What Is Better - Beauty On The Inside Or The Outside

Are you more beautiful in the inside or outside more?

Outside beauty catches the eyes but inside beauty reaches the souls.When you are beautiful inside, then it add on your outside beauty. Always be beautiful from inside.Keep your heart and mind pure. Filled with kindness, love, positivity, empathy, gratitude, happiness, etc.Keep smiling.Take balanced diet. Eat healthy food. Avoid packed food, junk food.Do Excercise, yoga etc. to keep your inner system healthy.Drink enough water.Clean your Mental blocks (unresourceful beliefs) from proper therapist. It makes amazing change within you. My recommendation is Home | NLP Training World, Best NLP company in India

How you can beautiful inside and outside?

I guess the outer appearance is appealing when a person is well-groomed and presentable. It doesn't have to be costly clothes and such. Just clean and presentable. That makes a him/her good-looking and beautiful. Plus some decent manners, appropriate clean language, kindness and a genuine smile would make a person simply irresistable! The people the world feels are super beautiful are such people. They might not even be conventionally beautiful according to the worldly TV standards (tall, super slim,etc), but they can beat all the outward beautiful people anytime! At the end, manners and language is what makes one beautiful or ugly.

What is worth more beauty on the inside or beauty on the outside?

Beauty on the inside is more important because you can choose how you make it, whereas you can't change what you are like on the outside (in general terms because i know there is plastic surgery, but that isn't the point). People can choose if they are a nice person or not, but they can't change if they are ugly or not. That is why beauty on the inside is more important. Some people are stunning and have no personality, but some are not so good looking and have amazing personalities. Also the pretty ones with no personality are usually really bitchy and back stabbing (because they judge people on looks) but the not so good looking ones accept others for who they are more because they understand how it feels not being the best looking. I am not trying to say that you can't get nice people that are really pretty or ugly people that aren't horrible because you can. I have loads of pretty friends with great personalities, and i know a few not so good looking people who are horrible, but the point is that beauty on the inside is more important because you can choose how you want it to be and that choice can change what kind of person you are and how other people see you :-)

What is beautiful on the outside and ugly on the inside?

emmm.... well.... its actually really hard..... i was thinking maybe it would be easier if you steer in a different direction like.... something is beautiful... like fire.... but if you get to close... you get burnt....

Water is crystal clean..... but under neath all sorts of horrible things are waiting to pull you under....

for dull inside.... hmmm.... use shallow.... like a pool of beautiful crystal water and your ready to dive in and enjoy... but its less then a cm deep. Theres nothing beyond the beauty.

THERES a flower and its really pretty but its smells bad... (hhaaha really random, but just in case it helps you know?)

ipods.... there beautiful... but if you snamp em in half... you want to cry... hahahahah (joke)

big extravagant house... and you walk in the door and its grey and empty?

i dunno im 13? geezzz ppl expect to much of me these days.... haha (joke again)

xxx georgie

hope all goes well... have a good day.... or night... whereever you are on this big big world with 7 billion scary and nice people on it......... im one of them ...... your one of them..... woop! were friends now.....


I am beautiful from inside and outside. How can it be best described?

You are truly and really beautiful if you are beautiful from inside.Real beauty cones from insideIt is permanent beautyIf we are beautiful from inside then we automatically become beautiful from outside also.The inside beauty comes by good character and qualities like happiness, merciful, helping nature,hard working ,Godliness,loving nature,humbleness and forgiveness.By having these good qualities ,any person can become beautiful permanently.Even if we have these qualities ,we will also begin to see everyone,’s positive side.We will begin to see that everything has the presence of God in them.Then only we all be beautiful from outside as well as from inside.The motherly smile and love make both of them beautiful.So be beautiful now with true smile.Thanks

Is inner beauty better than outer beauty?

I feel that inner beauty is always better then outer beauty. I know most people feel that when a person says that, that they are really ugly, but that's just not so. A person needs to have inner beauty to have true outer beauty. A person can me the most beautiful person in the world but if they don't have inner beauty they will never truly be a beautiful person all over. Hope this helps!

Would you rather be beautiful on the inside or outside?

It’s the fundamental right of every woman to look beautiful. Every woman wants to listen the sweet words “you are beautiful.” But the beauty of a woman is far from her looks or figure. Physical beauty is only one aspect while a beautiful charming personality is a complete blend of many fine characteristics such as good manners, etiquette, behavior, smile, intelligence, sense of humor, social and family values etc., all make a woman look beautiful and attractive.

Take care of yourself and take care of your inner beauty. No doubt you are a beautiful person.

Why do people look for outside beauty and don't value the inside one?

Beauty on the inside is much more valuable than the physical beauty of a person.Yes, sometimes we are attracted to people based on thier looks.But trust me, it won’t last long.I don’t mean to say that outer appearances don’t matter.What I’m saying is ,inner beauty plays a more important part than you realise.I think the perception of beauty is misunderstood by some people.You may think it’s the gorgeous looks that makes a person attractive. But have u noticed that as the conversation goes on, you start to pick up thier qualties and find them even more beautiful and charming . So the person’s appearance is only for a moment.But having good physical appearance can be a bonus sometimes too.Because there are some people who overlook the efforts of inner beauty.So its a person’s belief that makes them attractive to others . No matter what others find valuable or attractive,if you don’t believe you’re beautiful ,how can you expect others to do the same ?.So no matter how plain you think you are,it’s the truth and kindness in your heart that makes you beautiful.

Is it weird to say "you're beautiful inside and outside" when we are just friends?

I don't think so. If you like your friend and she is pretty or for a girl the boy is handsome then what's wrong in expressing your feelings. Appreciation doesn't mean you are giving hint of any weird thing or let's say that you're falling in love with the person ,which is ofcourse is not the matter.One thing is to be very clear that you include some more sentences to the appreciation statement eg I'm lucky to have a friend like you, I acknowledge our friendship, I pray for our long life friendship etc. I am saying so that the other person must not misinterpret your appreciation according to the way she wants or starts assuming the things that you can't even think about, like a strong love relationship.Be clear, be careful and be safe with your words and don't let anyone to build high castles of false expectation from you.Here are few statements as an example for you to use for a friend.All the best.Zairakhan