What Is Going On In This World

What was going on in the world from 1473- 1543?

Read a History book.
(1) Spain became a united country-1492
(2) Columbus explored the Bahamas and West Indes islands starting the age of Spanish colonization of the Americas.
(3) Cortez overthrew the Aztec Empire.
(4) Pizarro discovered the Panama Ithmus
(5) Magellan's expedition sailed around the world, firmly establishing the size and location of places.
(6) The Tudors became the family line of English Kings with Henry VII and Henry VIII. Elizabeth was born in 1534.
(7) Charles V became ruler of the "Holy Roman Empire", and with newly conquered colonies, ruled half the world.
(8) The Protestant reformation started with Luther challanging Catholic practices. Luther produces a German translation of the Bible. Half of Germany breaks with the Catholic Church.
(9) Henry VIII establishes a State Church in England. Several translations of the Bible to English are made.
(10). Copernicus formulates an alternate theory to the accepted idea that the planets and sun rotate around the earth.
(11) Ivan III of Russia starts the consolidation of power in the hands of the ruler in Moscow and throws off the subjucation to the Mongols. His son , Ivan IV (the terrible) will continue this process.
(12) Ideas of Luther and other preachers lead to much of Northern Europe becoming Protestants.
(13) Despite German army sacking of Rome in 1527, Saint Peter's is built and the Cistene Chapel inside roof is painted by Michaelangelo, and many other painters and sculptors produce major works.
(14) Coronado explores many parts of the South-west US and discovers the Grand Canyon. Ponce-De-Leon explores Florida looking for the "Fountain of Youth"
(15) Due to the movable type printing press, books become more plentiful, and more people are reading and questioning long-held beliefs.
(16) The fall of Constantinople to the Turks in 1453 leads to major unemployment of Italian sailors, who go to the Western European Countries to find employment. Several will become the explorers of the New World
(17) The Portugese reach India via sailing around Cape Horn of Africa.

World History 1550-1650.What was going on in the rest of the world (besides britain) during this period?

Spain was exploring and conquering much of the Americas. All the wealth and gold from its New World colonies were making Spain the wealthiest kingdom in Europe. Spain reached its height as the most powerful kingdom in Europe under Philip II, then began its decline under his son, Philip III.

France was racked by turmoil from the religious conflicts of the reformation. The kingdom was divided by Huegenot Protestant forces and Catholic loyalists. The ruling House of Valois became extinct when Queen Margaret died in 1615. Her ex-husband, Henri de Navarre, founded the Bourbon Dynasty when he succeeded to the throne of France as Henri IV in 1589 after the death of his brother-in-law, Henry III.

In Italy, the country became dominated by the Spanish Hapsburg royal family, which came into possession of the Duchy of Milan and the Kingdom of Naples through marriage/inheritance and the Hapsburg/Valois War (1551-1559). Most of Italy would remain as Spanish Hapsburg domains until the death of Charles II in 1700.

Germany and Scandinavia
The Holy Roman Empire and Scandinavia fell into various religious conflicts brought about by the Protestant Reformation. The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) was not resolved until the Peace of Westphalia, which recognized the Lutheran Religion and allowed German Princes to choose between the Catholic or Protestant faiths.

In India, the Classical Period of the Mughal Empire began in 1556, with the accession of Emperor Akbar the Great. Mughal India reached it's wealthiest and powerful period during the Classical Period, and began it's decline with the death of Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707.

In China, the Ming Dynasty had started its decline. Internal intrigues, corruption, and conflicts within the royal family lead to the Ming Dynasty's collapse in 1644, when the Manchus invaded northern China, overthrew the Ming Dynasty, and established the Ch'ing Dynasty (1644-1911).

Hope all this helped,

What's going on in The world this week?

News on The world this week is - Donald Trump is a dangerous demagogue who presents an unprecedented threat to American democracy and deserves to be consigned to the dustbin of history.To read more news about The world this week, World this week, News on America Visit the Fair Observer - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Culture

How do I begin to see what's going on around me & in the world today?

There's an ancient saying, "There are none so blind as those who will not see".Willingness to view the world with truth is enough to open your eyes. I don't read news about my country (USA) from domestic new sources. There is too much bias. I turn to foreign news services and then read their International news page. UK - BBC NewsThe people around you are preoccupied with interpersonal relationships and money, for the most part. Believe what people do and not what they say. Actions do speak louder than words. Always ask yourself, "Who benefits from this?" Follow the money and "cherche la femme" (look for the woman) and you will be informed.Thanks for the A2A

What else was going on in the world when the Crusades ended?

Feb 18th - The Livonian Brothers of the Sword are defeated by Dovmont of Pskov in the Battle of Rakovor.
May 18th - The Principality of Antioch, a crusader state, falls to the Mamluk Sultan Baibars in the Battle of Antioch.
Oct 29th - Conradin, the last legitimate male heir of the Hohenstaufen dynasty of Kings of Germany and Holy Roman Emperors, is executed along with his companion Frederick I, Margrave of Baden by Charles I of Sicily, a political rival and ally to the hostile Roman Catholic church.

Jun 19, - King Louis IX of Frances decrees all Jews must wear a badge of shame

Apr 8th - In Syria, sultan Baybars conquers the Krak of Chevaliers.
Dec 18th - Kublai Khan renames his empire "Yuan" (元 yuán), officially marking the start of the Yuan Dynasty of China.