What Is The Best Drink For A Sore Throat

What is the best thing to drink eat with a sore throat?

Take advil for the sore throat. It will help you be able to eat normally. The stores also sell something called a neti pot that you can rinse your sinuses with or you can get an antihistamine to clear them out. The only downside to this is that it can make you jittery. (the antihistamine)

I always like something cold with my sore throat like a chocolate shake or something that goes down cold. A Popsicle will most likely warm up in your mouth as it melts and not relieve the pain as well as something that you drink cold. (slushie perhaps?)

What is the best drink to soothe a sore throat?

Even though people swear by hot tea, I can't stand the taste (it reminds me of being sick when I was a kid!). Whole Food sells honey straws -- letting them run down your throat seems to help for a while. I find that it also depends on the type of sore throat as to what soothes it better. Scratchy sore throats feel better with honey. When swallowing feels like there's a lump in the back of your throat, try warm fluids. If it's a post nasal drip that's irritating the back of your throat, lemon helps clear the salty mucus. Try heating the lemon with some water and honey and let it sit in the back of your throat for a moment before you swallow. When my throat is really painful, letting crushed ice sit at the back of my throat seems to temporarily deaden the pain.

These are all remedies to help your symptoms; however, if your sore throat lasts for more than a few days, and especially if it's accompanied by fever, pus on your tonsils or throat, swollen glands or a really red tongue, you should make an appt with your doctor (or Urgent Care Center) just to make sure that it's viral and not strep or tonsillitis.

Feel better!

Is it ok to drink beer with a sore throat?

No, it is not good to drink beer with a sore throat. Get to know more benefits of bee Click Here

What COLD drink can I have for sore throat?

Garling with salt water can keep it from getting 'so bad' that you would need too.
Its not like you are drinking it, it takes about 2 minutes to gargle with warm salt water.

Soda is never good for you.

Cold ice chips may feel good.

Can I drink alcohol if I have a sore throat?

Not recommended. Alcohol is acidic and will further irritate the sore throat (as will other acidic drinks like coffee and flavoured sodas). Instead, gargle with salt water. Salt water is an alkaline solution (i.e. opposite of acidic) and will help draw out any bacteria/infection in your throat and keep your mouth/throat clean. Brush your teeth and use the salt water solution when you wake up, after every meal, and before you go to bed. Also get lots of sleep

What's the best thing to drink for a sore throat?

I have a sore throat, the kind that feels like an itchy sore. It feels somewhat puffy in the back of my throat. I can't really explain. But, what's the best thing to drink for it?

Some people say to drink orange juice, but it'll only hurt my throat even worse in since it's a certain kind of pain.

Sore throat, drinking coffee?

Depends on why you have a sore throat, but usually no it won't make it worse. I would suggest tea with honey in it. Honey is very soothing for a sore throat. The warm coffee might feel good for the moment, but I STRONGLY suggest tea.