What Is Some Ways To Get Over Stage Fright

Stage Fright?

Remember that fear is a spirit. Begin by saying out loud: I will not let the spirit of fear overcome me. Print out cheap posters about the play: go to busy subway stations and ask people you do not know: Are you fond of theater? Will you at least keep one of these?
That is even tougher than appearing on stage because the outside world is generally hostile and suspicious. Be comforted in knowing that your audience will be friendly, for the most part. On the night in question, if you are a praying person, then say: God remove the spirit of fear from around me and give me you spirit of boldness. Take a deep breath and defiantly go out there with one attitude: YOU FOLKS BETTER GET READY FOR THE NEXT SUPER STAR! Knock em dead.

I, a formerly bashful person had to speak before 15,000 people and five T.V networks filmed the event. That is what I did. The amount of people who came up to me afterwords to compliment me was very encouraging. YOU WILL DO IT AND DO IT WELL.

How to get over STAGE FRIGHT!!?

stage fright is often caused by nerves you can help to prevent nerves by preparing a LOT practice makes you less nervous because if you are completely sure of what you are doing you will not be nervous and when you walk out on stage you simple tell yourself you are the best and that you practiced s much that you couldn't possibly make a mistake then your stage fright disappears hope this was of some help

How do you get over stage fright???!?

Stage fright is really a problem for me. I am an instrumentalist, and whenever I have a performance (mainly when i'm playing solo in a recital), I get all these physical symptoms of stage fright. My hands start to tingle, which makes it difficult to play my instrument, and my breathing gets really messed up, which also really screws up my playing. I also love to sing and want to audition for a chorus (also for an instrumental ensemble) when I start college this fall, but I'm terrified for auditions. I feel like if I could get rid of the physical symptoms of stage fright I would fine, because otherwise I would love performing but the stage fright always screws me over. I don't want to take medication like beta blockers because they sound really dangerous, but are there any herbal remedies for stage fright that work? I know that there's all those breathing excercises, mental preparation, etc. but my problem is the physical symptoms that won't go away. How do I get rid of them??? Please help!!
thank you!

How do i get over stage fright???

I think most of us have this problem and I think that it is because we are over worried about the impression our work will make on an audience.
What has worked for me are several things:

1- Acknowledge that you are nervous, it is normal to be nervous. Don't say "Don't get nervous", say to yourself "yes I am nervous, so what I will do about it?"

2- Focus on something else, for me it works to focus on an object, or to try to count the toes on my foot

3- Relax the whole area around your hips (coxes? sp?), this was a tip given by a Butoh choreographer and it works better than the breathing excercises for me

4- Know that the audience is also part of the show and that they are WITH YOU. Try not to see them as a terrible and critical monster, generally we are our own worst critics.

5- Remember why you love to sing and have fun, fun, fun

Hope this helps

What are the best ways to overcome stage fright?

Take each and every, small or big, opportunity of going on stage. I'll give a few examples:Volunteer for a magician or any other event which is happening on stage and is asking for volunteers. It can be any fun event.Start standing up and answering from the crowd. Stage fear is nothing but fear of facing the crowd. Hence, this is a baby step; when asked to answer or asked to speak anything while in crowd, grab that opportunity.Sometimes being the first one to say something is easy as there is no fear of being compared with previous answers. I and my friend always preferred to be the first team while presenting a paper in the university. This saved us from the fear of being compared with previous presentations right away.Find a friend who also wants to work on getting rid of the stage fear and help each other in the process. Motivate and support each other.Attend events in which you are a complete stranger. This way you don't have any fears of pleasing the known faces and you can be completely yourself. You don't fear of being judged or being mocked afterwards.It is said that if you want to speak for X minutes on stage, you at least need to have 2X(or more) content. Hence, prepare a lot.I have experienced that if you know what you are speaking then the fear is reduced by a great deal. Hence, know your content well and you will be more confident.In the initial phase, you can use a table, podium or a notepad to help yourself. There things help you stay confident, help you to hide yourself a bit from the crowd. Slowly, get rid of those things and you will enjoy a lot.Don't feel pressure of pleasing the crowd. Be yourself and you will be able to please your audience.All the best!

How do I get over stage fright and nerves???

I have been on an improve team for a while now and have recentlly decided to become a stand up comic, the only problem is I have really bad stage fright and nerves! How do I get over this??? Someone please help me...

How do I get over male stage fright?

How to make a presentation without getting nervous is a question asked by an incredible number of people each day. Studies have shown that speaking in public to be our greatest fear. It even ranks higher than death.One thing to do is before you stand to speak, is focus on the audience not on yourself. That may seem odd, but think of what you would like to hear. Think of what would impress and hold your audience’s attention. As for as what you can do….practice the six rules for good speech, which are:1) Think - about what you say before you say it2) Breath - talk as you exhale rather than inhale3) Move your mouth - that will prevent slurring4) Make all sounds - and be sure to emphasize the last sound of each word5) Use enough voice6) Talk slow - in order for you speech to sound normal to the listener, it must sound abnormal to youAccording to Dr. Don Kirkley, who taught public speaking at the Pentagon, the key to effective speaking is….hesitation. Pause. No more than six (6) words at a time without a pause. Even less….than six… will work….nicely. All great speakers, regardless their politics, JFK, Paul Harvey, Reagan, Clinton, Obama….paused. By pausing you WILL hold your audience’s attention.Ironically, when we are nervous, we speak faster and say more, which is just the opposite of what we should do. Thankfully, I’ve learned to shut-up (briefly)…pause.Be sure to use enough voice. MANY actors, who stutter, use(d) a full voice to overcome their stutter. That includes James Earl Jones, John Wayne and a host of others.If you can do something to make them laugh a little at first, it may take away some of your jitters. You might start with, I never knew public speaking was this stressful. If you get bored during my presentation and want me to sit down…..just throw money! You might think of something better. If you can make the audience laugh, you create a bond with them.Remember to pause, last sound…..use a full voice. Again, in order for your speech to sound normal to the listener, it must sound abnormal to you….for awhile.If you would like to learn how I overcame the fear of public speaking, read the ebook, Rise Above: Conquering Adversities on Amazon Kindle. It’s also available online in paperback format.Rise AboveAll the best to you….

Easiest way to get over stage fright...?

The ONLY way to beat stage fright is to be on stage as often as possible. No amount of "psyching yourself" or internal dialogue or whatever can beat actually being up there in front of an audience as often as possible.

Being on stage need not be in a play or formal speech situation. Answering in class is being on stage. All eyes are on you, you need to deliver the correct answer (you don't but your mind says so) and you're scared to goof up. If you can still stand up and answer the teacher, that's another acting notch you rack up.

When you put yourself out there, open to ridicule (I've had audiences laugh and boo me off stage when I was in school) and still come back to the stage, something almost miraculous happens... you OWN the stage! The stage becomes an extension of your room. You're comfortable there, it's like you're talking to your friends at recess, doesn't feel like you're in front of hundreds or perhaps thousands of people.

What's more, you FEED off the energy of the audience (all actors play to the gallery and don't believe anyone who says different). You LOVE how they laugh at your jokes and sigh at your heart-breaks.

And then you wonder, "What's this stage fright thing anyway?"

Stick with it! You've made an important beginning by just joining drama class. Just get on stage, over and over again and before long, you'll be telling some random person on Yahoo Answers how to beat stage fright :)

How do I get over stage fright while acting?

You mentioned wanting to act.  Have you acted?  Auditioned?  Taken a class?  Really that's the only way to get over it.  To this day I am terrified the first time in a new show/audition.  I just prepare the best I can and do it.  The courage always comes after the action.  Not before.The practical advice I give to people who hate public speaking is simple.  Stop being inward do I look, how do I sound, will they hate me etc.  Instead focus on the message---for actors find the action that needs to be accomplished in the scene....if constructed properly your PARTNER is the person you absolutely need in order to get this goal achieved.  Again it is something that can be acted upon.  Put your focus on the other person and you'll barely notice yourself, if at all.  Most all fear of this sort is self centered.  Luckily in acting you focus outside yourself.As far as getting over it, there is no magical formula.  You just have to show up stand up speak your lines and focus completely on the most important person in the room--the person standing across from you.Hope this helps.