What Is Done With The Fetus When You Miscarry In Your Fifth Month

What happens if you miscarry at 5 months?

The other ladies are right. If you haven't gone into labor naturally, you will be induced, and give birth. I can tell you that it does NOT feel like a full term birth. It's more like menstrual cramps than real labor cramps, because the baby is so much smaller. The parents are always given the opportunity to see the baby, hold the baby, take pictures, footprints, a locket of hair, etc,.... I don't know of any hospitals that will "dispose" of a body after a stillbirth (20 weeks and beyond). When the family is ready, the body is sent to the funeral home of their choice. Most families chose a simple cremation, though they are free to have any sort of funeral/memorial service they'd like.

What's the baby like if you miscarry about 5 months? Is it possible to stay at home when you miscarry without going to hospital?

At 5 months the baby could be about 22 weeks which is not legal viability, but there are plenty of documented cases where a 22 week baby has survived, been ventilated and incubated, and done quite well.If you are just talking preterm labor (no.other complications) it is very likely the 22 week baby will be born alive. The infant could live for hours, even a day, without support. These babies often breathe unassisted and even cry. They deserve to be held and kept warm and treated with love and respect while they pass. This can take a long time and is emotionally difficult. The body of the infant also requires proper, safe, and respectful disposal. Any baby born alive gets a birth certificate.You should be in hospital setting. It's safer for you and better for the baby. If your scared it's understandable. Nurses will help you, hold you, and show you how to comfort you baby. Prior to 24 weeks, we generally follow the parents’ wishes regarding resuscitation, there are some excpetions.Your baby will have all of its body parts, sex can be easily identified, all of the facial features will be there, fingers and toes, lots of hair on his or her body and a little hair on the head. You will see fingernails and toenails and maybe even eye lashes. Your baby will be quite developed and look like a baby, skinny and jittery, and somewhat transparent- but he or she will be beautiful and look lexceptions.I hope this helps and I hope you can trust that the nurses in the hospital want to help you. We know how to support you and your baby. We will protect you and your privacy and honor your wishes- let us take care of you.

Can you miscarry at 4 months? What are some health issues this could mean for the mother?

Yes, you can miscarry at four months. Pregnancy duration is usually measured in weeks. If the fetus dies in the womb before it reaches 24 weeks of gestational age (the earliest possible for it to be viable), it is called a miscarriage. If it dies after that, so if the baby could have survived outside of the mother’s womb (albeit with a lot of medical assistance), it is called a stillborn.Health risks might include infection if not all of the fetus’ decomposing tissue is successfully expelled from the uterus and of course psychological damage to the mother who loses her child. There are probably other, less common risks but I’m not a doctor so that is beyond my level of expertise on the subject.

When you have a miscarriage at 5 months do you bury the baby?

its really up to you i feel that i would it has a heart beat you know the sex its almost like having a real child just really small you have to look at the cost and time however if your child was one and passed away this would be no problem i know that my local hospital will take the baby and treat it like any other body part i would its still your child however it truly is your decision

Can you just randomly have a miscarriage at 5 months?

Any spontaneous expulsion of an embryo or a fetus before it issufficiently developed to survive; miscarriage is the loss of a fetus beforethe 20th week of pregnancy. The medical term for a miscarriage is spontaneousabortion, but "spontaneous" is the key word ...Any deliberate procedure that removes, or induces the expulsion of, adead embryo or fetus or a living embryo or fetus with the purpose of causingits death.The cause of your miscarriage may not be known. The following mayincrease your risk:Age 35 years or olderGenetic defects in the fetusPoorly controlled diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid disease,     or sexually transmitted infectionsCertain medicines taken early in pregnancyDrinking too much alcohol or caffeinated drinksSmoking or being exposed to second hand smoke, or drug abuseAbnormalities in the uterusWhat are the signs and symptoms of a miscarriage?Vaginal spotting or bleeding during the first trimester of your     pregnancyPain or cramping in your abdomen or backDischarge of bloody liquid or tissue from your vaginaHow is a miscarriage diagnosed?Blood tests are     used to check to see if you are still pregnant.A pelvic exam is done to check the size of your uterus and to see if your     cervix (bottom part of your uterus) has dilated (opened).A pelvic ultrasound may be done to see if there is tissue left in your uterus     (womb).How is a miscarriage treated?Dilatation and curettage (D&C) is done to remove the tissue left in your uterus. The D&C     may also be needed to control bleeding or to keep you from getting an     infection.Surgery may     be needed if healthcare providers cannot control the bleeding.Where can I find more information?The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists     P.O. Box 70620     Washington , DC 20024-9998     Phone: 1- 202 - 638-5577     Phone: 1- 800 - 673-8444     Web Address: http://www.acog.orgCareNotes® are the copyrighted property of A.D.A.M., Inc. or TruvenHealth Analytics.

If you have a miscarriage, does the mother get to keep the fetus?

i do no longer think of everyone seems to be bitching at purely would desire to comprehend that what you asked is a frightening question. A fetuses entire existence relies upon on the foodstuff it gets contained in the womb. If it does not get adequate, it would desire to be underweight at delivery and in severe situations be mentally challenged. just about all the foodstuff the mummy takes is going directly to the fetus. If she stops eating the toddler gets what she has in reserve until even that runs out. reckoning on how a ways alongside she is, the toddler would desire to stay after she dies from starvation. Any woman well worth her salt might think of appropriate to the welfare of her newborn previously she thinks approximately herself. God be with you

Is it possible to miscarry a pregnancy at 3 months?

Unfortunately, it is possible. A miscarriage is medically defined as loss of pregnancy during the first 23 weeks. To be sure, if one has experienced the following, then it is a symptom of miscarriage.Common symptoms of miscarriageCramps: The most common symptom of miscarriage is pain in the lower abdomen or the pelvic region. Pain in this particular region could feel like a dull ache or period-like cramping. She advises that even a dull ache must be checked by the gynaecologist. In addition, blood spotting could also be an indication of a pregnancy loss.Bleeding: Vaginal bleeding can be another symptom. Bleeding per vaginum, as it’s called, can be light spotting or a brownish discharge or heavy bleeding. It could be continuous or irregular with the passage of blood clots or foetal tissue or discharge of fluid from your vagina. However, light bleeding is common during the first 12 weeks.Abdominal pain: If you experience a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, it could be a sign of miscarriage. However, you may also feel discomfort because as the foetus grows, the body muscles stretch to accommodate it. But if you have one-sided pain, then it’s better to consult the gynaecologist. Take a look at this link to better understand the subject: Top 5 symptoms of miscarriage you must not ignore

Who has had a miscarriage at 4 months?

It's not a stillbirth until the baby is 20 week 5 months at least. Anytime up until 20's still a miscarriage. Even though after 12 weeks the woman will experience labor type symptoms and experiences if she would expell the baby naturally.

I miscarried in my 2nd trimester (not 20 weeks though) and lost the baby at home. What shocked me most was that I had a lot of the same back pain like I do when I have labor...I didn't realize that I was miscarrying until the baby came until I thought about it later on. I used to think that if I would have recognized the symptoms earlier that something could have changed...but my Dr told me that it's not true. Once a woman starts miscarrying...there's nothing that can be done to stop it. No matter how far along she is.

As for what happens when you miscarry....I had period cramps one night which was weird...the next day I started spotting (enough to use a pad, but not soaking a pad every hour like a period) The day after that the bleeding got heavier but again I wasn't soaking a pad in an hour...BUT my back hurt like I was constipated or something. I couldn't get comfortable at all that whole day and kept sitting on the toilet all day thinking that maybe once I would poop everything would feel better. About 6pm that night I felt some of the placenta pass...then about 10 minutes after that the baby came. I called my Dr and he suggested that I collect the baby and any other tissue to bring to the hospital. The blood was purple in color...not red or brown.

I ended up hemmorging and had to have emergency surgery in order to remove the remaining tissue....and they ended up giving me an IV of pitosin in order to contract my uterus down to stop the bleeding.

Miscarrying that late is not easy and is very painful....but it's not something that can be truly explained mostly because you have to go thru it....

But...and I don't know if this is a good thing or not...but that far along they can tell the sex of the helped my husband to deal with it that we didn't lose a son...but it hurt me that I lost my daughter her sister. We pray every night that God is taking care of her sister in heaven. It helps us all.

Why hasnt it come out yet?miscarriage?

If your baby has a heartbeat still then why do you think you will miscarry?? B/c you are bleeding? Lots of women bleed. I don't know the specifics with you but I wouldn't give up hope. Are you taking it easy and staying off your feet. I would be on total bed rest for a while. Oh, stressful for you.. I hope everything works out. There is an herbal remedy I have for stopping a potential miscarriage. Im going to go find it and send it to you.

You know what...if if I were you I would send your hubby for my book...I know I would never take herbal supplement advice from someone I didn't know over the internet. The name of the book that this info is in by Susan S Weed. Wise Woman Herbal Childbearing Year. You should be able to find it at your library...a lot of midwives use this as a reference book..

Can you have a miscarriage at 8-9 months of pregnancy?

Ok, so this girl I know said she was pregnant... 9 months ago, she was "DUE" to have her baby two weeks ago.. She all of a sudded said she had a miscarriage and had a D&C done, I asked her about it today, I said where is your baby at, she said I had a miscarriage. I asked her your not gana have a funeral for your own baby? she said no, i said yeah because there was no baby... she didnt say anything to me.

during her 9 months of pregnancy i had seen her often and she didnt get any bigger, of course she was already on the heavier side... but her stomach never got hard. and her mom told us that her ultrasound she had, she printed it off the internet...
she said she was going to the doctor that i had went to the year before for my son, they do 3D ultrasounds, hers was not 3D...
so pretty much i think she is leing. how could you have a miscarriage at 9 months and not have a funeral for your baby!?!?! she acts as if nothing had ever happened.

so can someone tell me if it is even possible. because i dont see how it is.
she is such a lier, she tells so many lies she doesnt know whats the truth and whats not.