What Is Does A Dream Feel Like To You How Different Is It From Real Life

Why does life feel like a dream?

I have been seeing a psychiatrist for several months. I had a similiar experience but with the sensation of not being in charge of my own actions; my life seemed like a boring movie. I remember having a several days long period of grey blurred vision and not being able to recall pretty much anything from those days. I felt disconnected and confused, I wasn't there. I didn't even recognize my reflection in the mirror as that of mine. I didn't know who I was or why. I had not used anything special; no alcohol, no drugs, nothing. I just kept on going and tried my best to hang out with my friends, explaining how I felt. They sort of understood that I was confused all the time and tried to help me understand where we were and why as I asked it like every five minutes and laughed nervously.Now that is gone. With the psychiatrist we discussed this dissociative experience. We both agreed that the several weeks of blur with those few continuous days I didn't feel like I was awake at all were most likely the cause of my intense and frequent panic attacks.I have a panic disorder. I feel like my vision is clearer at all times and I get strange feelings that someone or something wants to harm me or is spying on me. They don't last long but it's always intense.That aside, I think you might experience a variation of what I had, a dissociative experience. There are two types of it, depersonalisation and derealisation. Derealisation is when you think that things around you don't exist in reality and your senses don't create a full image of what is real. Depersonalisation is when you don't feel real, when you don't recognize yourself or when you feel like you're see-through or you see yourself from outside of your body.I hope this helped, even a bit!

Why does my sex dream feel so real?

Hey way to go with the virginity!! I'm 16 and a proud virgin too. just thought i'd say that. but like someone else said dreams are all in your brain and your brain is what tells your body what it's feeling. if your brain is saying this is what your feeling then that you'll feel. as for feeling different in the morning, your dream probably made you exercise some muscles you don't usually use even if it was only a dream . . . if you catch my drift. that's my best explanation.

Why do I act differently in dreams compared to real life?

The reason I feel for this is Fear.When we are in our dreams we know that its all imaginary and it won`t have any effect on our actual life. Even if we don`t know whether its dream or reality but our subconscious mind does. Its the subconscious mind that makes all these dreams by gathering all the bits and pieces of information throughout our day. So as we don't have that fear of failure or being judged or shyness in our dream we tend to take risk and do things which we might fear to do in reality.Its with our mind that we set limits as to what things we can do or not. We create our own limits. There is nothing which we cannot achieve if we have the desire to do it. In our real life we tend to limit ourselves cause of this entity called as Fear. If we remove it from our life we can do things which might seem impossible for us to do at first place. There`s a quote in a very famous book by Robin Sharma - ' The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari '. It says when you are scared to do something just pause for a moment and think "What will you do if you were not afraid?"So Fear is the reason who`s absence can make you do wonders in your dream but who`s presence in reality can pull you back from doing wonders.Note: Here Fear is refereed to the tendency of mind to think that I can`t do it. It is not to be confused with the Fear which we experience when we get a bad dream

Does kissing someone in a dream feel the same in real life?

Well i had a dream about kissing this girl but it was weird. When we was kissing on the lips i felt it kinda (not sure) but it did not feel good. But then our tongues touched just touched and it felt really good. I never kissed a girl before so i have no idea i thought it was suppose to feel good on the lips. So does it? I have been trying to have lucid dreams so now im mad because if i was lucid i cud have made it last longer so any tips on becoming lucid? She had to hide cuz her dad came in and he was like where Groundon master of time and space lol. Then the dream ended after that :( SO help please cuz that felt really good my tongue was like tingling ;)

Why do I enjoy sex better in my dreams than in real life?

I'll Answer your question specifically if that is what you want.
Why do I enjoy sex better in my dreams than in real life?
A.You are do not enjoy sex in real life(Could be Due To Limitations)(No offense)Eg. Impotency??
B.You feel that you are more active or connected in dreams than real life.
C.Your partner does not satisfy you?
D.You have emotional void?
Basically the fact that I don't really know you well is not good for answering.
You could give additional details that might help?
Also Whether it is Normal?You cannot help it if it is dreams and people say that it is not normal right I feel that you have subconscious ideas desires and it also depends if you prefer dreaming about other sex partners other than your husband.
I will edit my answer depending on your details.

Is it true that lucid dreams feel like real life? And how can I have a lucid dream?

Yes, lucid dreams feel like real life. You feel the wind, hear the movement of a stream of water, talk to people etc - it encompasses mostly everything you experience in your waking life.You can spawn your friends - talk to them, ask them questions, you can change the sky/weather/environment, you can play music out of no where (even if you don't remember the exact lyrics).It is an area that people who have not experienced it feel hesitant to fully accept, I find.The way I become lucid is through actively making it a goal for the night, every night - to the point where I just feel confident (100% sure) I will sleep and have one.Another way is to just be naturally observant in your waking life. Observe, think, hypothesize - be aware of your reality, remove yourself from the man made constructs, such as law, customs, how we interact with each other. See the world through a different lense and become aware of your reality.Another easier way to lucid dream - for me at least, is to experience discomfort during dreams (nightmares, your teeth falling out, etc) and that usually triggers one to assess what's going on.I cannot speak about the higher states of awareness one might reach through mediation - I have only had one wake induced lucid dream, and I have incredibly grateful for such an opportunity (the wiggly lines you see, the black and white, the center of the circle you find yourself focusing on until you see black, and then your in your dream).I would suggest reminding yourself every day/ every night that you will sleep, so when you do sleep, maybe you'll have that brief reality check where you realize “I told myself I was going to sleep tonight, and here I am now. Wow..”I tip if you have trouble actually making changes to your world when you become lucid: if you fear blinking might wake you up, put your hands to your face (i.e. Cover your eyes) and “imagine the sound” of what you want to spawn, or the sound of a friends voice, or imagine it coming from behind you. Chances are, whatever your trying to do or summon will be there when you spin/ turn around.I hope this has helped. Feel free to message me anytime if you'd like more advice, or if you have any insights you'd like to share. I hope you have a great rest of your day!

Why do my dreams feel more real than reality?

They don’t, they are simply a part of reality, perhaps your senses are more highly attuned or activated in your dreams, so you notice things with more detail there. I have experienced similar but for probably very different reasons, having been plagued with Nightmares as a child (by definition a kind of Lucid Dream) the alarm in Nightmares made me more alert only to be faced with what alarmed me even more (in some kind of vicious cycle) until I woke up trying to scream but with sleep paralysis my voice didn’t work… so I’m aware senses can be heightened in dreams. As to the reason for yours being that way, there are other reasons, such as desire (for example)… it can make dreaming an attractive thing to do, or it could simply be an escape, just remember sooner or later you are going to be in the waking tangible world, so don’t ignore that life.I hope this helps some and I wish you good luck along with many future… Sweet Dreams…

How come when you have sex in your dream the sensation feels real?

Yeah, I had a dream I had sex with the girl I was trying to go after, and it felt so real. It was unlike jacking off, I actually thought I was having sex.

Apparently, your brain stimulates your vision of having sex. While in REM, your brain works with the images created by REM and fools itself into thinking that this is reality. Its easily fooled because you are asleep, and in dreams a person is willing to accept impossibilities as if they happened everyday.

As for the feeling, the brain always works with what its got. If you think about it knowledge is basically memory. Which means your sleeping conciousness tapped into your memories, replaying the feeling of having sex. Memories play a huge role in dreaming.

Just a warning, don't mess with lucid dreaming, even if you do get laid in your dreams. I actually lost my grip on reality and asked a girl if she wanted to do it again. Lucid dreaming is powerful stuff.

What does a wet dream feel like?/How to get one quicker?

I got my first wet dream when I was 14 so you probably will get one too. In my case I never masturbated to an orgasm before that so maybe that is why and why it will help you too, but there is no guarantee.

I already posted about wet a wet dream feels like, and it really does depend on the person and the particular dream. Mine all seem to feel a little different.

First of all, if you get one, you might remember the dream, and you might not. If you don't, all you will have as evidence is a wet sticky patch on whatever you are wearing or your sheets, about a few inches wide.

But usually there is a dream. However this dream is only sometimes about sex. Sometimes you just see something sexy, like a girl, or someone naked, or something touches you but without actual sex. Or it could be about flying or swimming. Or even peeing, which I get a lot. You know, those dreams where you have to pee or are actually doing it? Those can be wet dreams as well, but without you actually peeing in real life.

The orgasm part of the dream also can feel unique. It can be just like a regular orgasm but I never had a wet dream like that. Usually it might seem faster or slower or stronger or weaker somehow. In the really good part of the dream you might feel something touching, rubbing or sliding along your penis, which you will feel as erect and this will make you ejaculate almost immediately. There might be an awesome feeling through your body and a fast heartbeat too that happens all by itself which is really interesting. If it is one of the peeing dreams it actually does feel good because it is relaxing and has a nice tension release to it, even though you do wake up from those confused thinking you really did wet the bed until you feel around.