What Is More Important In Education

Is education more important or love?

The most important thing in this life is love. I understand that an education is very important. I am currently in my third year of college, but I would drop out the person I loved needed me. I know what matters in the end.

Which is more important: money or education?

Money buys freedom from worrying about paying for life’s necessities. After that it’s really not worth much because we try to buy happiness. How much stuff, travel, etc. does it take to make one happy versus greed which is the desire to just have more.An education teaches one to think, to be curious, to try to understand others. It helps us to try to be better human beings AND that education can provide you with the knowledge to earn money and how to save and invest for a more comfortable life.Let me state this in another way. Imagine a world where no one is educated. What would you need money for? We’d just be monkeys using sticks to dig for insects and happy for family members who pick lice out of our hair.Now imagine a world that values education. Wa La!If course we live in a world with both. Both are essential. Anyone who asks which of these is most important wants validation for seeking or thinking they deserve money without an education. Consider those with great wealth. All of them would tell you that an education in some thing, to some degree is how they made and/or keep their wealth.

Which is a more important aspect of education?

A love of learning, because then they will pursue the knowledge they need to succeed in life outside of school.

Is education more important than wealth or is wealth more important than education?why?

Benefits of an education:
Higher lifetime earnings
Less likely to be unemployed
Less likely to live in poverty

More productive society
Educated adults more likely to volunteer
Educated adults more likely to vote
Educated adults more likely to donate blood
Educated adults less likely to smoke
Educated adults more likely to be in good health
Educated adults less likely to be incarcerated
Children of educated adults are read to more frequently and have higher cognitive skill levels and concentration than other children

Benefits of Wealth:
You can have anything that money can buy

From all that, I'd have to say that education is more important than wealth. Wealth allows you to buy what you "want", but education allows you to better understand what you "need" to live a better quality life as evidenced by the many benefits you can get from an education that money can't buy.

Also, I thought it was pretty funny that this was how wealth was used in a sentence in my dictionary lol:
"great wealth is not a sign of great intelligence"

What is more important Education or Friends?

U can't get through life without an education, but it's da same wit friends. If u don't hav an education then people may not wanna be ur friend, but true friends r friends wit u no matter what. So what's more important!!!!!

Is education more important than your health?

Health is more important than education. If you had a very bad fever, would you rather go to school and get through the day or go to the hospital and get medical attention so your brain doesn't get damaged? The answer is quite obvious. A good Health is essential in order to sustain our life. Both physical and mental health comprises a sound healthy future. "Health is Wealth", as such in every sphere of our life, we would be able to perform to the best of the our ability and it reaches to the gateway of success.

Which is more important school or education?

It is a very nice question. For me, both school and education are equally important. You get a good education only if you study in a good school. My daughter studies in Greenwood High school and I should say that they not only educate children with respect to text books but also teach them good values.

Is education more important than marriage?

At 22, education is absolutely more important than marriage. It's beneficial for everyone, you, a prospective spouse and it will help you to better provide and give opportunities to kids you may have.

A good education is an investment in yourself. You will make more money, have better decision making skills, better negotiating skills and you will be able to prioritize things better. Without an education, your employment opportunities would be quite limited, when your employment opportunities are limited so is your retirement outlook, you will be working until you're 100 otherwise.

The biggest conflict in most marriages is over financial matters. When you have a good education, usually unless you major in something useless you will make more money and have minimal financial problems. Minimal financial problems paves the way for less stress in your life. Though illness, injury, job loss can really happen to anyone.

My husband and I had totally opposite upbringings, he was raised that not getting an education was not an option but his dad is an attorney and his mom is a physician. My parents married young and had no education, thus I grew up lower middle class (aka working class poor) with parents who let me know college really wasn't an option for me (but it was).

I'm well off now but I worked really hard to get here so I'll give you this being young and broke really f'n sucks. I drive a Range Rover and it's a lot more comfortable to worry and cry over my problems in that than it is sitting on a bench waiting for a bus. I have a PhD in Information Technology and make $120K a year as an Information Security Officer for a healthcare company. I live a very comfortable life. My husband also has a doctorate degree and is a physician. He makes about 6 times what I do. I'm able to give my kids more opportunities in life that I never had, I can pay for their education for them and things like that. For me working is a choice, my husband can comfortably support us all but well I like what I do and I'm good at it. Plus I think about tomorrow and the "what if" like if we got a divorce, my husband got sick or injured and couldn't work I can still take care of us.