What Is Something You Really Believe That No One Seems To Understand

How can you possibly believe in something you don't understand?

You will never understand God's thoughts.

Our brains are too tiny. God is infinite.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord." (Isaiah 55:8)

But I do not have to understand everything God is thinking in order to believe in him. I do not have to fully understand the Trinity. My mind cannot grasp infinity. Or eternity. These concepts are beyond what my tiny mind can handle. But I can still believe.

In fact, the bible talks about a "child-like" faith.

I accepted Jesus Christ as a child. No, I did not understand the full depth of what that meant. But I did understand that I was a sinner, and that Jesus was knocking on the door of my heart, and asking to come in. And that he was going to cleanse me of my sins. And that is exactly what he did.

And he can do that for you too.


I feel like no one understands me, what can I do about this feeling?

OF COURSE no-one understands you; there is no way that anyone could, short of being you. That is a FACT, not some vague woolly feeling. MORE to the point you don’t understand anyone else and don’t give a FF about anyone else. Each one is entirely on his or her own- completely isolated; which is just fine, or you would experience my toothache and I yours, which would lead to madness.What really isolates you and me and EVERYONE else is that we all worship as a god (that which is more important to any given person at any given time)that monster hangover from babyhood that can conveniently be called Me, me, me, and that monster does not give a shit about anything or anyone but Me, me, me.In short: you don’t understand anyone else and they don’t and CANNOT understand you, because your end of the phone line is engaged with Me, me, me, and vice versa. No-one is going to pity you or me because we are too busy pitying ourselves, and they are too busy with themselves,FACE FACTS: you and I are not worth anyone bothering to understand us, for the simple reason that we are too busy worshipping Me, me, me.No-one wants to come to my pity party either.It’s not so hard to give up worshipping Me, me, me, because it’s a tiny little THING, and you and I are part of a gigantic, infinite, and eternal universe which is:really rather beautiful and fun, if we can just open to what IS, and cannot be different just for the wanting.I understand that you love ME, me,me, -so do I, but I have some information in which your Me,me is not interested, and of which it is terrified;IT is NOT a god, it’s just a rather nasty little baby.DON’T FEED IT.Feelings are just mechanical reactions and cannot accurately perceive anything, so dump them in the nearest lavatory, and above all don’t BELIEVE them; KNOW, and that takes an active MIND. to the devil with ‘feelings’.

I feel alone, like no one understands me?

In the developmental psychology of an adolescent the prefrontal cortex of the brain is not fully developed. This start to finish around the late 20's however this leads to feelings that you are exhibiting very frequently around the middle of puberty, it is an anomaly. The truth is that most teenagers feel the same way, it is not just a saying of a cultural or societal thing that "just is", it is actual chemical signals in your brain telling you that there is no logical way that someone could understand you.

Does no one seem to understand what unsustainable means?

Of the examples, only fossil fuels, assuming our present understanding of fossil fuels, is truly unsustainable. We will run out of fossil fuels in the foreseeable future.Our food production (and food consumption) for the present level of population is sustainable, particularly if we have increased energy availability. social Security is sustainable for all foreseeable future with minor changes to the FICA tax system.The real issues for most of your examples is establishing the appropriate system boundaries and understanding the dynamic behaviors inside these boundaries.The real issues I suggest is none of the issues you raised, but rather that population continues to grow at an exponential rate. Exponential growth is not sustainable in the long term ever, and at some point a major non-linearity is likely to apply, where a non-linearity typically will mean a major die off of humans.We can extend the horizons for all the limits you proposed to effectively human ability to plan by changing how we generate energy. Increase the energy generation capacity by perhaps 10X to 100X and most of the other limits can be relaxed. Efficient use of solar, fusion with breeder cycles, or fusion would all do the trick.

I really would like to beieve in god, i just cant seem to get it...I dont care about religion per say just God

You can believe in and have a relationship with God, without being religious. Faith encourages you to ask questions and to live outside the boundaries of religion. So take action, connect with God yourself and understand that your consciousness creates your reality.

Why don't I seem to understand myself?

Wow. You sound so much like me. Like everything you said except the sleeping thing. I know how you feel. I've question why I'm on Earth and I don't think I would be sad if I died somehow. I think it is hard to think and talk at the same time. My words get jumbled. I feel like I have tourettes or something. I also don't have many friends and I think I know them but they just don't get me. They don't even bother trying to get to know me. I just try not to dwell on the bad things. I try to keep my mind busy by doing stuff. I also believe in God and I find that stuff interesting. I don't take myself too seriously so I don't expect to know who I am or why I do things completely. I just wouldn't worry about it too much.