What Have The Romans Ever Done For Us

What did the Romans ever do for us?


Have the romans ever given us an inquisition, the KKK, suicide bombings, or witch burnings?

I didn't THINK so!

What have the Romans ever done for us?

The Romans are all bastards they bleed us till were white!
They've taken everything we've got as if it was there right
and we've got nothing in return although they got so much fuss!
What have to Romans ever done fore us?

What have the Americans ever done for us?

Well apart from the light bulb, Franklin stove, Sextant, Lightning rod, Bifocals, Cotton gin, Self-propelled amphibious vehicle, Refrigeration, Circular saw, Dental floss, Electric telegraph, Revolver, Wrench, Ether anesthesia, Vulcanized rubber, Rotary printing press, Printing telegraph, Motorcycle, Vacuum cleaner, Chewing gum, Jeans, Photographic film, Skyscraper, Coca-Cola, and Dishwasher, what have the Americans ever done for us?

How have the contributions of the Romans affected us?

Several contributions of Roman civilization are important today:Our alphabet is Roman, although the Romans used only the UPPER CASE. lower case letters were invented in medieval times.about 60% of English common vocabulary comes from Latin, much of it by way of French. When you get to scientific language, the percentage rises to near 90.With the Law of the Twelve Tables, the Romans introduced the idea that a society should be governed by a set of knowable laws, rather than the whims of a ruler. (Later, in the empire, they would lose this reality, but they kept it as an ideal and passed it on.)Many of the design elements of what we call traditional architecture come from the Romans, or from the Greeks by way of the Romans.The Romans developed the use of concrete for construction. Although that knowledge was lost for more than 500 years, it was rediscovered because the presence of Roman concrete construction (e.g. the Pantheon in Rome) remained a continuing example.The names of our months are Latin, although the names of the days of the week are Germanic.