy.Be careful who you want to help or make friends with.Don’t trust anyone (completely) regardless of who they are to you.

Why is there so much sickness in this world?

That's a good question. Sickness and death are not what God purposed for us all. It was a consequence for disobedience.

Adam and Eve were to live forever if they remained subject to Jehovah. Only if they rebelled would they die. In the day that they rebelled, they began to die. (Genesis 2:16, 17; 3:19) They lost perfection and could pass on only sin and imperfection to their offspring. The Bible thus explains: “Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned.”—Romans 5:12.

Although the rebellion in the garden of Eden brought a death sentence upon Adam and Eve and all their offspring, God lovingly supplied hope. He sent his Son to the earth to provide what the Bible calls a ransom. (Matthew 20:28) What does that mean? Well, Jesus was “the last Adam”; he succeeded where Adam had failed. Jesus maintained his perfect human life by remaining obedient to Jehovah. Then he freely gave his life as a sacrifice, or ransom, providing the means for all faithful humans to receive forgiveness for their sins and eventually attain the kind of life that Adam and Eve enjoyed in Eden before they sinned. (1 Corinthians 15:22, 45; John 3:16) Thus Jesus guaranteed that Jehovah’s purpose to turn this earth into an Edenlike paradise will come true.*
God’s purpose is not vague, nor is it some abstract theological concept. It is real. Just as the garden of Eden was a real place on this earth with real animals and real people, so God’s promise for the future is a certainty, a reality soon to come. Will it be your future, your reality? Much of that is up to you. God wants that future for as many people as possible, even for those whose lives have gone wrong.—1 Timothy 2:3, 4.
As Jesus was dying, he spoke to a man whose life had taken a terrible turn. The man was a criminal; he knew that he deserved to be executed. But he turned to Jesus for comfort, for hope. Jesus’ response? “You will be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43) If Jesus wants to see that former criminal there—resurrected and blessed with an opportunity to live forever in an Edenlike paradise—does he not want the same blessing for you? He does! His Father does! If you want that future for yourself, do all that you can to learn about the God who made the garden of Eden.

Why do you want to live in this world?

I daily think about killing myself. I don't think I'd ever actually do it because I couldn't bare the thought of leaving my family behind but I wish I didn't have to live in such a cruel world.
I was just wondering how anyone can be truly happy living on this planet?
There's people who have nothing, can't even eat everyday, people who hate someone just because of their race or religion, people are judged on how they look, weather they're "hot" or not, people are just so cruel and greedy.
The government don't care about us. They can't help us. I'm from England and I don't know if you saw the riots a few weeks ago but they made me so sad. Maybe not the same reson as most but because it's sad that people think "things" are so important that they're willing to ruin people's livlihoods to get them. Them rioters are just a product of out society that subtley says the only way you will truly succeed is if you have a big car, big house, big tv.
Everyone is so greedy and selfish. Being a women makes life worse aswell. I don't have equal oppitunities, simply because of my gender. Did you know women do 2/3 of the world's work, receive just 10% of the world's income, and own just 1% of production.
The world is a cruel, cruel place and I wish I wasn't a part of it. And this is what I've seen in my short 16 years so I dare to think what I'll be like in 20 years time.
I just want to know how you can possibly be happy living your life, knowing people are literally starving in the world?
Thank you for reading this.

Honestly, what kind of world do we live in?

It is strange isn't it that we live in the most material, mechanistic, and well educated era that the world has ever seen, and we still frighten ourselves with ghost stories invented by people living in a flimsy shack in the middle of great dark forests. Why?
Our remote ancestors knew nothing about the world, Few could read, those that could were just as credulous as anyone else, and the books were full of childish rubbish anyway.100 miles put you in a strange land, nobody went more that 20 miles from home in their lives, except sailors. If ghosts exist, then why aren't concentration camps haunted? The 20th century was full of horrors, and the 21st is going the same way. Why should some spooky old house be haunted by one ghost,and not the place where 10,000 died horribly? Outside St. Petersburg, that used to be called Leningrad, there is a cemetery that holds four million people! There are long mounds, at each end there is a stone that says; "Ten thousand lie buried here" Why isn't that place haunted? (And why are people surprised that Russia does not trust the West?)

When will this sick world just die?

Oh my, another Nihilist. Delightful.I apologise for the disdain, I just spent my weekend dealing with a flat-mate who decided Nietzsche was the greatest philosopher ever. Wasn’t fun.Anyway:Yeah, the world is fucked up. Fact of life, I’m afraid. There is nothing you can do about it. The world is sliding slowly into a terrible abyss and there is absolutely nothing that you can do about it, you’re trapped. Luckily, by even conservative estimates we only have two years left before we are consumed in nuclear hellfire, so, yanno. Look forward to that, I guess. You masochist.Except all of that is bullshit.Life isn’t that bad - yes, people are dicks, but that is true of everything. You have to take the good with the bad. Look at the world - we have access to more advanced medicine than at any other point in history, there are significant pushes towards greener energy, we are doing our damndest to stop wars (well, some people are). We are looking to the stars. We have the potential to create a completely new species in the form of Artificial intelligence so we know we aren’t alone.Jesus. Why are people so depressing?What made you ask this question anyway.

Why did God create a world like this? Why a world where such suffering was even allowed?

What you say, has a lot of truth in it. at least from our point of view. Of course, many will not agree.

You just need to add, that God did create both GOOD and BAD in all people, from Adam and Eve onward. This is because there has to be a balance in all things, in order for anything to work.

With good and bad in all people, God allows us to make choices. With the good influences on Earth, we choose good things. With the bad influences, we choose bad things. It depends on which influence is stronger.

A boy raised in a bad neighborhood, has a lot of bad influences, so he tends to also be bad. And a boy raised in a decent good neighborhood, tends to be good, because of the good influences. This may not always be the case, but it is the norm.

Humans are in control of their lives, but with the 7 billion people all imposing their will, it makes it hard for a person to impose his own will.

For instance, you might have a degree in chemistry, and want to work in the town you grew up in, but there is no chemistry work in that town, or maybe there is, but it is already taken by someone else. So your life is not as you would want, you have to compromise.

And that is what makes life not so easy. There are many compromises during a life time. We tend to sometimes take the "easy" road, because it just makes life easier...but it can lead to crime and suffering, if not for you, perhaps for others, who also must compromise.

So we sometimes try to take responsiblity for our actions, but sometimes we just blame God for them, instead of putting the blame with us and others.

Why do we live in such a corrupt world? I used to want to build a company and since I got into business, I don’t even want to be in the market anymore. Why are American entrepreneurs so greedy and scammy?

The world is full of lions and lambs. To survive in a cutthroat market, you have to make some cutthroat decisions that you might not always agree with, but if you have to reassure yourself then you might not be enough of a “lion” anyways. I’m not advocating for the “scammers” that you mention because such people disgust me. Martin Shkreli, known as “the most hated man in America,” raised the price of his HIV medicine 5,500% to make more money off of people who were suffering. That man is not a lion, that man is the vulture that flies around waiting for animals to die. Just look at his smug face…Anyways, as a big Superhero fan, this quote immediately came to mind while reading this question:You can either “die” a hero in the market by being the nice guy and be stepped on by other people until you get snuffed out of business, or you can take matters into your own hands and become somewhat of a “villain.” Capitalism is a bit like natural selection in that it filters out the weak while the strong prosper. Of course there are cases of people who have succeeded in the business world without corrupting their values, but unfortunately they don't come around as often as the villains do.there’s my $0.02