What Is A Gypsy Curse

How to break a gypsy curse?

In the book Death and Destruction, there's a spell for protection you could use. You need to get some conjure formulas called Fiery Wall of Protection -- you get the oil, and either the powder or the bath salt. You draw a bath and put some of the Fiery Wall powder or salt into it, and you also dress four small white candles with the oil and position them around the corners of the bathtub. You light them, and you get into the tub and let them burn down. This makes a "wall of protection" and, also, it washes away any existing jinx you may have had.

Some people also like to keep a picture of St. Michael on hand when they do this, as well.

Gypsy Curse?

I have heard of a number of different methods of breaking curses in my research, I'll list a few here for you but I can't garuntee any of them work. Use them at your own risk (eg fires, herbs etc.)


Based on an ancient babylonian speel, this spell is for someone who perceives him or herself as under psychic attack or siege but doesn't understand why and doesn't know what he or she did or didn't do to warrant the punishment.
1. consecrate a fire.
2. The subject of the spell peels an onion and tosses the peel into the fire (crying in this spell is good)
3. chant incantation in which the undoing of one's "sins" are compared to this activity.
4. finally the fire is extinguished as are the person's sins.

Repeat Psalms 10, 13, 15 and/or 91 to bring about reversal of a hex, focusing upon your desired goals.

Romany Gypsy break bad luck spell

go for a walk and pick up7 twigs from the ground, one to represent each day of the week. Traditionally the twigs should be ash for monday, beech for tuesday, elm for wednesday, oak for thursday, horse chestnut for friday, yew for saturday and elder for sunday.

take them home, snap them into pieces and burn them in the hearth or on a bonfire. Say: ill luck is broken, as these words are spoken.

there you go and hope those help.

How do I remove a Gypsy curse?

I went to a gypsy palm reader for help 23 years ago. This lady did indeed help me, at first. I was able to finally get an eye operation that I truly needed. Unfortunately, she turned around and cursed me. Worse yet, my mother had begun going down to see this woman, and my mother has always been the center of my biggest problem in life.
I recently went to another gypsy woman who was unable to help me. I have strong feelings for this lady and she told me that she loved me, but also loves her husband. I found out 2 weeks ago that my direct ancestor from England on my father's side was, of course, a gypsy man who was deported from England in the 1800's.
I know that my mother is causing problems for me with the help of this first gypsy woman. I do not know what to do to stop this.

How do you break a gypsy's curse?

I am going to tell you exactly how a gypsy curse work and how you cursed yourself. A gypsy curse is usually placed on someone that offended a gypsy or someone who they consider hurt them. (Physically, emotionally, financially or mentally) This is how it works. Once you have upset them they will usually spit on the floor or on you. Then they will either grab your arm or something that belongs to you. They will say something or mumble something you can't understand then tell you that they have placed a curse on you. Once they have told you that you are cursed your mind immediately goes into a negative state. Now you are cursed because you have put all the emphasis on the word curse. Now I will tell you how you cursed yourself. Had it been a sweet little old lady that you grew up around from your neighborhood which you knew and trusted and she had mumbles something you wouldn't of thought twice. Because you see Gypsy's as evil or capable your mind set went into this negative state and therefore you have cursed yourself....
If that doesn't help then think about this. If a gypsy had some sort of power that can alter your future, don't you think they would be able to make a better life for themselves. Gypsy curses are very real only because we allow them to be.... To remove a gypsy curse it will only work if the gypsy that placed it removes it. Guess why, because now your mind is at peace that this person forgave you.
Good luck....
How do I know.
My great aunt was a gypsy...

How can you reverse a gypsy curse?

A very poignant and emotive question, Sarah - well posted!

Please do not worry as this gypsy is nothing more than a complete and utter fool. A curse is actually nothing more than a thought process - this means that she is actually incapable of "cursing" you: the very most the pathetic woman can do is to cast a doubt in your mind - and that is all.

Ignore her so-called "curse" as it is meaningless and harmless. Believe in yourself at all times and treat this woman with the contempt she deserves.


How can I remove a gypsy curse?

someone wrote this to me once just replace kimberly with your name

Heavenly Father in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ , we bind all of satan's evil, wicked, demon, lying, unclean, perverse tormenting spirits and strongmen that are trying to come against Kimberly. We bind them and command them not to manifest in her presence or the presence of her home, vehicle, work, finances, ministries. We ask you to shut any doors that need to be shut and open any doors that need to be opened in the spiritual world an natural remain her life. We apply the blood of Jesus over those doorways and ask that the enemy be rendered powerless and harmless so they cannot come back through those doorways. We ask You Father to break and destroy any curses, ungodly soul ties, unholy alliances or any unrighteous agreements that she has entered into. Destroy any side effects, residual effects, influences or stings of any curses that have been put on her or her family. We ask Father that You now in the Name our Lord and Savior to give her divine healing in every area of her life. Father, I ask that you bless her with beauty for ashes, pour out the joy for mourning, the garment of praise for spiritual heaviness for we are the tress of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that You may be glorified. Father, we thank you for Your mighty amour You have provided for us, we ask that you teach Kimberly to put on that amour everyday: The Helmet of salvation, The Breastplate of Righteousness, The Belt of Truth, Shoes of Gospel of Peace, The Shield of Faith, and pick up the Sword of Spirit, to use against all the forces of evil in her life. Father we ask You to let her dwell in the secret place of the most high, under the shadow of the Almighty. That You are her refuge, her fortress, cover her with Your feathers, that she is not afraid. Father give Kimberly angels charge over her that no harm shall come to her. We thank you Father that we can call upon You at anytime, and we are NEVER alone. Heavenly Father we place all of Kimberly cares, all of her anxieties, her worries and concerns to You, because we know You love her. We thank You, give You honor and praise for answering her prayers and giving her strength as she grows in her walk with You. For all things, we give the glory, the honor, the praise, AMEN !!!

Do you believe in Gypsy curses?

A curse works on a basic principle: belief.

The only reason people think that Gypsy curses work any more than any other curses is people BELIEVE we (I am Rromani... "Gypsy") actually have supernatural cursing powers.

Well, we do not.

One of the ways a curse works is, if the target of the curse believes it, s/he actually will act in ways that unknowingly create a self-fulfilled prophecy. I.e. they act in ways, be it by their action or their avoidance or their uncertainty, that make what they fear come true.

For example, yourself. I do not know if you do this, so I am just guessing. Ok, you were cursed to never find love. Maybe, if you believe this, you are a bit cautious and people pick it up.

I do not know how old you are now. Perhaps you are young. Perhaps, like every young person, you have not found love yet. Now you are ascribing it to a Gypsy curse.

Please, stop worrying about it. We do not have any greater ability to curse than anyone else.


No problem Sugar.

Just do not worry about it. Put that "curse" out of your mind and go about your life.

Need help with gypsy curse!?

Okay, so last week, there was like a gypsy caravan in town. I talked to the gypsy queen and asked her for a physic reading but it was really crappy so I didn't pay. So then she started flipping out and put some sort of "gypsy curse" on me. I know it sounds really stupid and I thought it was too... but the next day, I got robbed at the atm and two days ago, my car broke down on the highway while I was on my way to the Star Trek convention. I also got this really bad rash on my nipples and I've been throwing up every night since the night of the curse. Do you think I should try to get the curse lifted or is it all in my head?

How can a Roma gypsy curse be broken?

Curses affect those who allow themselves to believe in the validity of them. Because the people who adopted your friend were superstitious, they have allowed your friend to think she brings bad luck.

Curses work by what's called 'sympathetic magic'. They create in the believer a self fulfilling prophesy. Someone grows up thinking they are 'lucky' or 'unlucky' because they were told that. Basically, curses are 'real' in that they induce psychosomatic principles.

With her, deal with reality. Romania was a hard place during Ceausescu’s reign. Many women gave their children away to orphanages, about 100,000. Ceausescu required that women have 5 children by the age of 45 before he would allow them birth control or abortions. Your friend may have been the sixth child. People gave their children to orphanages because their president was exporting Romania's food to pay off the large national debt--they abandoned children in orphanages because they could not feed them.

100,000 children just like her were abandoned. Not many were adopted, because they were so harmed by their experience. I would encourage her to look at the history, to find others who survived the orphanages, and-- until she can let go of what has been the 'explanation' for what has happened to her-- maybe wear something that makes her feel 'safe' now and protected. Some people wear St Michael medals.

Her parents may well have loved her and wanted to keep her, and her biological brothers and sisters may have wondered where she went.

No, I am not a Gypsy.My knowledge of the Romani people comes from intense research and a window into their community from a police officer who knows their cultures, speaks their dialects, and deals with the worst and best of them on a daily basis. He has been called, by them, the Jawndari Romano and the Bar Ri - both are honorific titles. And, he is not a Gypsy.As a Jew, I have a certain affinity and empathy to their history and culture. Like them, my people have been strangers in a strange land.Although my stories about the Rom are based in real crimes they’ve committed, I never treat them as caricatures or stereotypes. I will often mention (without preaching) historic facts.