What Is The Best Way To Force Everybody In The World To Want World Peace

Why can't we achieve world peace?


Self Interest...

Irrational people....

Outdated social, moral an culture values.

Lack of acceptance... tolerance...

The world is dominated by national thought (people put their countries interests ahead of every other country) and not international thought (we are all created equally and have the right to be all treated fairly and equally).

To many people hear but dont listen....



Why is it so hard to achieve world peace?

Why don't all presidents just hold a meeting someday and sign a treaty to end all wars and conflicts and become friends. I mean it's not rocket science. Why do they have to make it so difficult?

What can we do to make this world more peaceful?

I think at the moment you would not want world peace. You get a boatload of troops & take over every country by force. How are you going to reconcile ideas of government as widely held as those of Burma/Myanmar, N. Korea, US & China & India. Australia & the NZs have flirted with trying to make vessels in their ports not have nukes -- feeling good about themselves for being for peace & against nukes while safely under the US protective umbrella. And they're democracies.Even such fairly close countries as the UK & the cobbled together EU have an inefficient democracy in the form of Parliament.While there are ways of obtaining world peace, they are very slow. Nuclear weapons have helped the cause of peace. Because totalitarian dictatorships like the USSR fell instead of invading western Europe, which was the logical thing for the Communist Party to do. And the fall of the USSR caused many dictatorships in the 3rd World to fall & China to opt for authoritarian capitalism instead of the laughably silly Communism that it had. Definitely a step in the right direction with a long way to go.How can you have peace if you cannot stand up to terrorists? How can you have peace if even in democracies you have intolerance on both the right AND the left? How can people have safety in the streets if you refuse to deal harshly with crims?For peace to occur, the populace must be educated, tolerant of other people's behavior, willing to stand as the Gang of Honest Men against those oppressors great & small who would limit & infringe on the rights of others, & unwilling to accept false moral equivalencies designed to obscure truth.

World peace needs a world government?

World peace does not require a world government. Peace can be attained through free trade and friendly relations in attaining a common goal. For example, France was invaded by Germany during each of the World Wars, but through free trade agreements that evolved to become the EU they were able to obtain peace. Another example, would be Japan and the U.S. the new nuclear deal with India that was precipitated by the investment and trade with U.S. corporations despite conflicts during the Cold war. All countries have the common goal of economic prosperity. The best way to achieve this is through free trade based upon the economic principle of comparative advantage. These free trade agreements may evolve into a world government over time just as the European Union has evolved. But peace through trade comes first.

Why can't God make our world a better place?

What you’re asking here is technically known as Theodicy; it is a topic of intense study by many learned men and women interested in philosophy and theology.Now, if you’re asking me, I would answer that God almost certainly does not exist. I don’t need to get into the many, MANY explanations for this already given, other than to state very simply that God cannot exist because his existence demands a greater explanation than that of how the universe came to be. In other words, who created God? An omnipotent, omnipresent being capable of creating the universe and answering prayers would have to be at LEAST as complex as that which he supposedly creates, and in all likelihood would be much more so. Therefore, the existence of a creator is all but impossible. If you ask a religious person this, they will most likely tell you something about how God is somehow “outside our reality” (whatever that means), or not able to be comprehended by humans. Of course, this is not an explanation but rather an admission of ignorance.To fully round out this answer however, I will also provide the general point of view of a theologist: there is evil in this world simply because humans have FREE WILL. We make our own decisions, and needless to say, many if not most of these are extremely poor - for us, our neighbors, and our planet. These decisions naturally cause complex sociological problems that can not easily be resolved. Much of the world actually IS at peace, as many first-world countries have evolved to the point of general tolerance of one another, although that is certainly not to say that future conflict is impossible.As for the wars, violence, hunger and other ills of society that currently exist, they are all caused by the same root problems - that is human greed, ignorance, lust for power, nationalism, etc. These all stem from free will, and no God could possibly intercede and fix these things without it being taken away. There is therefore always going to be some degree of evil in the world unless PEOPLE do something about it; not God.

Is world peace possible?

World peace is an impossible thing to gain for if it was, genuine communism would exist and capitalism would die.

Let's face it, man has never been content with himself nor is he altruistic. This what starts war in the first place, no matter what justification for the war they present to the people. And supposing that wars do stop, world peace is still impossible. Peace is a silence of envy and desire and not a silence of guns and bombs. It is not peace if you don't hear explosives that is just a ceasefire. It is not peace either if some people work for peace as there are still people whose hearts are tainted. You are speaking of world peace here and not a general consensus for peace, which we know can never be.

It's like this, "Is it possible to avoid gossip?"

Peace is a battle too. As it is not peace if you just let somebody be beaten up or hurt. That is simply inaction or timidity which is not peace in itself. Peace here would be asking the person to stop in a non-forceful way, with use of necessary force if words do not make their point.

Peace is a war to be fought inside us and not a silence to be kept among us.

What would world peace look like?

Like a tesseract. Something that exists in theory but we can’t create it in our 3D world.We tend to engage in a logical fallacy when we think about the betterment of mankind. We assume that there is a right way of doing things — perhaps we don’t know what it is — but if we did, we would “solve” the “problem.” Yet we accept that axiomatically: there is absolutely nothing logical to suggest that we can solve the problems besetting humanity. Conversely, there is a lot of evidence suggesting that we might not be able to solve them. We have had empires fall because of war, we have had them fall because of complacency. We’ve had extremism rise in times of affluence, we’ve had it rise in times of suffering. Too cozy? We become narcissists. Too much hardship? We become cruel. Too much balance? We become bored.Conflict seems to be the agent that keeps human society in equilibrium. We have the occasional peaceful spell, but somebody always gets too greedy, too nationalistic, too messianic, too much of any million other human impulses which fuck with the way shit runs. And then we need to run to the armory and shoot shit up to restore the old equilibrium or settle into a new one.Presently there are untold stresses on humanity. Some of which we know; others we don’t. There might be some shepherd somewhere in some forsaken corner of the world who is brewing up a prophecy that will appeal to people enough to overcome whatever comforts a perfect, peaceful and equal society can offer. But we don’t have to look that far: inequality, overpopulation, the pendulum of religiosity, nationalism, whatever the fuck Trumpism is, disease, famine — all of these have the potential to throw us into a war, the like of which we have never seen. Perhaps it won’t go that far, but war is here to stay.