What Is It Like Dating A Cancer Man

What is it like dating a cancer man?

I'm a leo woman just starting a new relationship was a cancer man. I have never
Dated one and would love to know how they are in relationships? I would prefer leo woman answer this but anyone who has dated a cancer can answer too. Thanks for the help!

Dating a Cancer man?

I am a leo woman and dated a Cancer man for two years and i have to ask is why in the HELL are they so damn moody and not know! He made me feel like i was crazy when i would say how he was treating me and he would get so defensive!!!! I've never met someone who was moody, not romantic, not affectionate, boring in my life. I mean he is sweet and nice but it's when HE wants to be. We broke up a couple of weeks ago because of this and it wasn't my intentions I was just venting and NOW he wont return any of my calls because he is angry. I don't understand because when will get into arguments he is the coldess person ever saying very harsh things to me. Right now he is ignoring me as if he found me cheating or i bashed his window in or something. Cancer men are very weird to me. I wanted us to work it out MAYBE or at least be cool with each other but he's ignoring me. Do cancer men hold anger this long for real????

What is it like to date a Cancer man?

Idk if it was dating but we were getting to know each other. He was sweet, knew all the right things to say & really hot. Ridiculously hot. I liked him cause he was funny tho lol. I must've been too harsh for him cause I'd say things jokingly & he'd get mad. He was the only guy who ever "broke " my heart. He ignored me for a week cause we got into an argument where I said "k" and he was like "don't say that to me" and I kept saying it to him as a joke. I guess he took it as I was making fun of him so he left. I was "heartbroken" cause he was so accepting of my goofy personality up until that point. After the week ended, he started talking to me again. I said I'm not gonna tolerate being ignored nor am I gonna apologize for making a joke. That's the kind of person I am and I lose all respect for someone who can't vocalize what went wrong in a situation. He chose to be a baby about it and was too easily offended. I stopped talking to him for good but he still tries talking to me ?

What are cancer men like when dating them?

Cancer men are great men, they have wonderful characteristics, such as attentive, great listeners, and romantic. But they can be jealous. We Cancerians have a hard outter shell, but once you crack it, we're really soft on the inside. Cancer men and womer are VERY DIFFERENT. We cancer women are very emotional and sensitive, versus Cancer men, they can be emotional but they won't show it.

Also it really depends on you sign as well. See me being a Cancer woman, my relationships with my fellow Cancer males, really never work out (I've dated 2 Cancer men)> But now we are the closest friends.!


What has been your experience dating a cancer man?

Story of my friend Elsa:

"One time, I went on a date with a double Cancer man. Cancer = home, family, roots, food.

He took me to dinner at a restaurant that was somebody’s converted home. All during dinner he told me about the family that had lived there. He told me their names, and detailed histories with dates of various happenings. He outlined the whole family tree.

He told me about the flood, the wipeout, the son taking over, and so forth. He told me where the kitchen was located in the original house before the son of the son converted it to a family business, I mean. “The one whose highchair once sat in this very room…” This was the entire conversation and I thought I would die. I was bored out of my mind except for the science of it. You know, the astrology.

After dinner, he took me to his house. Instead of trying to have sex with me which I might of liked, he showed me around. He actually pointed out the switch plates in the bathrooms – someone please shoot me – and then he loaded me back in his MINI VAN.

Guess where we went? We drove by the house that he used to live in.

On that note I asked to go home and he took me but not before driving by his grandmother’s old place so I could see it."

What's it like dating someone with cancer?

When I was in 8th grade, I started dating a girl I had been friends with for about 2 years at that point. We were both 14… 7 months later, she was diagnosed with CML (one of the easier to treat but hardest to fight forms of leukemia, since if it progresses to Acute ML, it’s basically a death sentence). I stayed with her from that point until my second semester of my freshman year of college. I watched as she bore the pain and agony that cancer treatment brings everyone, but also as she had to fight the psychological struggle of being a young woman who was not ‘normal’.Cancer in its beginning stages is frightening and difficult, but manageable. The thing most people forget if they haven’t experienced it, either through living through it themselves or by living with another person who has, is that the sickness itself is not what causes the most pain; watching someone you love deteriorate is hell on earth, but worth the pain if you care for them. It is something you will never forget, but you will also never regret giving someone that probably only truly feels fear most of the time support and love.If you plan on staying with this girl, do both of you a favor. Be aware of the type of cancer she has, what it’s potential outcomes are, and how it could effect each of you along the road. These things are impossible to predict 100% but you can at least attempt to prepare yourself for eventualities that are inevitable with this illness. If you are not willing to give yourself to this person while they struggle through this, you need to be honest to both of yourselves about it, but if you believe you can manage that, it can be very rewarding, despite the pain.

How does a cancer man show his love (we are not dating yet)?

When he's driving around he stares right at me for few seconds, he does it when I'm a few meters away from him, but when I'm around with my friend he looks at her, he never looks at me. When we talked, he was cute and was trying to be funny and tell me jokes, he straightened his back,and trying to act like he's confident. I'm so confused, cause I'm a cancer too and I act differently around him. (*I asked the guestion)