What Is It.i Dont Have A Clue

Help! i'm 18 and dont have a clue about sex! ?

Well I don't think there was a need for all the rude replies you got. Sorry some people are such jerks!!

There is oral sex where you suck his private part or he licks yours and than there is intercourse where he puts his part in your vagina and moves back and forth or you can sit on his penis and bounce up and down too. There are many ways to do it but I will be honest and say the first time will hurt. Try to play around with each other first, like have him put his finger in you and see how that feels. I think it is great you don't know about sex yet. I wish more young girls didn't so that we didn't have so many teenage moms out here. Watching some pornos will really help too. Maybe you can watch that with your boyfriend first and just do what they are doing in the video to make it easier on you. I hope it works out for you but once you get through the first time it will be great for you. Just don't do it with anyone because sex is something you can never take back so make sure he is the right guy for you. Good luck! And I hope this helped.

I don't feel like a girl or a boy and I have no clue if I like women or men.?

Biologically i'm a girl, but I don't feel like one. I don't feel like a boy either.. well, kinda. I feel more like a boy than a girl but i'm fully aware that i'm a girl. I feel really manly a lot of the time and I don't know if that affects it. I don't even know what to do anymore, honestly. I'm tired of feeling confused. I can't wear makeup without feeling like a man and when I look in the mirror with makeup on I feel sad. I can't wear girly clothes either. I don't even know what I am anymore. I'm not sure if I like girls or boys. I've had crushes on both males and females but mostly leaning towards women, at least at the moment. How do I even find my sexuality if I don't feel like a man or a woman? One day i'll feel like a lesbian girl, straight girl, and another day i'll feel like a blob that likes women and men.

I am graduating this year, still I don't have any clue about what to do next, what should I do?

Just choose a calm and serene location, go there and get yourself lost in your own thoughts. Then, you would meet the best guide ever, and that is ‘you’ yourself!Ask your own self what areas really interest you based on your education background and previous work/projects (if any). Think through carefully of what are the things you really like to do in life and just try to look for multiple arenas that you can enter into based on your area of study. Search online for the relevant exams/interviews required to reach there. Try connecting with some people who are experienced (either from personal contacts or on linkedin). They can guide you as to how you can prepare yourself to enter into a specific field.For the time being, immediately after graduation, you can even take some further coaching classes to enter a specific area of your interest, and enhance your skills further.Keep in touch with your seniors at college and talk to them about their experiences, where they work and what they are preparing for, etc. You might get some insight further.At this stage, you might come across many people who ask you what your future plans are, are you preparing for some exams, did you land up in a job, etc. Politely throw a deaf ear to other peoples’ questions/comments and just concentrate on what possibilities lie in front of you and how you can achieve any of those. DONOT ever compare with anyone at all.At the end of the day, what matters the most is, what you really want to do with all of your heart and not what others want you to do.Good luck! :)

I don't have a clue why I got a "thumbs down" on an answer I gave.?

Yeah, it's kind of hard to explain. I think your answer was perfectly fine. You did get six thumbs up though! Here are some reasons I think good answers may get a thumbs down:
1) I suspect that some people give thumbs down to good answers because they are jealous that they couldn't come up with anything decent.
2) They may think the asker takes thumbs into consideration when choosing a best answer so by giving all the good answers a thumbs down they think they may stand a better chance at getting a BA.
3) There are also trolls who go through and automatically give every answer a thumbs down. That doesn't seem to be the case here since some of the answers before you didn't get any thumbs down.
4) It could have been an accident. Most of us have, at times, given a "thumbs down" when we meant to give a "thumbs up" or vice versa. The thumbs cannot be changed so you can't correct the mistake.
5) People simply just have differing opinions of what's a good answer and what is not.

I don't know what to do with my hair! :(?

Okay, well I'm black, so I have extremely thick nappy black people's hair. I have no clue what to do with it. I don't want to put any chemicals on it to straighten it, I did it before and my hair was falling out. And flat ironing it takes hours. So straight is out of the question.

All I do is just take it up and put it in a high bun, and that's all. I tried wearing it in an Afro, but everyone was looking at me weird and my mom told me it looked hideous. My family all have silky curly hair that is easy to manage so they don't understand my hair struggles. I don't really know why I got the bad hair :/

I have no clue what to do with it, doing any style like braids takes at least 2 hours since my hair is so thick, and I'm getting tired of putting it in a bun every day. What should I do?

Have you ever clearly offended someone without having a clue how? What happened?

Initially yes, though I quickly found out why, but the real deep reason behind it, didn’t became apparent until a year later when a colleague of her explained to me a thing about what had happened to her prior.Here is how that happened. I’m in a morning meeting with a few nurses. Before the actual meeting starts we make light conversation. During that conversation I hear that one of the women cohabitates with her friend, a female friend, basically they’re sharing rent.Now in the Dutch language a female friend is known as ‘vriendin’, but ‘vriendin’ can also translate as girlfriend.Now I was summaring what I heard to myself, so I said, “so you’re living with your ‘vriendin’”, but my intonation was kind of flat. Hey it was early in the morning, I hadn’t yet had a cup of coffee. Apparently to her it sounded like, “so you are living with your girlfriend”. She mistook my summary and had mistakenly assumed that I had called her a lesbian. In no way did I mean that and even if it were true, like who cares, like come on it’s the 21st century. By the way she isn’t a lesbian, neither is her friend.I didn’t get why she was so offended until about a year later I visited one of her colleagues, because her husband had a small webshop. We made some conversation, when this colleague of her told me that her colleague who cohabitated was being bullied by some other colleagues.I didn’t know about the bullying that went on, in fact I didn’t know she was single. I never even had the time after the meeting to explain to her that her assumption about me was incorrect.She mistook the tone of my voice far more negative than I had meant it to be. To me it was something neutral that I said, to her it likely didn’t appear that way.

If someone asks us something, and we have no clue about it, we say "I know nothing about it". But this very statement is a piece of information we are sharing in the process. Logically, should the correct answer then be "I know exactly 1 thing about it"?

Yes, the statement, "I know nothing about it" is a piece of information that you are sharing in the process.  However, it is information about you, not information about the thing, so it doesn't count as something you know about that thing, even if you are trying to apply a "strictly logical point of view" to the matter. Counting information about your and other's knowledge about a thing as information about that thing quickly leads to having to claim knowledge of an infinite number of things about it.  "I know it is recognized by less than 10 billion people on this planet".  Since there are less than 10 billion people, we know that to be true, even if everyone recognizes it.  Now add 1 to 10 billion and repeat to get an infinite number of true statements. So "I know nothing" is conveying that the person has no meaningful knowledge about it, not that they have absolutely zero knowledge about that thing.

How do people ''crump??'' trust me i have no clue how 2 do it i know what it is, just can`t do it!

You gotta get crunk to crump...

How do I get into my Snapchat if I don't know my password or have access to the email address associated with the account?

You can use your phone number, if you associated your account with it.Otherwise, there is a reason to why you can't get into the account. It is because you could have stolen it. I didn't say that you did it, but this is why these functions are there. They are there so you must know the password (which the account stealer hopefully don't know) and you must have access to your email (which the account stealer also hopefully don't have access to).You can maybe contact Snapchat Support, they might help you, however I don't know whether they can or not.