What Is The Best Way To Silence A Witness

Silent Witness theme tune lyrics?

Hi there,

The song is called Silencium and is from Silencium Suite (1998; two sopranos, saxophone, orchestra) by John Harle.

The Lyrics provided are those for the Flower Duet from the Opera Lakmé, it is also popularly known in the UK as the BA theme song.

I think this might help...

Testator Silens
Costestes e spiritu
Angeli Silens
Costestes e spiritu
The first three lines are what you hear at the start of the tv programme Silent witness.

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Jehovah's Witnesses, do you observe the 2 minute silence?

Former Jehovah's Witness here. No, they do not observe the two minute silence. There is a mistaken view that to do so would be "to celebrate" war. This is not so. The two minute silence is a mark of respect for all those persons who give up their lives so that we might be able to enjoy freedom of speech, freedom of religion and other such freedoms that people take so much for granted.

To suggest it is "a celebration" of war is deeply offensive, highly insensitive. Perhaps they would have preferred it if everybody had just let Hitler over-run Europe and continue to murder millions of innocent people, just because he didn't like them or their religion.

It's not unlike the Jehovah's Witness view that to stand up for the Queen when the National Anthem is played is to "worship" the Queen or to give her "allegiance" when, in reality, it is nothing more than a mark of respect for our Sovereign (who reigns by the grace of God).

I wonder how many Jehovah's Witnesses in Europe would be enjoying freedom of speech and freedom of religion today if Hitler had not been stopped.

What is the best way to handle a Jehovah's Witness that starts preaching specifically to you while you're on public transport?

Whenever I get hit up by a JW, LDS, or some other flavor of evangelist, I welcome them, because it's fun. I tell the person I'm an Eastern Orthodox Christian, and that reliably elicits an expression of friendly confusion. Then I explain, “You know, like Russian Orthodox or Antiochian Orthodox…” So then, more friendliness and more confusion.“OK, so you know about the Protestant Reformation, right? People got aggravated about church corruption in Rome, so they split off and started the first Protestant sects… Calvin and Luther started the first Protestant churches, about 500 years ago.”Less confusion, some recognition, more friendly nodding…“So it turns out, there was a similar crisis about corruption in Rome, 500 years before that. From the beginning, Christianity was organized by nationality: Greek, Russian, Syrian, … The Roman church was just one of these, and it wasn't in charge of the others. But by 1054, Rome had started claiming to be in charge, so all the others said, “Bye!”, rather than go along with Rome's corruption and bossiness.”Surprise, no recognition, frank uncertainty, but withal, still cheerful.“So today, the other old parts of Christianity still worship as we did 1600 years ago. We’re called the Orthodox Church. I was baptized Russian Orthodox, but now my family & I attend at an Antiochian Orthodox church. You've read the Acts of the Apostles, right?”Relieved recognition again, and vigorous nodding.“So the book of Acts talks about Antioch a lot. Antioch was in Syria then, and it was the second Christian city, after Jerusalem. The Antiochians are Arab Christians, and they've been Christian for nearly 2000 years, continuously…”At this point, the JW reliably says, “Wow, I didn't know all that historical stuff.” Then he gives up, smiles, and wanders off.I call after him, “God bless you!” After that, they leave me alone.

What does “silence is not always good” mean?

Ever heard the words “silence is golden”?It means to be quiet is precious like money.But on the otherside of that, if you witness something terrible…staying quiet about the witnessed events is not always a good idea when it comes to winess a crime. A terrible thing that i will not spill out. Police come to you and ask what did you see? You stay quiet and do not tell the police the scene you witnessed. The result can be that the violator gets away and able to do it again….or…the evidence leads the police to charge an innocent man. In both stories, your witnessed information could have helped with proper justice. Instead you stayed quiet. Not telling the information that you witnessed can be seen as you assisting the bad guy. You are now an accomplice to that crime, because you allowed it to happen.

What are some ways a person might be a witness against himself in a criminal case.?

Self-incrimination can occur either directly or indirectly: directly, by means of interrogation where information of a self-incriminatory nature is disclosed; indirectly, when information of a self-incriminatory nature is disclosed voluntarily without pressure from another person.

Legal definitions of self-incrimination:

Barron's Law Dictionary (USA):
SELF-INCRIMINATION, PRIVILEGE AGAINST the constitutional right of a person to refuse to answer questions or otherwise give testimony against himself or herself which will subject him or her to an incrimination. This right under the Fifth Amendment (often called simply PLEADING THE FIFTH) is now applicable to the states through the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, 378 U.S. 1,8, and is applicable in any situation, civil or criminal where the state attempts to compel incriminating testimony. (There are many caveats following this section.)

Do Jehovah's Witness's say "God Bless you" to someone who sneezes? How about "Gesundheit"?

I am already aware of the origins - thanks. But I am not familiar w/ thisparticular religion. I have a new person in my office who doesn't 'bless me' when I sneeze & I know she is J.W. Should I in turn, stop saying it to her when she sneezes?

Did you Jehovah's Witnesses know about the Gag orders that the Watchtower Boys put on victims?

Your story or claims have empty spaces. First I don't believe that children have to sign "gag orders" because of them being "under-age", that don't qualify to stick. Under-age are not held accountable to hold such agreements. Now you will want to say that the parents must sign along with the child. That will sound incredulous to me because IF the parents have to sign a "gag order" along with the child; that is a "red flag" (danger) waving high that there is solid facts that its "true". Another solid fact that there's a cover-up that IS unlawful. No. No parent would betray their child like that, and cause hurtful damage on their child's life. I made this post in another answer similar to this question: "Why does the parents need to go to the Elder's for permission to report such abuse?" Can you answer this? The other asker chose not to answer me. Why?

To Creg, ".......disappeared, never to be seen again. Just think about all their silent voices." That is horrific and we should not go down that route. Leave that discriptions in the news, not here.

Unsilenced Lamb, what I am asking is "Why must the parents (adult) go to the Elder's to "get" permission to report child sexual abuse to authorities? Also on another answer I stated that the first thing that the parents should do is to bring their child to the doctor or hospital immediately. This is the second question I came across on pedophile in this church and both question and answer's from members of this church have NOT mentioned "Medical Attention" for the child. A medical exam will disclose the true nature of what happened to the child who was abused. Do you agree?

PFSHJ, with that kind of report, I am thinking I should stay the way I am. Not baptized, not to be called a Christian and that way I will be safe and free of the sin of "hypocrisy" and "defiled blasphermer of the faith". A believer that holds faith in the one and only true God YHWH, and His begotten son Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

JR, I have a question for you. The law you are talking about concerning child sexual abuse; did it change recently or was this law always enforced? The asker is saying when she was a child that law was not enforced. Clarify this mix-up that we can understand this situation.

Are Jehovahs Witnesses allowed to say "bless you' when someone sneezes?

Dear Shawn,

Isn't that just one of the sadest things you've ever heard? Maybe you, Suzanne and I could start a movement to say "God bless you" when we hand over our money at the grocery store, the restaurant, the gas station, etc., etc., etc. I just like saying "God bless you!" and there is nothing pagan about it.

I've only been to a KH once about 50 years ago for a wedding and I don't remember if there were any sneezes. But I've been around my mom and when someone sneezed the silence seemed more silent than a graveyard.

This summer I will be going to a family reunion so I will be with my mom, children and grandchildren. I'm curious how my mom will react when my 3 year old grandson says "God bless you" to any sneezers around him.

I've been thinking about your q all day and what a JOY-less world it would be without blessing others and receiving their blessings as well.

When my 6-month old twin grandchildren sneeze they giggle and curl up into little balls. It is so funny to watch their delight over something as simple as a sneeze and I can't resist sharing their delight by asking their heavenly Father to bless them.

God bless you for His glory,
JOYfilled - but missing Schneb